Tell Me This is Just a Dream

Start from the beginning

"See you tomorrow?" Derek asks, the pair having made plans to spend most of the day together. Stiles nods and smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. He quickly goes back inside, and Derek makes his way back to his car.

He is smiling to himself because he can still taste chocolate and popcorn.

And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine

"Hey, Scott, it's Derek. Again. I just wanted to talk to you, so if you can call me back that would be great. Bye." Derek says in to his phone. He has had to buy a new phone after breaking the other in frustration. He knows that Scott doesn't have to talk to him, but he thought that they were still friends even after the breakup between he and Stiles. This the third time he has called Scott today, and he tries to tell himself not to call again. Derek begins pacing his loft, and he is positive that there's a rut where his is just walking in the same spot over and over again.

Scott calls him the next day and asks to meet with him, and Derek says yes as quickly as he can. He needs to see Scott because Scott has some sense of normalcy to him. Derek thought he was a constant in his life, but he thought the same about Stiles too. He meets Scott in a diner sometime after dinner, and he is almost grateful to see him.

"Derek." Scott says, as a way of greeting him and Derek just sits in front of him in the booth. Scott already has food in front of him, and Derek asks the waitress to bring him coffee. The pair sit in silence, its only slightly awkward, until Scott decides to speak. "How are you?" He asks, and Derek just wants to laugh.

"Good." He lies, and he knows Scott can tell but thankfully Scott doesn't call him on it. He just nods at Derek, and takes a bite of his burger. "How are you?" Derek asks to be polite, and Scott face lights up. He tells Derek about college and how hard being in the vet tech program is. He goes on about his roommate, new love interest, and job. Derek just nods and adds input when needed.

They are at the dinner about an hour before Derek asks what he really wants to know about. "How is he?" Derek whispers, but Scott hears him. Scott frowns, and is suddenly really interested in his now empty dessert plate. Derek briefly thinks that Scott isn't going to answer.

"He's fine." Scott says, and he isn't lying but Derek knows there is something else. He is honestly glad that Stiles is fine, but it still isn't what he really wants to hear.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving

"You're going leave. Just like that. I bet you weren't even going to tell me goodbye." Derek accuses, he knows he sounds childish but he cannot help it. He came home to the loft to see that all of Stiles' things were gone from the loft. He quickly drove from his apartment to the Stilinski's where he sees boxes upon boxes on the porch. Stiles looks like a deer caught in the headlights, and his mouth falls open when he sees Derek.

"You weren't supposed to find out like this." Stiles says, pitifully and Derek snaps. He laughs bitterly and throws his hands up. He honestly feels like he should have seen this coming because Stiles has been differently lately. Derek thinks it began a few weeks ago, but he cannot be sure.

"Why did pack all of your things?" Derek asks, quietly. He is hoping that maybe Stiles feels that they just need a little space, and he just needs to get away from the loft. Stiles bites his bottom lip, and tapes up a box.

"I'm leaving." Stiles says, so quietly that even with his super hearing Derek still has to strain to hear him. He feels his heart stop, and he takes a deep breath of air. He feels his world crashing down, which is to be expected because he truly felt that Stiles is his world. He cannot breath suddenly but he forces himself to speak.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now