Chapter Twenty One

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We had arrived at the venue. I was so excited, I couldn't contain myself. I raced off the bus and into the backstage area where the other boys were.

I opened the door and smiled. Brendon, Josh, and Tyler were all seated on the velvet couches, talking. They're heads snapped towards the door, a smile found its way onto their lips.

I ran and embraced Josh first. He spun me around, I heard him laugh in my ear. A smile plastered on my face.

I hugged Tyler and Brendon next. Tyler just gave me a regular hug and asked if I was okay. I just smiled and nodded my head.

Brendon wrapped me into a hug and lifted me up to where my feet dangled by his legs. I laughed in his ear. He copied me and laughed which sent vibrations into my chest.

The other boys began to pile in and say hi. I smiled as I watched the scene unfold. No one hugged Remington. I felt bad.

"Me and Rem are okay guys, don't be mean," I spoke.

"I don't care. He hurt my baby," Brendon glared his way.

Everything happened way to fast, next thing I knew, Remington was pinned up against the wall by a very upset Josh. My eyes widened as Brendon walked over, a sinister smile plastered on his lips. His hands were clenched at his sides like he was ready to fight anyone at any given time.

Emerson took his place by me. I was about to go stop the boys from hurting Rem, but Emerson gripped my shoulder and pulled me back. I looked at him, he just shook his head.

"He deserves it," he whispered in my ear. Tyler pulled me into a hug as the sound of a punch meeting a man's face bounced off the walls. It wasn't enough to break skin, but it was enough to bruise it.

I clenched my eyes tight as worry spread throughout my body.

"Next time, don't cheat, or your fucking face will be worse," I heard Josh threaten.

"Shh, shh," Tyler moved my head to his chest so I could listen to his heart beat. He covered my other ear just so the only sound I could hear was the beat.

My body melted with his. Worry laced it's hands with mine making them shake as I gripped Tyler's shirt tighter. Worry then began to lace its hand around my throat making me choke back a sob.

The noises seemed to subside as sobs eased their way out of my mouth. Tears staining Tyler's shirt. I felt someone pull me out of Tyler's grip, tears streaming down my face.

I looked up to see Remington, a pinkish red color tinted his cheek, his eye becoming a little swollen. I pulled him into a hug crying as he winced in pain. He rubbed my back dragging me to the ground, pulling me into his lap.

He rocked me back and forth as he began to sing Northern Downpour again. My heart resting. A pained expression was left on Brendon's face. Like the song had brought back sad memories.

I had finally calmed down, but stayed on the floor in Remington's lap. During all the madness, Brendon and Josh had gotten a big ol' talking to from Tyler. He made them feel guilty which made them both apologize to me and Remington.

Remington shook it off and smiled saying he deserved it. The boys all agreed, I didn't want to admit it, but I agreed also. I don't know what I expected to happen when they ran into each other.

Remington held me until it was time for sound check. A passed out Daniel was laying on the velvet couches. He seemed to sleep through almost everything. He was awake for the fight, but obviously didn't care.

Remington removed himself from me and left me on the floor with a slight kiss to my cheek. I smiled.

Sebastian was already on stage tuning his guitar. Emerson...well, he was trying to wake up Daniel. He laid on Daniel's back which woke him up. Luis began to film.

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