10. Let Me Be Your Courage

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The evening of the finalist unveiling, De Yi arrives early to support Ping Ping. He finds himself not early enough. Already surrounding her are her parents, De Ai and to his dismay, Chen Hua.

The moment Chen Hua catches De Yi, she departs from the group and immediately hooks her arm with him.

"You finally made it."

De Ai snickers.

"Why do you laugh?" Ping Ping asks.

"De Yi can be so clueless." De Ai whispers to Ping Ping. "He has no idea that Chen Hua has picked him out since high school."

"What do you mean?"

"You are clueless as well." De Ai sighs.

Ping Ping blushes.

"Can't you see?" De Ai points to Chen Hua. "The way she looks at him -- part longing, part desire but definitely territorial."

"Are they dating?"

"Not according to him."

"Oh." Ping Ping muses - they look like a well-matched, handsome couple. "You like her for a sister-in-law?"

"What's not to like." De Ai counts. "She's sophisticated, smart, stunning, connected, wealthy -- the kind of woman who is pre-qualified to marry someone like my brother. But most importantly...she is head over heels in love with my brother."

"And what about your brother. What does he think?"

"He cannot stand her. But in time, she'll get him"

"Does she always get what she wants?"

"Always." De Ai nods confidently.

Ping Ping clutches her heart sub-consciously.

"Professor. and Lee Mama." De Yi greets Ping Ping's parents. "Exciting evening."

"What a surprise to see you here." Ping Ping's mother says politely.

"I hear you are very busy." Mr. Lee shakes his hand. "The Japan expansion keeping you busy."

"Since Ping Ping invited me," De Yi says meaningfully, hoping Chen Hua would get a hint. "How can I say no."

"Yes, we're like family now." Chen Hua adds and hooks her arm with De Yi.

Ping Ping finds it hard to breathe. 

"Are you okay?" De Ai examines her friend.

Just then, the MC is heard over the mic.

"Welcome contestants, families, friends and special guests. Welcome to the 23rd Annual International Bridal Design Competition. Tonight is the judging and unveiling of this year's finalists. We are graced by the presence of some of our famous alumni and other distinguished fashion-forward thinkers.  Each contestants will get 3 minutes to introduce their line and inspiration for their design. While you sip champagne and enjoy a bit of refreshment, the judging will take place and winners will be announced at 7:30 sharp.  Up first is our youngest designer, Lee Ping Ping."

Ping Ping breathes in. She looks at the stage and the lights seem brighter.  She cannot release her breath and she begins to get dizzy.

"Hey Ping Ping."  De Ai shakes her friend.  "Breathe.  You've got to breathe."

"She's probably got stage fright."  Chen Hua says, not intending to be unhelpful.  "It's normal to be a little afraid.  It is your first public speaking, right?"

"Lee Ping Ping," the master of ceremony calls.  "Are you ready to introduce your design?"

"Excuse us."  De Yi takes Ping Ping by the elbow and directs her towards the stage.

"I..."  Ping Ping looks at De Yi, her eyes full of fright.

"Ping."  De Yi holds her face gently, to calm her.  It works and her breathing steadies.  "You can do this."

"I can't even get up to the stage."

"Let me be your courage."


"I'm going to get to the front of your collection's display."  De Yi slowly releases his hold on her face.  "You will walk up to the stage, pretend that there is only an audience of one - me.  And keep your focus on me."

She nods and squares up her shoulder as the MC calls her name again.  She closes her eyes and looks down as she walks up to the stage.  Then she turns to find De Yi right where he says he would be.  And as she focuses on him, everyone else fades into the background and disappears.

"Hello, my name is Lee Ping Ping."  Her voice a little shaking and shy.  "I'm honored to be presenting you my very first bridal collection - inspired by the great love stories from ancient China.  My favorite is the little known story of a water sprite and the wolf-prince against the backdrop of a wintery mountain lake."

The curtain to her collection drops to reveal a fantasy like collection.  

"The bridesmaid dresses are fairy-like, vibrant hues of blue.  The groomsmen outfits have a hint of tradition with elongated leather jacket in subdued grey and fur collar .  

Each member of the wedding party carries a traditional red lantern.  And as they come to the groom waiting under under a lone tree in the middle of the white landscape, they set down the lanterns to light a path for the bride.

Dressed in simple sheath made with shimmering fabric cascading all about her body like a waterfall, the bride wears a cape instead of a train.  The snowy cape glittering with crystals sways as she walks - giving her an overall effect of a watery immortal gliding across the icy lake.

Her true love at the end of the frozen lake is garbed in a white suit, completed by a gray leather cape and a fur collar.  

The collection is not about creating a complementary design; rather, it contrasts the ethereal and the animalistic.  It is meant to symbolize the mysterious, the mythical  nature of marriage."

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