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Despite his hesitance on the ice, Josh was the first to begin making his way to Olivia. Tyler, being the stronger skater, sped after him, tugging Josh along so he could reach Olivia faster without hurting himself as well. The children parted for the two men, Josh sliding down to his knees to cradle his crying daughter. Tyler stood by the side, not sure what to do with himself. Olivia may call him papa and treat him like one, but he was still just her teacher and Josh's boyfriend. She would want Josh more than him in this situation.

"Should I call an ambulance?" One mother asked Tyler worriedly, holding her own children close to her stomach in a protective manner. Tyler shook his head, neither of them could afford that and it wasn't necessary.

"Thank you though, I am sorry for the scare," he glanced down at her son who was trembling, clutching his mother. The woman waved him off, giving Tyler a shy smile before pulling her son and his friends away to give the men privacy. Tyler turned back to his boyfriend and carefully helped him up. Josh wobbled on his skates and Tyler steadied him and Olivia, who was in Josh's arms, carefully.

"Can you skate honey?" Tyler asked softly, knowing it was probably best to get to the hospital soon so they could take care of her leg. Josh shook his head, clutching his daughter closer to him. Tyler nodded, thinking of the best way to do this.

"Honey, can I please take Olivia?" Josh let out a small whimper, cradling his daughter. Olivia was still crying into Josh's chest.

"Just for a quick minute baby, I promise. I can't pull you both," Tyler pleaded with Josh, reaching up to stroke his face. Josh's face was wet with tears as well, so Tyler had to be the calm one right now. After a minute of deliberation, and a cry of pain from Olivia, Josh nodded reluctantly and gently shifted Olivia into Tyler's arms.

Tyler pressed a kiss to Josh's cheek and quickly made to the side of the rink. He settled Olivia on the bench and put the protective covers on her blades. It would not be wise to take her foot out of the skate without knowing the exact damage done.

"You are gonna have to keep them on a bit longer, buttercup," Tyler explained, kissing her head and turning to go get Josh when she latched onto his arm, pulling him back.

"Love, I am just gonna get daddy!" He tried to explain, her sobbing beginning once more, but not from her leg. At least Tyler did not think it was when she sobbed "Don't leave me like mommy did," into his thigh. Tyler knelt quickly and tilted her head up to look at him.

"I will, never ever leave you if it within my power Olivia. But I have to get Daddy off the ice so we can go to the hospital, I promise I will be right back," Tyler explained, watching her lip tremble and fat tears roll down her face. He didn't want to leave her, but he didn't want Josh to hurt himself trying to get back. Not receiving an answer from her, Tyler stood up in time to see Josh fall on the ice. Fearing the worst, Tyler quickly hobbled to the ice and sped off to his boyfriend.

"Joshua!" Tyler cried out, almost running over the pink haired man since he forgot to break. He quickly helped his boyfriend to his feet, dusting the ice from his backside and missing the wince that Josh let out when he tugged his wrist and quickly let him over to side where Olivia was.

"Papa!" Olivia sobbed, reaching out for Tyler. The man helped Josh over the bench, the pink haired man lifted his daughter and carefully cradling her once more. Olivia continued crying, watching as Tyler undid his own skates and then Josh's skates, helping the older man into his shoes before putting on his own. Tyler quickly gather their belongings and led them to the car. Josh climbed in the back with Olivia, wrapping his coat around her and whispering reassurances to her. Tyler kept his eyes focused on the road, not sure what he could really do in this situation.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Tyler's heart clenched watching Josh carry Olivia back into the actual emergency room, Olivia screaming "Papa!" while reaching towards him. He wasn't family and so he wasn't allowed back in the actual emergency room. He would have to wait in the waiting room. He didn't mind, but Olivia and Josh sure as hell did.

Olivia had burst into tears when Tyler tried to tell her that he couldn't come back in with her and Josh had argued with the woman at the desk, claiming Tyler was his partner and a bunch of other things, but the nurses were not having any of it. He ended up having to pull Josh back into the children's waiting room and promise him that it was fine. He would get to see Olivia before too long and it would be fine.

Once they were taken back, Tyler settled himself in the chair, letting his eyes close to rest. He had no clue how long this would take, hopefully since Olivia was young, they would see to her quickly. Tyler rest his head back against the wall. He didn't think he would be spending his twenty-eighth birthday tucked in a corner of the children's waiting room at the hospital.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 927

i hope you like this one guys! remember this is technically one big chapter, but i split it apart so that is why it seems like it takes forever in the hospital!

if you guys have any chapter ideas, let me know!

oh! i may be posting a new joshler oneshot in my oneshot book so be on the look out for that sweethearts!

have a good day guys!

until next,

stay alive sunshines <3

- courtney xox

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