Chapter Twenty Two

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The boys had finished their set and were fuming. They had already met with their fans and were now on the tour bus.

Brendon, Tyler, and Josh were our new additions to the tour bus. No one was prepared for the outburst.

"She messed the whole fucking show up, I hate people like her. She even hurt that poor girl Gabby," Sebastian fumed.

"Here's the thing, you need to just get over it. Yes, she messed up your show. You're pissed, I get it. But she did get escorted out. No harm was done afterwards right? You guys still put on a kick ass show right?" I retorted.

"That's not the point Kat," Sebastian glared my way.

"Then what is the point?" I breathed deeply trying to calm myself down.

"That bitch ruined our SHOW," he exclaimed.

"And you're ruining my eardrums, you cunt," I retaliated.

"Fuck off Kat, if it wasn't for your boyfriend you wouldn't even on the bus. You would probably be fucking another man right now.," He gritted his teeth. Pain erupted in my chest. The room seemed to get quiet. Everyone could feel the tension rising in the room.

"Really? And if it weren't for me that poor girl, Gabby, would've stayed in pain," I yelled "Fuck you Sebastian." I angrily walked off to my bunk. No one following me.

"Fuck sebastian and his drunk ass, he can go sleep in the cold," I muttered to myself. I entered my bunk and drew the curtains and grabbed my phone. I placed my ear buds that were draped around my neck into the earphone jack and began to play Pierce The Veil through them. My hate slowly growing inside me.

I wanted to walk off the bus, slip into the void and never be seen again. But unfortunately that day wasn't today. I shook with anger. I needed to take a drag or something. I grabbed my cigarettes and lighter from my bag. I left my phone on the bed and began to walk down the corridor.

"I'm going to smoke," I muttered. Emerson joined me at the door. As much as I didn't want company, his was the one I knew I wouldn't mind. I gripped my carton tightly as we walked out of the door. I offered Emerson a cancer stick as I took one out and placed it in my mouth, he accepted it. I lit his and then mine. We both took a drag and exhaled at the same time. Our smoke clouds danced around each other like two couples gliding across a ballroom.

"Sebastian scares me when he gets like this," Emerson admitted.

"Sorry if I added to that fear," I apologized.

"It's okay. I know you felt attacked," he placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and offered me a kind smile.

I took another inhale of my cigarette. Letting the smoke escape through my nose, I exhaled.

"You know, I used to suffer from really bad anxiety. Now it's mild. It can come back in very bad moments like tonight, but I am slowly overcoming it. I used to be just like you. I suffered and still do from depression. It's like a constant battle between me and my mind. My emotions are always at war with each other. I am only truly happy when I am playing with my brothers and seeing the fans screaming the lyrics with us. I am truly happy when I get art from them, and when I create my own art." Emerson stopped to take a drag from his cigarette,"But people like that lady in the crowd really do hurt me. They make me so upset. Especially when they hurt others. No one should be hurt at our concerts we are all there for a good time, for an escape from our own minds. An escape from reality."

"I'm sorry Emerson, I know what you mean. It really did upset me to see someone as wonderful as Gabby be hurt in the crowd. But you can't let it affect you forever. Okay? I'm not jumping onto the bandwagon of attacking people. You have a right to be upset. And I need to apologize to Baz when he's sober. But for now, let's just chat. Yeah?" I took the final drag from my cigarette and put it out.

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