At least I had over a thousand dollars saved now within four to six months. I liked the way I could save and think about what I could do with this in the future. Maybe it was good that we didn't go to California- but I did wish I pulled my head out of my ass and went with her. I was extremely bored without her holding me and from what I knew she was extremely stressed out. I just wanted to give her a nice massage and lay in her arms.

It wasn't like we didn't talk because we did, all the time, sometimes even at work. We'd both just leave our phones somewhere as we just did our own thing. Maybe it was a subconscious thing but it made us both less anxious since we didn't like being away from each other for too long. I didn't think anyone could actually really understand the weird atmosphere of having your lover not around. Until they actually experienced it. I didn't care if she was a town away, a thousand miles away, or around the world, I was a baby without her.

I eventually had to risk my job since I was taking that trip up to Seattle for Y/NN. Ashlee didn't necessarily care she had just left since she was already making extra on the side from performing with her guitar. Joe was gonna be short staffed again and as much as I didn't want him to stress with his business I had to leave. It was my own life and he also had to understand that I wasn't going to work here forever. He needed to hire more people to help us all out.

So I was packing up my bags despite the immense pain in my feet and calfs. She was driving down here and it was a three hour drive. She was most likely going to take a long break before driving again because riding was one thing but driving was stressful. Especially on a busy interstate where everyone drove like complete idiots. It was a long few weeks and I was happy I didn't have to drink my summer away.

Shawn had quietly watched me pack up and I could visibly see how our straining friendship was affecting him. But all he needed to do was actually feel remorse of what he did and man up and apologize. Only if he actually felt that way. If he didn't and he really didn't care and only cared about me then he wasn't the type of friend I wanted in my life.

When I finally stopped packing for the remainder of the summer I collapsed onto my bed. I almost instantly fell asleep with a newfound deep excitement due to her coming back. A deep slumber from all the work I had been doing and it was gonna pay off. Finally.


Mid sleep I was such in a deep slumber that I had heard the door being knocked at. I heard Shawn open it and I heard keys but I wasn't registering anything. I was literally almost dead and as I heard Shawn cleared his throat I started to feel even more tired. I felt myself drift off again but even deeper somehow and I heard a small laugh.

"Uh she's been sleep for like four hours now." Shawn informed and the keys were put onto my desk.

"It's alright, I'll let her sleep, thanks." I heard her voice and I wanted so badly to jump up but my body was literally fighting me.

"Uhm.." He spoke up again and I could see another dream start to come up.

"I just wanted to say...- look I know I'm late as hell and I should've apologized when I first saw you. Especially when you were the girl Mila had been talking so much about. You should've never been the one to really tell her I should've been. I'm... I'm sorry. I really am and I know my lateness probably proves nothing but I am." He apologized to my girlfriend and I heard an eery silence.

"You just... I had a bad side come out of me. You knew I had feelings for your girlfriend and when that day happened up in the forest I took everything back. I didn't care what happened to you and I apologize because I let that happen. Twice. Jealousy clouded my judgement this time around and you don't deserve what happened to you last summer."

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