8. A String of Mundane Memories

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De Yi rejoices secretly.  In the weeks after the dinner,  the kimono design updates have made it convenient to spend time with Ping Ping.  After school, she comes home with De Ai and together they work on homework and have their "Manners and Etiquette" training.  

On the days when Ping Ping have modifications, the three of them sit at the dining room table, enjoying the snack he brings and going over the designs.  He can see Ping Ping's talent and passion, and the deep-set joy of doing what she loves.  He can also see that she's tired - while she switches between school work, the design for his project and prepping for the bridal design competition.

Sometimes, De Ai is busy with planning the debut with her mom and doesn't join them.  He likes being close to Ping Ping and working together on details.   Once she asks if their Japanese partner's family is from a noble lineage and if they had a family kamon (emblem).  For the next few weeks, they spent time learning about the different symbols, meanings and how to incorporate that design.

Some evenings, it gets so late, he drives her home without De Ai.  More than once, she falls asleep on the way home, sitting in the passenger seat.  He loves that quietness with her - feels like she should always be asleep next to him.  He's wanted to touch her face, hold her hands but never once does he cross that line.  Except to move the hair out of her face and to gently wake her when they arrive.

One late night, he could not wake her; so he picks her up in his arms - feeling her lightness and brought her to the front door.  Ping Ping's mother greets him warmly and while she settles Ping Ping in bed, he sits down with Professor Lee for a couple of beers.

After that night, Ping Ping stops coming over.  He tries to gain information without being obvious.  Eventually, Grandfather Chin inquires why his sponsored debutante has gone missing.

"Oh.  I guess I hadn't noticed."  De Ai says distractedly while she texts Ping Ping.  "We see each other at school all the time.  And we text every day."

De Yi feels a strange pang of jealousy.

"That didn't really answer the question."  Grandfather Chin reminds De Ai.

"Ping Ping is behind on her work for the competition and is spending her time completing her portfolio." De Ai looks up from her text and starts to dance, screaming happily.  "Ping Ping made semi-finalist."

Later that week, as it is the Lee family tradition, the two families get together to  make dumplings to celebrate.  The eight of them squeezed into the small apartment home.   

The clear division of labor, as always, relegates the men to roll out the wrappers while the women made the fillings and quick work of wrapping the dumplings.  After a while, the men retire to the living room to talk about business.

De Yi wants to stay behind in the tiny dining area, squeezed between De Ai and Ping Ping.  The two of them act as if they were children again - goofing off so much that they end up with more flour on their clothes and completing maybe only a quarter of their assigned quota.

A week later, De Ai shows up at his office where presently, he is enduring a presentation from Chen Hua.

"I'm saying that if we want to attract the younger generation, we should have more modern feelings inside the tea house."  Chen Hua points to one of the Italian blown glass tea sets.  "We should have a few of those for special tea ceremonies for special occasions."

"Chen Hua,"  De Yi tries not to lose his patience.  "I believe I said that we are going for a traditional look.  Something that counters the modern trend."

"You did."  She dismisses him.  "But as the brand stylist, I am telling you that we should go for a more bright, modern direction."

"You may be the brand stylist."  De Yi's hands have folded into fists.  "But I am the project leader and also represents the investment."

"But that doesn't mean you have any sense of style."  Chen Hua replies.  "I ran the idea by the team and everyone likes it."

"Are you usurping my authority?"

Just then, the conference door opens.

"Hey Ge."  De Ai plops down onto one of the conference chairs.  "Wow these look expensive."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came with the final updates on the uniforms."

Why didn't Ping Ping come?  Those the words at the tip of his tongue before Chen Hua cuts in.

"How exciting."  Chen Hua feigns excitement and walks over.  "Let's take a look."

De Ai spreads out about twenty designs.

I think they are all too traditional."  Chen Hua interrupts.  "De Yi, you and I should really settle on direction before we ask poor Ping Ping to make another hundred modifications."

"I've already decided."  De Yi packs up the portfolio and walks towards the door.  For some reason, he feels protective over Ping Ping's work.

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