Chapter 13

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Cael's Pov: I get home and in the door. I take off my tie and see my dad and mom talking. I walk up the stairs and see my mom look at me. She wasn't bad says my mom. I nod waiting for my dad to say something. I feel like I rushed her and that was bad on my part. I think if you bring her over more and let her get use to all of us, I think it will help. But over all I liked her. I felt like she is very welcoming. 

but at the same time I feel like she was shy and uncomfortable in her own skin says my dad. Yeah I did to I say. I think what well do is this saturday your mom and I will go on a date. you and Mel hang out and do your thing says my dad. Okay sounds good I say. Just see how she acts, because if she acts fine with you and her then you can bring her over and hang out in your room. 

Outside in the backyard, just let her know that she is always welcomed her says my dad. Okay, sounds good I say. I have a question for you says my mom. Yeah I say. How much do you like this girl says my mom. I would take a bullet for this girl mom. I'm scared that some other guy at school has his eyes on her. I'm scared that I'm going to miss my shot with her. I feel thousands of feelings for this girl I say.

That's good keep that way, If I find out that you hurt her, I'll be in deep shit says my dad. Okay I say. I walk to my room and shut the door. I take off my shoes. I change into basketball shorts and a white shirt. I open my door and I think please god let her be with me. I close my eyes and think I have never felt the way towards someone as I have mel. I walk in the kitchen and get a drink. 

Mel's Pov: I walk in the front door and see my mom. Hey sweetie how did it go says my mom. I was scared and nervous but overall I feel like it went well I say. That is good says my mom. Yeah, his mom is really nice. His dad scared me but he was funny I say. Boys love to intimate you says my mom. What was that says my dad. Nothing says my mom. I laugh and my mom laughs with me. How was your date says my dad. 

It was good I say. That's good, your mom and I are going on a date tomorrow. If you have any plans we just want to know ahead of time says my dad. Okay I don't have anything right now I say. Okay says my dad. I walk to my room. I change and put on shorts and a white shirt. I open my door and sit on my bed. I hear my phone go off and it was Cael. C-Cael. M-Me

C- Hey I was wondering what you were doing tomorrow. 

M- Nothing what's up. 

C- So I have to take my little sister trick or treating so I was wondering if you wanted to come. 

M- Yeah I will go.

C- Okay sounds good, you can come over after school and we can hang out or I can come and get you. 

M- Can you come and get me. 

C- Yeah, do you want me to come and get you in the morning so you don't have to drive.

M- Yes please.

C- I will come and get you at 7.

M- Okay sounds good. 

C- Talk to you in the morning. Night

M- Night

I walk out of my room and say mom,dad. Yes says my dad. Can I go with Cael and his little sister trick or treating tomorrow I say. I see my mom look at my dad. More than likely it will be yes I think to myself. Yeah says my dad. Thank you I say. Your welcome says my mom. I walk to my room and hop in bed. 

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