Chapter 120

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(M/N) = mother's name

Law's POV

"That one looks like a bear!" (Y/N) cheered, pointing at some area of the sky and leaning her side against mine to get closer to the window.

We were in the car with her parents, homeward bound. So many things had happened during the past days, and I felt as if our time with her family had yet to start. It passed so fast... Time always passed too fast.

Before leaving, I got a hug from (Y/N)'s grandmother and Daniel-ya, and also a peck on the cheek from Jorge-ya. I tried to pet Luna for one last time, but I guess we still didn't get along, and she didn't let me. And Sneaky-ya got in the car with me and (Y/N)'s grandparents had to hold her back. We heard her meowing in protest as the car drove away, (M/N) said she was calling me. I hoped I could see her again, and I wondered if she would remember me. (Y/N) was sure she would.

Leaving that house had been harder than I expected.

My eyes scanned the sky covered with clouds in search of the specific one that looked like a bear, but just like the previous times, I couldn't find it. "Where?"

"There! The left side of that big one there. Next to the cloud that looked like a piglet," she explained, tapping the window with her finger.

I tried to follow her directions and smirked gently when I finally could see what she saw. "Oh, there it is. You're right. And the one on top is a mustache."

"It's true!"

I gazed at her beautiful face, her clear orbs moving as they looked for another figure between the clouds, and the smile I loved permanent on her rosy lips. I wished she could feel how happy she made me. I wondered if she did, and if she felt as happy because of me as I did because of her. I knew I made her happy, but the things she made me feel were so ridiculously strong it didn't seem possible for her or anyone at all to experience them with the intensity I did. She seemed happier now she had reconnected with her family, though. I was glad.

At that moment, I felt someone's eyes on me, but at the same time I noticed (Y/N)'s pout protesting because I was staring too much again, so I kissed her forehead before raising my eyes.

When I did, I caught her mother looking at us through the side mirror. She noticed and offered a smile before looking away.

(Y/N) pointed at another cloud, and I let her take up my full attention again.

It was strange.

Being back at home was strange. Not having a dog controlling my every move and a cat following me everywhere was strange. Not hearing kids yelling, laughing and calling me was strange.

Here, nobody would feed me up with bread, nobody would pester me to get me to help them with math, nobody would call me Lolo, or glare at my inappropriate puns and insinuations.

It was so strange.


I lifted my gaze from the floor to look at (Y/N), who had sat on the edge of our mattress, next to me.

"Are you okay?" she softly asked, placing a hand on my shoulder and watching my face.

We just arrived home, but it seems when I sat to remove my shoes, my thoughts trapped my mind.

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