Chapter Twenty Three

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It was a beautiful blue morning, we had the day off to do anything we wanted to. I had plans to just stay inside and watch some movies, but the boys had other plans. We were all sober and awake, I was already dressed and ready for the day. I was wearing Remington's Nutella sweater, and my skinny black jeans. I was wearing my white and black converse to match the white sweater. I was waiting for Remington and Brendon to finish getting ready. The rest of us were on the couch, relaxing.

Emerson was drawing on my converse. It looked amazing. My white cover of my shoes had a little town. It was breathtaking how amazing his artwork was.

Sebastian and Daniel were on their phones. Sebastian looked upset, so I believe he was on Twitter throwing his shade around, per usual. Daniel looked mellow, but his fingers were moving fast. He was probably answering his DM's on Instagram.

Josh and Tyler were working on some new songs. They sounded great so far. I was on my phone while Emerson drew on my shoes. I was reading fanfics on Wattpad. I was reading one about the boys being Vampires. It was really interesting.

After a few chapters in my book, the boys were finally ready. A small smile landed on my lips as I looked at Remington. He was wearing a leather jacket with no shirt underneath. I could see his tattoos that were peaking out of his pant line. He had on some leather jeans with literal slits on the knee, his combat boots ending about half of his lower calfs. His black hair was spiked. He looked like an emo pineapple.

"We love a king who can pull off all black," I laughed.

"You know it," Remington sassed. Laughter erupted from our group.

"We ready to go?" Josh stood, stretching his back. Emerson finished the final touches on his drawing and nodded. We all stood up off the couch and headed towards the door. Sebastian and Daniel were the first ones out. Tyler grabbed his ukelele before shuffling towards the door.  Then me, then Josh, then Em, then Tyler, then Rem, and finally Brendon. A smile formed on my face as a small breeze blew. It wasn't too cold out. Emerson was wearing his TOM like shoes and was still fine.

We began to walk towards the main street. Tyler strummed his uke humming a soft tune. He began playing House Of Gold as we walked around. I joined him, a smile found his face.

"I will make you, queen of everything you see," We sang together. Josh began to sing along and soon enough the whole group was singing. Our voices making music for the world to hear.

A reminder of why I loved these boys flooded my mind all our memories together, and now even making new ones. As the song hit the last verse, our voices become softer and more mellow. As we finished, a few applauses came from the civilians around us. They cheered and said that we sounded amazing, some had their phones out ready to post us onto social media if they hadn't already.

Soon enough this would be in Alt. Press or some other news article. We would be trending on Twitter. All the bands fans would come together as one. Hopefully they would get along. I made a mental note to make a Twitter later, so I could check it out a little more.

Tyler began to sing Oh Ms. Believer. I smiled, he made this song for me. It was another song that would calm my heart.

"Oh, Ms Believer, my pretty sleeper," He began to sing, we crossed the street. We were headed to the mall which was a mile or two away from the van. I joined in. We used snaps instead of the tambourine. I smiled. This was one of my favorite songs that he had made. Not only because it was made for me, but it resonated with my aching soul.

It reminded me of the time when I had a relapse and the boys were over to visit. They had been working on music a lot and were under so much stress. It was before they were a famous and. Tyler had found me crying in the bathroom, my arm was dripping blood all over my clothes and some onto my tiled floor. Tyler had helped bandage me.

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