28. Willing and Able are Not the Same

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In the weeks following that dreadful meal in awkwardness, De Ai has launched Operation Cheer Up De Yi. Together with her parents and Grandfather Chin, they organize his social life in full gusto, thrusting him into a month worth of social gatherings and philanthropic activities.

"This is not helpful." De Yi says angrily in his office. "I've already tried distracting myself."

"What will help then?" Chen Hua retorts.

"I..." De Yi slumps in his chair. "I wish I knew."

"Drinking?" She says almost mockingly. "More drinking..."

De Yi says nothing.

"I'll drink with you." Chen Hua closes the door to his office, where his employees have been observing this interesting interaction. "But why don't we get free drinks at some of these functions? Just to switch it up from those bars."

De Yi says nothing.

"Or we can drink at your place as always." Chen Hua sits down elegantly, across from him. "So if you pass out, I can just leave you on the couch."

De Yi says nothing.

"Or we can go find some new bars."

De Yi smiles wryly and shakes his head. She gives him the minute he needs. Which turns out to be nearly half an hour.

Finally, he looks at her and asks "Would you spend the rest of today with me?"

"What are we doing?"

"To say goodbye."

De Yi takes Chen Hua to all the places where he and Ping Ping have made memories - from the front door of the Lee's old residence, now occupied by a different family, to the hotel where they had their first kiss, the studio where he watched her working on her collection, the convention center where the defeats broke her heart twice, the hotpot place where they first made a connection, the museum where they wandered for an afternoon and finally to his parents home where he watched her grow up along side De Ai.

Chen Hua stays for the family meal.

"Thank you." De Yi puts down his chopsticks. "Thank you everyone for caring about me."

"Son." Mrs. Chin looks at De Yi.

"I'm better now." De Yi lets go of a long breath. "I'll be okay."

"Will you attend those events with us?" De Ai asks helpfully. "And rejoin life?"

"Um." De Yi nods. "I'll try."

"Maybe we should start slow." Chen Hua intervenes. "So many engagements could overwhelming. Since by nature, he's such a homebody."

Everyone chuckles at De Yi's expense. He even smiles. Chen Hua does know him well these days.

"It does take the right woman to nudge a man out of his shell." Mr. Chin looks lovingly at Mrs. Chin, meaning nothing by his statement.

"To find the right woman," Grandfather Chin declares, his eyes gentle on De Yi. "One must be willing to get out of the elevator."

De Yi catches the reference; everyone else looks confused.

"Well," De Ai snickers, "Maybe the woman is right here and De Yi just needs to get his vision checked."

For the first time, Chen Hua is embarrassed.

"Oh, I don't think so." Chen Hua tilts her head proudly. "I'm not interested in this version of De Yi. When he can get his act together and be that droll, overbearing man again, then I'll think about it."

Oooooo Busted. Everyone jests at De Yi. Unlike before, he is not angry.

After dinner, instead of driving her back to the office, De Yi drives her towards his apartment. "Come up for a drink?"

"Of course. It is the only proper end to a day about goodbyes."

With ancient Chinese music playing in the background, the two friends share a bottle of Sake, without cups.

Passing the bottle between them, each taking a swig.

"Thank you, Chen Hua." De Yi says without looking at her. "Thank you for today. And..."

"Stop getting mushy and soft on me." Chen Hua interrupts him.

De Yi shakes his head, amused to be rebuffed with such sass.

"You really should get your act together. And get back to your old self. This is too maudlin for your own good."

"You're right."

"What did you say?" Chen Hua feigns surprise. "Did you say that I was right?"

De Yi laughs.

"Wait, let me record that." Chen Hua takes out her phone. "Say it again."

De Yi looks at the phone shoved into his face. He pulls her into an embrace. She stands glued to the spot.

"I don't want to live in the shadow of Lee Ping Ping." Chen Hua nearly cries as she struggles with feeling good in his arms and feeling resentful that this is not about her at all. "I want the old version of you back. I want to be with that version of you. If you are willing..."

"I'm willing."  De Yi has new respect for Chen Hua.  "But I don't know if I am able. Yet."

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