Chapter 30

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Mel's Pov: I run up to Cael's room and I hear him follow me. I turn around and Cael tackles me. I feel my back hit the ground. Cael and I laugh and cael was hovering over me. Cael starts to tickle me. Stop I say laughing and start to move everywhere. I laugh and I hear Cael laughing as well. He stops and I flip us over. He starts to tickle me again and barry my head in his chest. I grab his hands. 

He laughs and says slick. I smile and say yeah. Cael leans in and presses his lips against mine. I kiss him back and feel the butterfly's come back. I smile and he pulls away. I open my eyes and look at him. He smiles and there was a knock on the door. Come in says Cael. Tony and Jancie come in and say this friday will work. Thank you Cael says. Thank you I say. Your welcome says Tony. 

Are they spending the night or what says Jancie. That was up to you guys says Cael. I don't see why not we have the room says Tony. So yes says Cael. Yeah says Tony and Jancie at the same time. You two will have a grocery list thusday says Jancie. Okay says Cael. I would say tomorrow but I have a feeling all the food would be gone says Jancie. Probably a good idea, I would eat it all and get fat says Cael. 

We all laugh and Tony says were going to bed well see you guys in the morning. Okay says Cael. Night says Jancie. Night Cael and I say at the same time. They close the door and Cael says sweet. Yeah I say as I yawn. Tired says Cael. A little I say. Let's change and we'll pick out a movie and watch it untel we fall asleep says Cael. Okay I say. I get up and grab my backpack. I see the clothes I packed but not my pj's. 

I was in a hurry I guess I think to myself. What's wrong says Cael. I don't have pj's I say. Do you want sweats says Cael. Yes please I say.  Cael throws black sweats at me. Cael opens his closet and says you pick the shirt. Okay I say. Cael grabs his stuff and closes the door. I lock it and change into Cael's sweats and I see a green shirt. I change and think they are comfortable. I unlock the door and open it. 

Cael walks in and says damn you look cute in my clothes. I smile and look at Cael. He smiles and says what movie. Do you have any of the fast and furious I say. All of them says Cael. Can we watch 5 I say. Yeah says Cael. He puts it in and it starts to play. I hop in Cael's bed and he hops in by me. He gets comfortable and I lay my head on his chest. I feel his arm wrap around me. I smile and think I love this. 

Cael's Pov: Mel lays her head on my chest. I wrap my arm around her. The movie starts to play and Mel says I love this show. Same I say. Question what time do you want to get up I say as I have my eyes closed. 8 says Mel. Okay I say. I grab my phone and set the alarm. I plug my phone in. I have never been happy in 4 years with someone as much as I am with Mel. I watch the tv for a minute and say lightly night dork. 

She never replied, I smile and think she is out. I close my eyes and listen to the movie. If anybody could have told me just 1 thing about love that it is effortless. you don't have to judge, control, or blame the other person, because you are happy with them. 

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