2. An Unremarkable Ending - Part 2

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"Excuse me." Ping Ping approaches the Concierge's Office, after making sure the wedding party disperses from the lobby.

The Concierge gives her the once over.

"I have a special delivery for Chin De Ai. She is a guest here - probably at the bridal suite."

Ping Ping lifts up the train from her large bag.

"That's gorgeous." The Concierge lady admires her handy work. "Do you need me to ring the wedding coordinator so you can get in for a fitting"

"No." Ping Ping reacts. "I'm just dropping it off. The seamstress will come in the morning to do the fitting."

"Alright." The Concierge takes the plastic covered train from Ping Ping. "I'll be sure it is delivered this evening."

"And this." Ping Ping hands an envelope. "It's a quick instruction on how to keep it wrinkle free."

The insistent ringing of the phone jostles De Yi from a deep sleep, encumbered by a slight hangover. When he answers, De Ai's hysterical crying motivates De Yi to pull on his clothes in record time.

He wades through a room full of De Ai's girlfriends -- dumbstruck and not knowing how to console his crying sister, kneeling next to her dress. He thinks annoyingly - must be some fashion mishap. Then as the bridesmaids step aside to reveal the massive train spread out on the floor, he comes to a full stop.

"Everybody." He speaks quietly but just loud enough to be heard above De Ai's sobbing. "Out."

Much to her credit, Chen Hua takes charge and dispatches everyone within minutes, leaving just him, De Ai and their mother. She herself remains. Then after a moment of De Yi looking at her, she lets herself out with a small pout.

"She left a note." De Ai hands over a crumpled piece of paper.

"My dearest De Ai, - I did not intend to do this; I came to say goodbye to this city and all the memories here in this hotel. When I saw your name on the special events list, I thought maybe this is the heavens giving me a chance to say goodbye to you properly and to keep my promise. I am sorry if this surprise should cause you any distress. I did not die. But Lee Ping Ping did. Ask De Yi. Tell him it's okay to tell you everything now. And thank him for me - for everything. Be happy. Your Friend, Your Sister."

"What does she mean. To ask you." De Ai touches the train. "Tell me what. And thank you for what."

The realization nearly topples him.  That was her.  On the steps.  

De Yi looks at De Ai, who grabs his hands in a desperate manner.  "Is Ping Ping alive?"

Just then, Ka Sha - De Ai's fiance/boyfriend strides in.  He glances at the train and looks puzzled. Then he pulls De Ai into his arms.  "We'll find her."

De Yi finally responds.  "I'll go.  I cannot lose her again."

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