21. Breaking Rules, Breaking Hearts

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For nearly an hour, she sits staring at her finger with the ring. Something has changed the moment they left the tranquil village. They walk the long road out of the village and get into separate cars. 

"When you get to Nanjing, go directly to this police substation."  he hands her some money and instructs her to buy a ticket to Nanjing, 5:20.  He writes down a name. "And ask for this individual."

"Will I..." She pauses.  "When will I see you again?"

"I don't know."  He looks at her for a long pause and shakes his head.  "From now on, if you see me, pretend we don't know each other."


"For your safety."

She looks down at the ground.

"Trust me." He pulls her in for a hug; and hugs her for a long time.  "Even if you cannot see me, know that I will help you and protect you."

She hugs him back, tentatively.  Then just abruptly, he pushes her away turns and walks away.  

On the express rail, they occupy the different carts, yet he keeps a line of sight.  In the village, everyone including himself have accepted them as a couple. Here on the train, when a group of high schoolers board and sit around her, he realizes that she must not be older than those kids. And how distasteful suddenly he feels towards himself - at twenty-eight, he is maybe a decade older. Too old to be appropriate.

When one of the boys try to strike up a conversation with her, Wei Xin finds himself strangely possessive and protective.  He would not use the word jealous but he controls his urge to interrupt the encounter.  Instead, he texts his handler Mao Ah, sitting nearby to her.

Who is that kid? 

What kid?

The one next to Ling Ling.

You mean the flirtatious high schooler desperately trying to get her phone number?

Be serious.

I'm serious.  I heard part of the conversation.


Do you want me to beat him up for you?


You're in trouble.


You shouldn't have brought her.

Forget it.

So should I get him to leave?

Just then, Xian Ling lifts up her left hand and brandishes Wei Xin's ring.  The young man looks stunned for a minute and then embarrassingly curtails the conversation and moves away.  Afterwards, the high schooler steals a few odd looks at Xian Ling.

Wei Xin smiles.  Smart girl, he thinks to himself and finds himself gladdened that she fends for her, with his ring moved from her right hand (where he placed it) to her wedding finger.

What are you going to do with her when we get to Nanjing?

I've requested a safe house for her.

With what authority?  For which case?

She's at risk. As my wife.

At this. The handler Mao Ah looks up sharply towards Wei Xin, who remains expressionless.

You said she was possibly a missing person, looking for her family.

I left out some details.

When did you get married?

Not exactly.  Not officially.

What exactly is this.  She looks to be a minor.  Did you have relations?

Get out of the gutters.  She's an innocent.  

How do you know?  What is going on.

Can you get me a safe house or not?  Otherwise, I'll find something.


And Mao, Wei Xin texts.  We need to wrangle up some identifications for her.

Are you trying to get me fired?

Do you want me to focus on Hong Ge?

FINE!  I'll take care of it. You just take care of Hong Ge.

As they get off the train.  She catches a glimpse of him.  He gives her not even a glance and moves right past her.  Even though she's been told this, her heart still aches.  She closes her eyes so she would not stare at him departing from her.  For some reason,  losing the sight of him a second time that day makes her suddenly feel alone and lost in this bustling train station, just a few minutes past eight.  

Dusk turns into a windy evening.  A few days before the American Valentines. As family members hurry home, some stop to admire, make plans to purchase gifts.  She clutches her small bag - filled mostly with her art supplies and hails down a cab.

All this Wei Xin witnesses from the other side of the street, debating if he made the right decision to let her come.  Wondering what is compelling him.  Is it really to help her?  Or to keep her close by?

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