Authors Note

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Hello, Yes!! It is me!! The author. I would love to thank everyone for reading my story and taking the time to vote. I have a few shout-outs to give and then I have a very special announcement. 

 I would also love to thank my beautiful Queen for ranting to me about the book and giving me feedback. It always made me happy to know that someone was actually interested in the book. The Paris chapter is dedicated to her, and she should know why. She was so happy when I asked about the Eiffel tower. So I'm very happy about that. 

I would also love to thank @Oriana_The_Cudgy_Bee for always voting and commenting on my story. You actually inspired me t6o write a lot more than I expected. I hope you love the ending. 

Two more shout-outs and then to the special announcement. 

I would like to thank Hannah for asking me about adding in her character because it helped me add on to Seb and cause a bit more drama. I loved the ending and I hope it satisfied you.'re a Kropp now, haha.

And last but not least my insta friends. Thank you guys for reading and voting commenting and just supporting my book. 

Even you silent readers. I love you all and I hope you enjoyed the book. 

Now!!!!! Special Announcement: 

I am making a new fanfic, still, Remington related, but it is a vampire fic. I have five chapters as of now, completed. I will upload the book when I have Ten chapters completed which shouldn't belong. So look forward to that. I will leave you with the description. It's very small, but it's a work in progress. I was never good with descriptions anyways. 

She was once a lonely vampire, nowhere to turn. She was once saved by another vampire named Remington. What happens when he turns out to be her soul mate?









Thank you all again, and remember to stay alive my cudgy friends and not just today, but tomorrow too.

Her Story (Remington Leith) (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum