When the reach the bottom Cybil raises a single hand and the room instantly falls silent.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, people of the Castle! Natham and I cannot thank you enough for attending this event tonight. We want you all to know that we are so grateful to have you here with us, celebrating my homecoming and our love."

To my surprise, Natham begins speaking as well. "Cybil and I have been in love for quite some time now, but we didn't want to upset the balance of the Castle by marrying with haste. Somehow, we've been blessed with such wonderful subjects. You've all welcomed me with open arms and treated me like one of your own. And it is because of such hospitality that soon I will be one of you." The screams were back again, only this time even louder. I didn't know it was possible to cheer this loud, but leave it to the blind sheep of the Castle.

"So the two of us would like to propose a toast!" As Cybil calls out, a servant moves up next to her holding a tray with two glasses of what looks to be red wine, but to believe such a thing would be foolish. And suddenly servants are approaching all of us as well, offering everyone glasses. When we all have been adequately served she speaks again. "To the lovely people of the Castle! To the vampires who rule, and to the humans who serve us! May we all drink the blood that gives us life! To love, to marriage, and to eternity!" And then they drink. I'm a little startled at first to see Natham drink blood so willingly but I don't hesitate for too long as my own cup is tempting me with it's wafting scent.

When the toast is complete, the couple kiss and the crowd cheers before dispersing so that the dancing may begin. I quickly make my way over to Cybil and hug her tightly. "You were a vision up there, truly stunning. And Natham, you seem like an incredible man, I'm thankful that my sister has found someone like you." I still don't trust either of them, but I can't deny that they are a beautiful couple with some incredible chemistry.

"Thank you Matrix, it's been an honor to meet you. Will you be staying long enough for the wedding?" Natham questions with a smile and I can see that his mood has improved. He was jealous and cautious of me before, but now he's over it, caught up in the love he feels for my sister I suppose. I cannot read thoughts, only auras.

"I'm really not sure, I came back home to check on Cybil, I'd heard rumors you know," I flash her a look and she smiles sheepishly. "But I see that you've been taking very good care of her. I can't promise a specific duration, I really can't. But I'll stay for as long as I am capable."

"Still a nomad huh brother?" Cybil teases and I can't help but smile.

"I'm afraid so dear sister. Well, I won't keep the two of you. I know how many guests you must greet and such, enjoy your evening," I bid them goodbye and we go our separate ways.

I make my rounds, greet some old friends, do some dancing and such, until finally the party has come to an end. It is late, and I am incredibly tired. I desire nothing more than to go home to my daughter and my friend, but I cannot see either of them yet. First, I must meet up with my Father.

When I arrive at the garden he is sitting on one of the nearby benches, looking destitute.

"Father?" I call out and he turns to me. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm, oh yes, please Matrix, sit down." He gestures to the space beside him and I make my way over, sitting comfortably next to him. "I'm terribly sorry for dragging you out here, and even more sorry for my purpose in doing so." I dare not speak, fear entering my very core. "Once, when you were a boy, you denied not only your birthright, but your duty as well." This is a lecture I never expected to hear from my Father, he has always been so supportive. "I let it slide because I loved you, but you had a responsibility Matrix, and you shirked it.

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