Chapter Three

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I applauded and screamed from backstage and the boys all ran out to take their final bow. God was this night amazing. It was already 9:30 PM and I wasn't tired at all.
Which is unusual for me considering I'm always one tired mother fucker.

I smiled as the boys all ran back to where I was. I gave them all hugs and smiled. They were sweaty and gross but I didn't care. The show was amazing from beginning to end. Next was the meet and greet which I had to wait for everyone to get done. It would take another hour or so. I decided to go to Starbucks before it closed.

"Hey, I'll be at the Starbucks down the street. Shoot me a text when y'all are done," I looked at Josh who smiled and nodded. I was about to walk out the door before a hand jerked my forearm.

"Hey, be safe. It is dark and I don't trust this place," Remington gave me an 'I'm serious' kind of look. I nodded and walked away, removing myself from his grasp. I walked towards the backstage door and pushed it open. I smiled at the black sky and the crescent moon as they shined down from the sky. The stars winked at me as I walked which caused me to smile. I loved how they twinkled up in the dark abyss.

I walked down the street, not many people were out tonight which isn't unusual. I hummed Mr. Doctor Man as I walked into starbucks. My anxiety spiked up a bit, I hated ordering for myself. It was the one of the worst situations you could ever put me in.

"Next," the barista behind the bar smiled as I walked up,"Hello, what can I get for you today?"

"Can I please get a v-venti salted caramel with e-extra caramel d-dr- drizzle" I smiled.

"Yeah," She smiled,"Is that all?"

"Yes, can I use my discount?" I asked as I clenched my fists in my jacket's pockets.

"Yeah, just type it in there please and what is your name?"

"Kat, and thank you," I smiled. I typed in my discount number, and paid the kind lady before finding a place by the window to sit by. I continued to hum to myself. I bounced my foot out of nervousness. I had this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach since I had left the venue. But I had chosen to ignore it. It didn't matter. It was probably just my anxiety of being out at night.

"Kat!!" The man from behind the counter yelled and slid my drink onto the pick up table with a straw by its side. I smiled kindly and thanked him before grabbing my drink, opening my straw, throwing away the trash, and retreating to go sit back in the spot I had claimed before.

I pulled out my phone and noticed that I had been followed by all the boys of Palaye on instagram. I shook my head and smiled. I was already followed by Josh and Tyler. But now the boys...god this isn't real. I shook my head and continued to scroll through my instagram.

I pulled up my page, and scrolled to my most recent photo which was a photo of me outside of work. I had changed in the bathroom before I left back to my house. I was wearing a black shirt with some spray painted words that say "live your life" with holes in it, my south side jacket, my combat boots with some ripped black skinny jeans to top it all off.

I looked at the comments to see a lot of hate.

Look at how fat she looks

God how are famous people following this garbage

She's so ugly omg

I hate people like her

She really thinks she's beautiful?

God eat less you fat bitch

I felt some tears well in my eyes. I exited the app before taking a sip of my drink and instantly feeling sick.

My phone buzzed which drew my attention back to the newly brightened screen.

New message from: Little Drummer Boi

Hey, we are on our way. You still at Starbucks? -LDB

Yeah -K

I walked outside to the entrance, set my drink beside me and leaned my back on the brick wall behind me. I waited for their arrival. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and slapped them against my palm before pulling one out, placing it in my lip and lighting my cancer stick with my lighter. I took a blow from it and blew the smoke out calmly. I watched the smoke dance into the air, and I shook my head. It reminded me of the Panic! At The Disco Album with Brendon smoking and the smoke being a rainbow of colors.

"Heyyyy pretty ladyyy," A drunk man walked over to me. I just tried to ignore him and inched a little closer to the door.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you sweetie," He purred into my ear as he gripped my wrists and held them above my head. I struggled against his grip.

"Help!!" I screamed,"HEL-!!" He put a hand over my mouth.

"Stop, please," I cried even more, it came out muffled.

He began to kiss my neck and I struggled even more. My cancer stick fell to the floor as I struggled against his hold. He removed his hand from my mouth for just one second before slapping me hard across the face. I whimpered and began to cry. He put his hand underneath my shirt making me cry more. I tried to screamed for more help, and tried to kick him which earned me a punch to the cheek. I cried even harder. I shut my eyes trying to imagine myself somewhere other than here.

"Hey!!" I heard a voice yell. I opened my eyes to see Emmy, Rem, and Josh running over to me. Em pulled the man off of me and punched him right across the face like the man had done to me a moment ago. Josh was calling the police. I crumbled to the floor, and Rem came running over to me. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried and buried my face into his shoulder. My whole body shook with sobs. How in the fuck does this even happen?

Josh ended his phone call and told Rem to take me to the car. Josh grabbed my starbucks and handed it to Rem before kissing the top of my head. Rem walked over to the van, gently placed me inside before moving me back into his lap. He gave Seb my drink and I tried to wipe my tears. God today was a lot..

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