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"I was leaving for the day," Tyler slowly stepping from behind Josh, silently thanking Hayley for taking his spot so Olivia was protected, "I always take Olivia with me since she is my student and my partner's daughter," Tyler explained, holding tightly to Josh's arm, a little finger slipping into his belt loop as well. He wanted to go home.

"We had walked out and Brendon, I didn't know his name until Josh said something so he is practically a stranger to me, stopped me. I thought he wanted to ask a school question, but he knew my name. Knew Olivia's and that I was Josh's partner," Tyler continued, Josh grabbing his trembling fingers and bringing them up to his lips to kiss reassuringly. Tyler noticed his bloody knuckles, but said nothing currently about them. He didn't want to scare Olivia anymore than she already was.

"And what is his relationship to you?" The officer prodded.

"None to Tyler," Josh decided to take the reigns for this question, "Brendon is married to my ex-girlfriend Sarah who is Olivia's mother. I hadn't spoken to him in years until Olivia fractured her ankle and I saw him at the hospital where he works. I mentioned having a partner and wanting him to stay away from my partner and daughter," Josh explained, the officer raising his eyebrows and opening his mouth to ask another question, but Josh quickly cut him off.

"Sarah and Brendon have no visitation rights to Olivia as her mother is a junkie and both were abusive towards my daughter," Josh clarified, sneering when Brendon struggled in the officer's grip at the insult thrown at Sarah. It was fine to attack his boyfriend, but heaven forbid someone say the truth about Sarah.

"Thank you for clarifying, now Tyler, what else occurred after he approached you?" The officer turned back to Tyler for answers, the brunet curled into his boyfriend's side.

"He asked me... who I thought I was trying to replace Olivia's mo-mother," Tyler stuttered out, Josh stiffening at Tyler's side.

"Hayley." Josh hissed at his best friend, the blonde understanding and lifting the toddler into her arms, the toddler having minimum complaints considering how tired she was. Hayley took Olivia to Josh's car, closing the door so she would not hear whatever was about to transpire. Once his daughter was out of ear shot, Josh made his way towards Brendon, practically spitting in anger.

"You son of a bitch," Josh growled, Tyler stepping in front of him, being the only thing stopping Josh from committing murder. Tyler backed Josh up a bit, standing in front of him. He tried to remain calm and brave, but nothing could mask the trembling of his hands or the stammering of his words. Josh wrapped his arms around his boyfriend tightly, ensuring that he knew he was not alone. Josh would always be at his side.

"Keep yourself under control son," the officer told Josh, who merely nodded and exhaled sharply through his nose, "now what was that about?" Tyler focused on Josh's hold on him before breathing out calmly.

"I am transgender, I was born a female, but I identify as a male," Tyler explained, relaxing into Josh's hold. The older man was stroking his lower belly and it felt amazing. The officer nodded in understanding, motioning for Tyler to continue.

"I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and made me drop Olivia. I picked her back up, but he would not let me go. He asked me if Josh knew I was really a female and said that Josh would be disappointed because I couldn't give penetrative sex to him," Tyler kept his teacher voice about him, trying to keep this as professional as possible. Besides, his kid was over Josh's car and he wanted to hold her close and forget this all happened.

"That's not true," Josh whispered so only Tyler could hear. The teacher turned his head to press his lips to Josh's jaw, noting that Josh was happy with his body just how he was.

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