Chapter Six

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There was a knock on my door. I groaned in annoyance and got up off of my couch. Remington was in the shower and I was watching Riverdale for the fourth time, I have an addiction. I walked towards the door and looked through the peephole to see the all boys. I smiled and opened the door.

"Didn't hit your head this time Josh?" I teased.

"I'll leave," He joked and pointed behind him. I laughed and welcomed the boys into my house,"make yourselves at home, Remington is in the shower."

They all nodded. I retreated back to the couch. Josh took a seat next to me. I cuddled into his side and watched Archie try and save Cheryl who was drowning under the ice after her suicide attempt. God, this show is relatable. Shit, I need me a man like Jug. He's hot and has that biker gang style, especially in the second season. Oh God does the CW have me fucked up.

"Stop drooling over Jones," Josh joked. I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out at him which cause him to smile down at me.

Remington walked out of the bathroom and into the living room,"Hey Kat-" he cut himself off and looked around the room,"Hey guys."

"Hello Remmm," Emerson sang, and draped his arm across the shirtless boy's shoulders. I blushed remembering last night. I forced myself to look back at the show.

"Do you have a blowdryer and maybe some product to put in my hair?" Remington asked.

"Yeah, it's all in the bathroom. Products is inside the mirror cabinet, and the blow dryer is in the last bottom left drawer," I responded not taking my eyes off of my show. I couldn't look into his gorgeous eyes without blushing. A shirtless Remington is a deathwish for my heart.

"Thanks sweetie," I looked up. He smirked at me before blowing me a kiss and walking into the bathroom.

"I need cyanide, where can I find some?" I looked at Sebastian who was eating my gummy worms on the island counter. He laughed and shook his head. A blush crept up my face as I thought of Remington with no shirt on. I remembered how his muscles shimmered from the shower and how his tattoos looked like heaven on a man's body. And God, could he turn me into a religious bastard.

"Maybe some holy water for my eyes?" I looked at Emerson who just laughed along with Seb.

"Shut the hell up and enjoy your show," Josh shook his head. I laughed and continued to watch my show in peace. The boys were talking amongst themselves and were trying to decide what they were going to do today.

"Lets go bowling!!" Emerson suggested.

"Bitch you don't even know how to bowl," Sebastian shot him down instantly. I laughed.

"It's okay Emerson, we can go bowling without them," I smiled.

"Someone here loves me," Emerson ran over and sat with me on the couch, I smiled and moved from Josh to Emerson.

"They're so mean," Emerson joked. He fake cried which made me giggle. I played along and touched his face, wiping his imaginary tears while nodded my head. He scrunched his nose and turned to watch the show. I laughed and turned my head towards the tv once more.

"Fuck you Sebastian," I laughed from the couch.

"Yeah, fuck you Sebastian," Emerson joined me.

"Watch your fucking mouths!!" Tyler turned on his mom mode.

"Let this party begin mother fuckers," Remington yelled from the entrance of the hallway, he was wearing one of my shirts.

"Oh for fucks sake!! Language you piece of shit!!" Tyler screamed. Which caused all of us to erupt into laughter.

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