chapter 22

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Cael's Pov: I get to Mel's house and hop out. I walk to the front door and knock. I see a lady open the door and I say I'm here for Mel. Yes, come on in she says. I walk in and she closes the door. I will go get her says the lady. Thank you I say and the lady nods. I'm Alexander he says and puts his hand out. I'm Cael I say and shake his hand.

It's nice to meet says Alexander. It's nice to meet you to I say. I see the girl come down and she says she is coming. What time does she have to be home I say. No later then 11 says the girl. Okay I say as I look up and see Mel coming down the stairs. I walk over to stairs and put my hand out. She takes it and I help her down. Thank you says Mel. Your welcome I say. Bye says Mel. Bye say the lady. We get to the door and the lady say can I get a picture. Yeah I say.

I turn around and I wrap my arm around Mels waist. She takes the pictures and says have fun. Always says mel. We walk out the door and walk to my truck. I open the door and help her in. I close her door and walk to my side. I hop in and say you look beautiful. I look over at her and she smiles and says thank you. Your welcome I say. 


I get to the bowling alley and Mel says you like bowling. It isn't bad but I know you like bowling I say. 

Mel's Pov: We walk inside and go to the counter. The cashier looks at us and says tonight get 2 games for $25. Cael looks at me and I say that is up to you. Well just do one says Cael. K says the cashier and Cael pays him. we get our shoe size and put them on. I get done and go to the machine and type in Heath. I type my name in after I get done with Cael's. I press play game and laugh. 

Cael looks up and says your a smart ass. I laugh and Cael says I have to go grab my ball size what size do you want. 15 pounds I say. Cael goeses and grabs them. He comes back and hands me mine. I have to go first says Cael. Yep I say. Cael rolls and says my balls roll. They don't hang down that far I say. Me and Cael both laugh. I look at him and he looks back at me. His eyes had a sparkle in them and I loved it. 

I smile at him and cael grabs the bowling ball. He rolls and hits the rest of them down. The pins set back up. I grab the ball and roll it. I watch them all fall and I say strike! Cael looks at me and says well I'm screwed. You aren't a sore loser right I say. No, I'm going to win says Cael. Okay I say. 


The game gets over. I hand them my shoes and Cael does the same. We walk out the door and it was raining. Stay here, I'll go grab the truck says Cael and he runs to the truck. I smile and think can I just tell him I love him already. I see the truck stop and I see the door open. I run and hop in. I close the door. I kicked your ass I say. Yeah, well that is okay says Cael. Poor sport I say. Cael laughs and says no. 

I shake my head and Cael says I have snacks in the back. Okay I say. We get to a red light and Cael looks at me. I look back at him. He starts to lean in and I do the same. I feel his lips go on mine. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I feel him pull away and I open my eyes. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back and think that didn't just happen. Cael starts to drive and says do you have anywhere you want to go. 

Neverland I say. I can see what I can do says Cael. We both laugh and Cael says do you want to go get a drink. Sure I say. 

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