Chapter Thirty One

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We had arrived at the tour bus, I had removed my bandage to see a bruise forming and dry blood around the puncture wound. I sighed. We were finally home, and we already had to leave. We had to cancel a few shows, but we rescheduled them for the end of the tour, so we wouldn't let anyone down.

The fans were very supportive. They all wanted us to take it slow. They were very understanding. That's why I loved the fanbase...for the most part. I had gained a lot of followers since the hospital trip. I smiled.

I was laying in bed, I was finally reading the Umbrella Academy books. I was ready for anything at this point. I could hear the boys talking amongst themselves out in the living room. They were excited to be back on the road. I was kind of excited about it. I just wished the boys would take it slow. They needed to rest up, and become okay again. They need to take a breath and not worry about everything else.

I was stressed. I can't imagine the kind of stress they are going through.

My phone buzzed which made my thigh tingle, snapping me out of my thoughts. I set the book down, making sure to mark the page before turning to my phone which was now in my hand. I smiled and noticed that Tyler had tweeted. It was just some of his usual. Lines and such were written across my screen.

I opened the tweet and typed a response.

Back on that cryptic shit

I laughed at my comment and sent it. Automatically getting Josh and Tyler to like it.

Josh replied: When isn't he

Which made me laugh even more. Then some other responses to my comment were:

Josh notice me..coward

I'm living for this interaction

Oh my god, get off his feed rat

I love you!!

Josh Notice MEEEE

Someone of them I ignored, but some I liked. I had liked the interaction and I love you one just to be nice. A few moments later, I was tagged in tweets and people were talking about it all over social media. I was very happy.

"Kat stop being a hermit and come socialize," I heard Brendon call from the living room.

"Fuck off," I yelled back making Brendon laugh, I soon joined in.

"I love you," He yelled.

"Love you too Beebo," I yelled back.

"Who the fuck is Beebo?" He referenced making me and the whole bus erupted into laughter. I shook my head and decided to stop 'being a hermit' and go socialize with the boys.

I escaped from my comfortable bunk and fled to the living room. This caused the boys to cheer.

"I hate you all," I laughed and took a seat between Daniel and Tyler. Brendon was doing a twitch stream, Tyler was playing a weird game, Daniel was messaging someone on Instagram, Josh was on his phone, Emerson was drawing on the wall, Remington and Seb were with Brendon. I was playing with the cuffs of my jeans as I was thinking about asking Luis for photography insights.

I knew it was a weird thing to think about, but I was curious. I needed to upload more photos on my Instagram account.

"Thank you for the bits," I heard Brendon say from across the way.

"What is up my vros," I yelled making the boys laugh.

"Yeah, that was Kat," Brendon replied to the stream.

"Don't expose me like that," I laughed.

"They asked," he moved his hands in front of him making me laugh even harder.

I decided to join the boys in their live stream, so I got up and ran over to the boys. Joining Remington by his side. He kissed my temple which made Brendon gasp dramatically.

"No PDA on the stream!!" He jokingly glared.

"We could actually kiss," Remington retorted.

The chat began to explode.

Kiss omg

I hate her


Brendon is such a father


I needed this

I fucking hate this ship

Can we stop?

I ship Kemington

I smiled at the stream and shook my head. I rested my head onto Remington's chest making him grab my waist and pull me into his side. The chat exploded once more.

"They love us, baby," He muttered lazily into my ear. A blush crept onto my face.

"Well not all of them," I replied back.

"Don't focus on the negative," He kissed my ear which caused me to blush even more.

"I love you," I looked up at him.

"I love you too, Ma Chérie," He kissed my forehead. This was loud enough for everyone to hear, and obviously, the affection was displayed in front of the vros. The chat freaked out again making me laugh.

"Vros ignore them, they're gross," Brendon joked.

"I think they're cute," Seb mumbled.

"Where's your girlfriend Seb?" I asked.

"She's not my girlfriend...yet...but she's sleeping in her bunk," Seb answered.

"Stop being mean in the chat, we don't need that here. We are all family, no need to hate on each other. We support each other in everything. We are not supposed to be this way. We need less hate in this world and more support. You never know what battle people are going through, so stop hating and start loving," Brendon addressed the hate within the chat. I got chills down my spine. I nodded my head in response.

I agree we need less hate especially towards us and the band. I don't know how long I could hold off. I was already suicidal as it is. Him saying that you never know the battles, really spoke to me. It was like he was talking about that side of me. My heart grew warm at the thought.

The stream continued for a few hours, and the PDA was being eaten up by everyone. My phone was blowing up with pictures of the stream, and all the cute stuff we did. You can see love evident on our faces. I had officially fallen for this man. Even with all the struggles, we went through, no matter how mad we got..we still loved each other.

The night ended with us all eating some pizza, the show being put on the road...quite literally, and us falling asleep.

I was snuggled into Remington's bare chest when I had fallen asleep. I can't really tell you how I felt. All I know is that my day was amazing.

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