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"And how are you today, Ms. Olivia?" Dr. Weekes smiled brightly entering the room. Josh nodded his head at the doctor, Olivia situated in his lap. Today was the day, she got her cast off. She was supposed to be happy and bouncy like she usually was since she was finally getting the stupid cast off, but she was pouting and upset all morning.

She had found out that Tyler wasn't going to be coming to the doctor with them and had a fit. A full on temper tantrum that Josh hasn't seen in months and Tyler has rarely been exposed to. It was almost enough for the brunet to call out of work, but Josh had been firm with him and Olivia. She couldn't get everything she wanted and Tyler couldn't just call out of work every time she was sick or hurt and wanted him.

It usually wasn't a problem since Josh worked from home and rarely took his business elsewhere. It was not needed for him to do so since Hayley could easily test their hair dye in his bathroom and the mixing of the dye happened at her studio. It was never a problem of dragging Olivia with him.

She had Ty now however and lingering abandonment from her mother made her want to always be around the teacher like he would never come back to her at the end of the day. Tyler always came back however and would cuddle the toddler for as long as she needed to know that she was wanted and safe. Josh had promised her multiple times that Tyler would be there when they got home, but she was fussy with him regardless.

It was Hayley that got her to stop screaming and sobbing long enough to sit through the waiting room. He had facetimed her in the car and Olivia was forced to listen to Hayley go on and on about the new dye she was creating and what color they should dye Josh's hair next. She had forgotten about Tyler all through the waiting room and hadn't asked for him until they got into the back. Now she was squirming in his arms, wanting to be released. She was angry with Josh for 'sending papa away'.

"Olivia," Josh warned, poking her side when she refused to answer Dr. Weekes. The doctor just smiled sympathetically and took a survey of the room. He gave Josh a questioning look, able to put together that Olivia was not too happy with Tyler's absence.

"He had to work and Olivia isn't too happy about that," Josh answered the nonverbal question, rubbing Olivia's side comforting when she burrowed closer to him and away from Dr. Weekes.

"We'll I'm sure your, papa was it?, is at home waiting for you," Dallon smiled gently, coming closer to the bed so he could press around the cast's edges. Olivia nodded at the question, not removing her head from Josh's chest. The older man took a quick look at his watch, sighing inwardly. Tyler still had class for another forty minutes and by then Olivia would be getting her cast off. It wouldn't help to call him to reassure her.

"I can get you home sooner if you answer my questions honestly, Ms. Olivia. How does that sound?" Dr. Weekes continued his prodding, moving towards her ankle. He couldn't get a feel really through the hard plaster, but he took note of the fact she wasn't flinching in pain from his touch.

"Hear that O? We can surprise papa when he gets home," Josh attempted to prod, watching as she perked up at the mention of surprising Tyler. Some parents would feel hurt that their child liked their partner more than them, but Josh was glad that she loved Tyler just as much as him. He was worried before they met that the two wouldn't get along. Josh would have picked Olivia's side obviously, but he loved Tyler and no one had really connected with him like Tyler did.

"Surprise him?" Olivia questioned, lifting her head to look at Josh. He smiled at her gently, running his fingers through her long hair. She would need it cut soon, if Hayley didn't cut his debit card in half first that was.

"Of course, surprise him!" Dr. Weekes cut in, his infectious smile still on his lips. Josh could understand why he was a children's doctor. "You can wait for him and when he gets home run outside and give him a big ol' kiss," Dr. Weekes grinned, watching as realization crossed their faces.

"She is ready?" Josh asked excitedly, he could finally play with his rose bud again. He was getting tired of Barbies if he was honest.

"I'd say she is, though take it easy for a couple days to get use to not having the cast," Dr. Weekes addressed both of them, making sure Olivia understood that she couldn't go right into running and cartwheels.

"Still run to papa?" Olivia asked tentatively, finally talking to the doctor and looking at him. Dr. Weekes smile was fond as he nodded in confirmation.

"But only to him at first, okay? Take it slow at recess and play time," Dr. Weekes instructed, proceeding his checklist before asking them to follow them.

Forty minutes later, the two got to leave, Olivia's cast in hand to show Tyler later. Josh carried the tired girl to the car, knowing that once she wasn't held down by her tiredness, there would be no stopping her.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"Where's papa?" Olivia demanded from her perch on the window seat. She had been sitting there for the last hour waiting for Tyler to come home. Honestly Josh was a bit worried too, but he always well aware that Tyler liked to bring home dinner and sometimes stay after to talk with Gemma. Their friendship was still a bit rocky, but they were working on it.

"He should be home soon flower," Josh answered, eyes focused on his computer. Hayley had sent him important e-mails after the appointment (knowing he'd get distracted and forget about the appointment if she sent them before). He had slowly been working through them as they waited for Tyler.

"Papa!" Olivia suddenly screeched, causing Josh to jump and almost drop his laptop. She raced to the door and ran out of it. Josh was hot on her heels, calling her name in anger. She wasn't supposed to open the door without them, no matter what. Josh watched as she ran up the driveway and was scooped up by Tyler.

"And what do you think you are doing little girl? You are going to freeze to death!" Tyler's voice could be heard across the yard as he made his way over quickly to the house. He was wearing a light coat, the weather had gotten better since last week, but it was still winter and cold out. When they reached the porch, Josh could hear Olivia telling him excitedly about getting her cast off. She paid no mind to the cold or Tyler's hands rubbing her exposed arms and legs where her dress had ridden up when he lifted her.

"Olivia Rose Dun! You do not open the door without daddy and papa there," Josh scolded, keeping his anger in check so he did not scare her. He never raised his voice at her and rarely showed anger in fear she would connect him with Sarah if he ever did.

"But papa," Olivia pouted, looking at Tyler to back her up, but the teacher was taking Josh's side on this battle.

"He is right peach, especially not wearing socks or a coat at that, you could get sick! And then you'll miss class," he said, knowing she loved school. If not for the fact that Tyler was her teacher, then for the fact she loved everything about learning.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, pressing herself into Tyler's chest. The brunet smiled gently, rubbing her back and whispering reassurances to her. He got her in the house, pulling Josh after him. Just as quickly as she was scolded, she was smiling once more, pointing at her leg and rambling on and on. Tyler grinned, nodding along to her story. He only looked away from her when Josh pressed a quick kiss to his temple, returning the favor before carrying the girl into the kitchen to make dinner.

All reminders of that scary trip to the hospital aside now with Olivia's cast gone.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

back to your regularly scheduled fluff!

i am honestly not feeling too great right now (i haven't eaten all day and its like 6pm) and wattpad is fighting with me so i'm just going to post this now because I won't feel like it later...

for wattpad: that was for AO3! but i finally got it to work!

i hope you guys enjoy this, keep the comments coming!

until next time,

stay alive sunshines!

Ø 00001111 Ø quinze Ø

secret keepers | joshler.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin