"Okay." She suddenly adjusted herself in her seat until she was facing me.

She finished chewing and set her plate on top of the dashboard and grabbed my face. I giggled softly as she stared me in my eyes while her lips looked more kissable due to the juice from her food.

"You and I... I'm gonna take you on so many dates when I come back." She randomly spoke out and I chuckled through my confused frown.

"Like three dates a week." She threw up her hands before she fixed her hat.

"No- a date everyday, I'll figure something out." She shrugged before reaching for her food again.

I lovingly gazed at her and sighed as if I was in a dream, "I'm so happy you're mine." I whispered and she looked at me again with the cutest smile.

"Me too." She quipped and I giggled deeply.

She took another mouthful of her food before she put her truck in gear. She pulled off with a hum of the song that suddenly came on and I stabbed my fries with a fork. All the while we drove back towards her dormitory building, I looked at the bag by my feet; we had went to Powell's bookstore. We had spent most of our time there today, looking around the humongous bookstore. One of the bests I've seen. I eventually had gotten a couple for my collection that I was starting to build up.

Bukowski's Love Is a Dog from Hell along with Women and Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey. Feeling all the intensity of the love I was experiencing now was gonna intensify ten fold during my reading. It's gonna suck when she's not gonna be here to fulfill my hopeless romantic needs. Again, I already missed her.

When she parked in her normal spot she turned to me with another smile. She grabbed her food happily and took another mouthful of her food. We sat peacefully until we finished our food and we piled out of the truck till we were up in her apartment. I said my quiet hello's to her roommates as she held my hand- leading me to her room. I cleared my throat as the door shut and I took a look around her room.

Her clothes were no longer in her closet and her blankets were neatly tucked into her bed. Her entire room was clean and I knew it was because she was leaving tomorrow morning. I bit my lip feeling my anxiety peek up again and she tugged my hand after she tossed her keys against her desk. My head was tucked underneath her chin and she rubbed my back.

"Just come with me." She whispered and I shook my head, maybe I was a little stubborn.

"We gots to deals with da distance sometime." I awkwardly said as I poked her back and closed my eyes.

Why? Why.. the fuck do you have to be weird?

"Doesn't have to be today." She leaned back to look at me and her eyes captivated my soul.

"I want you to come with me, Bello." She looked at me with the most sincere look and it tugged at my heartstrings.

I then started to break, "O-Okay." I looked away and her eyes brightened as her body just perked up.

"In a month." I settled and her shoulders slumped.

"But babe." She groaned and it was legit the most precious thing in the world.

"What?? I cut it in half, I'll see you in about three weeks." I crossed my arms and she clenched her hands before rolling her eyes.

"Fine." She mumbled looking away and she sat down on her bed.

I rolled my own eyes at her pouting and sat next to her as she slumped in her own seat. I leaned over to squeeze her cheeks with my one hand and turned her head to me. I softly giggled at her squished lips and leaned in to kiss them.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now