Chapter 1

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Mel's Pov: I wake up and get out of bed. I pick out a black spaghetti strap shirt with a jean jacket and black skinny jeans and black high tops. I go to the bathroom. I walk in and brush my hair and teeth. I walk to my room and grab my backpack. I walk down the stairs and grab my car keys. I walk out the door and walk to my Dodge Charger. I hop in and drive to school.


I get to Jackson High. I park my car and hop out. I see someone pull up in there hot rod white Porsche 911. I stop and shake my head. I see them park and hop out. You know for only being 17 you are really an asshole I say looking at Maddie. Maddie laughs and says yeah, well that means I'm betting you at something. We laugh and we walk inside the high school. I need to go to my locker I say. Okay says Maddy. We walk to my locker.

I put in the combination and say well Mads you were beating me at something anyways you have a boyfriend and I don't. I grab my stuff and say Maddy. I look at what she is looking at. Braxton was kissing some other bitch. I see Maddy turn around and she walks away. I catch up with Maddy and say Mads it's going to be okay. We go sit down at a table and I see Kaitlyn and Avery walk in.

Maddy are you okay says Kaitlyn. Braxton he just cheated on me with some other girl says Maddy as she looks up. I see a tear slip down Maddy's cheek. She wipes it away and says speak of the devil. I see braxton walk over to Maddy and he was about to wrap his arms around Maddy. Don't says Maddy. Maddy stands up and Braxton says what's wrong. You went behind my back and cheated on me says Maddy.

Braxton looks at Maddy and says yeah, I found someone better than you. He walks away and Maddy takes a deep breathe. Kaitlyn and Avery hug Maddy. I smile and say Maddy. Maddy looks at me and says yeah. What does he really hate I say. Spiders says Maddy. Let's go buy 5 tarantulas and put them in his locker I say. No let's not says Kaitlyn. Why I say. Let's do it says Maddy. What are you guys nuts says Kaitlyn.

No says Maddy. Let's go I say. Bye says Maddy. We walk out to my car and hop in. I start my car and pull out of the parking spot. Karma is such a bitch I say. Yeah says Maddy.


We get to a pet store and we walk over to the snakes. I look around and I didn't find any spiders. I found them says Maddy and she was on the other side of the aisle. I see the tarantulas and Maddy says this is going to be awesome. You know it I say. We get 5 tarantulas and we head back to the school.


We walk in the school and Maddy says let's go to his locker. We walk to his locker and Maddy opens it. We are putting one in his backpack says Maddy. Maddy puts one in his backpack. Maddy puts 2 on the top and put the other 2 on the ground. Maddy closes it and says hope you like them dick. The bell rings and Maddy says let's go watch him get his backpack. We walk over to my locker and I see Braxton open his locker.

I see him scream and jump. He grabs his backpack and shuts the door. He runs down the hall as fast as he can go. Maddy and I start laughing are asses off. That was worth it says Maddy and we high five. See you at lunch says Maddy. See ya I say.

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