Chapter Twenty

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We had arrived in Florida a few hours earlier. The sky was so blue, it looked like Bob Ross had painted it, I loved it. The sky was full of fluffy white clouds, the sun burning bright, and the bright blue sky beamed like Christmas lights on a dark December night.

I was sitting on the soft, black leather couch that was pushed up against the window. Remington and Emerson were talking softly to each other, and Daniel was watching some random show on the TV. Sebastian was cooking food in the kitchen. I kept making glances his way. He was making potatoes, eggs, bacon, and some toast. The room smelt burnt. Like someone had just taken ramen and lit it on fire. But I didn't want to say anything.

"Food is ready," Sebastian announced.

"Why does it smell so burnt in this bus," Remington complained. He got up off the couch, and opened a window. The breeze blew my bangs around my forehead. He took a seat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Sebastian made our plates. I stood up, removing myself from Remington's grip and nudged Daniel which broke him out of his tv haze.

"Food is ready, dick," I smiled at him. He ruffled my hair, a smile on his face, and left to go take his seat at the table booth that was placed up against the wall and by another window. I followed beside him and took my place between Remington and Daniel. Sebastian and Emerson were on the other side. Phil, Austin, and Jason weren't hungry.

Sebastian placed our food in front of us. I looked at the potatoes which were charcoal black.

"I found the burning smell," I laughed.

"You burnt the damned potatoes!!" Remington howled with laughter.

"They're not burnt, they're roasted," Sebastian retorted.

"Thank you for the food Seb," I smiled and tried to pick up one of the potatoes, but it crumbled into nothing. Remington began to laugh even harder. I decided to just stick with the eggs, bacon, and toast.

"At least someone appreciates me," he sassed. I winked at him and continued to eat my food, leaving the potatoes to rot.

"Your 'roasted' potatoes taste like ass," Daniel complained.

"How do you know what ass tastes like?" Sebastian rose his eyebrow.

"Because I ate yours last night," Daniel joked, a smirk planted on his face as he shoved a piece of bacon into his mouth.

"That was supposed to be our little secret," Sebastian winked. A grin shined on his face.

"Damn Sebastian, didn't know you swung that way," I laughed.

"Fuck off Kat," his eyes rolled, but a smile crept back onto his lips. I just smiled and continued to eat my food.

The eggs weren't so bad. The bacon was a little fatty, so I was a little cautious of how much I ate. Then I had a little bit of my toast, but not too much. I made sure to watch how much I consumed. I was so afraid of gaining weight that I barely ate anything anymore, but no one noticed it.

"I'm done. Who else is?" Daniel spoke from beside me. I handed him my plate of almost finished food. He rolled his eyes and ate a piece of bacon off of my plate. I removed myself from the booth and ran back to my bunk.

I wanted to draw, but I didn't know what. I got my notebook and my pencils from my bag which were underneath my bunk. With the contents in hand, I ran back to the living room, and positioned myself on the black couch again. A small smile found its way on my lips as I thought of the perfect idea.

Emerson took a seat next to me and watched as the lead from my pencil hit the pale white paper and began to dance. It was like magic. A building and people appeared one by one as the clock ticked on.

It was a sketch of a girl, she was sat in a medical chair, ones that they would use in an asylum. She was tied there by her wrists and legs, a needle in her arm and throat. Red liquid was being injected into her beautiful blue veins. A pained expression was left on her face. Her other hand was intertwined with a doctor. He was dressed in all black. He reminded me of Remington with his black spiked hair and his eyes which had eyeliner and eyeshadow around them. He had a needle in his throat, black liquid being injected into his bright veins. His eyes were spiraled like his life was spinning around and around. I drew figures dancing around them. Figures that they could only see. The story was based off of one of the boy's songs. Mr. Doctor Man to be exact.

A smile found its way onto my face as Emerson took the paper from my hands. He looked shocked. He showed my work to everyone else. I was really proud as their faces lit up.

"This is really good," Remington smiled. A blush crept up onto my face as a small 'thank you' left my lips. I was always very shy about my art.

"Damn girl, you should post this," Sebastian encouraged.

I just nodded my head and took a photo of it before posting it to my instagram tagging the boys including Daniel and the others on the bus. They all liked my post hella fast along with Brendon Tyler, and Josh.

TylerrJoseph: Yo, we're at the venue when are you fuckers gonna be here?

KrashKat: Calm your tits mom, We'll be there soon

Comments blew up as soon as Tyler commented everyone began to pay attention to him. Some people commented about my art and some just wanted to get noticed by Tyler. I put my phone down and began to analyze the detail in my art.

Like on the hospital gown that the girl was wearing, how it was littered in blood and small flowery designs. I realized how the blood was laced onto her fingers and same with the Doctor's hand which was holding hers. He wasn't the one to inject them, but it was now his way to cope.

The words "But nobody's moving at all" were scribbled onto the walls in blood which was painted by the imaginary people. There was a small little speaker in the corner of the room that had music playing. But the music wasn't really there, it was like the dead people, imaginary.

Nobody was actually alive in the room aside from the two, and even then were they? The girl has more noticeable features as her hair was fully black and her pale complexion was washed out by her pale blue eyes which stung into Doctor's soul.

"We're almost to the venue," Daniel announced. I smiled and placed my things down before shooting a text to Josh letting him know we were a few minutes away. I genuinely missed the boys, it made my heart leap just to know that they were joining us on the tour. A smile was left on my lips as we exited the freeway we were driving on.

Today was going to be a good day.

Her Story (Remington Leith) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن