Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to an empty bed. I sighed and began to get up. It was Eleven in the morning. I stretched my back and got out of bed.
I had missed breakfast which made me happy. I felt like I was becoming skinnier. I smiled to myself.

I stripped out of all my clothes and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water, and walked back to my room grabbing my phone and walking back into the bathroom. I closed the door, locking it, and turning my phone on shuffle. I slid my phone case off of my phone and grabbed my hidden blade. I know I said I gave it all to Josh. I lied. I know. I'm sorry.

I set the blade onto the showers ledge and sank down onto the floor. I let the warm water hit my aching skin. Maybe it could heal my aching heart too. God knows I needed that. I washed my hair and just sat there, numb.

I'm not okay (I promise) began to play through my phone. I screamed the lyrics as all my hate and pain was being shown.

I don't need my razor. I sighed and dried my hands off before pulling my phone off the counter. I began to text Emerson.

Are you here? -K

Yes? Why? -EB

Can you come to my room? Bring a knife to unlock the bathroom door. Bring no one else but you -K

Give me a sec -EB

I didn't respond. I held my razor blade out of the shower and hid myself behind my shower curtain. I heard the door knob jiggle. Emerson knocked on the door and then emerged. He gasped and ran to grab the razor blade out of my hand while setting his knife on the counter.

"Thats for you. Throw it away for me before I do something stupid," I sighed.

"What happened?" He sat down on the toilet seat and let me finish my shower as we began to talk.

"I almost had a relapse. But I decided my razor wasn't worth it, but now I'm regretting that decision," I responded.

"I'm glad you came to me," I could hear Emerson holding back tears.

"I'm sorry.." I trailed off and finished my shower. I turned off the water, and placed my hand outside the door pointing to my towel. I felt the soft cotton feeling, pulled it behind the shower curtain, and wrapped the black fluffy towel around myself before pulling the shower curtain back revealing my shriveled self.

"Don't be sorry," he kissed my temple. A small smile found its way onto my face.

I walked to my room and he followed. I grabbed my undergarments and placed them on my bed along with what I planned on wearing today.

"Can you turn around please?" A blush crept onto my face.

"Yeah," He automatically turned around and let me get changed. Once I was fully clothed, I pulled him into a hug and sighed. I just needed to be held. My heart ached from sadness and I didn't want to be left alone.

"You should talk to Remington. He's having a hard time right now. He knows you're not talking to him and it's hurting him.." Emerson trailed off.

"But he's hurting me..." I removed myself from the hug and looked down.


"I liked him. And I don't believe in love. But for the first time in my life it felt like a man had given a shit about me. But instead he has a girlfriend. And he hadn't told me about it. He just played me," I sighed.

"I'm sorry, we both know their relationship won't last long," Emerson tried to give me hope and rubbed my back.

"No. They're happy. I should be happy for them...even if she is a bitch," I clenched my fist digging my nails into my hand. I needed to feel some sort of release. I can't handle this.

Her Story (Remington Leith) (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें