Chapter Twenty Seven

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Daniel bursted into the room and threw me his pink sweater. I was too shocked to even put it on. Daniel sighed and pushed Emerson out of the way before putting the sweater on me and carrying me to the car. Emerson trailed behind us.

"Sebastian is in the ambulance with Hannah and Phil is in the ambulance with Rem, they're heading to Mercy, so we're gonna meet them there," Jason spoke as we entered the rented van.

I was buckled in, shock had taken over my body. I felt like nothing was a reality. This wasn't real. I was still playing music in the dressing room. I wasn't in a van full of the boys. This isn't real.

Josh and the rest of the boys were here in the bus. Josh was sat next to me, then Daniel. Emerson was in front and the other two were in the back. Josh pulled me into a hug. The cold weather outside seemed to drop as snow began to hit the windshield. It was the first snow of the year, and I didn't get to enjoy it with my boyfriend. They're gonna see his bruises, all the stuff we keep hidden from the fans. Oh god, the fans must be terrified right now.

I pulled out my phone, realization seemed to make my body snap out of shock. We had to let the fans know that they're okay even if they aren't. We can't have them worried like that.

I turned on my data, and went to my twitter app. I made sure to tag all the boys and told everyone that I would keep them posted on everything.

Emerson and Daniel's phones went off making them reach for it. They both retweeted my post and put away their phones.

I kept mine out and looked to see that AP Magazine had already published about it. I sighed and placed my phone into my pocket.

The drive was only ten minutes long, considering there was barely any traffic and we were speeding.

We got out of the van, and raced through the snow, and into the hospital. I was met with a worried, crying Sebastian. I began to cry at the sight of the poor man. He looked so heartbroken, and I knew he was beating himself up about it.

He pulled me and Em into a hug. I cried into his chest and he cried into my shoulder. Emerson just tried his best to calm us both down, but no one could deny how worried they were for all of us. We were all in despair.

"They said he might not make it. Hannah is okay. She passed out from the lack of blood. She got shot in the arm while Rem got shot in the chest," Daniel spoke. He had wondered off and asked about our friends. I cried harder.

He has to make it. I couldn't survive without him. He mattered so much to me. I was lying to myself when I said I didn't believe in love. I loved this man. I loved him with my whole being. He was my everything.

Emerson grabbed my hand and pulled me off of Sebastian before leading me to the couch looking seat with fake blue leather plastered on it. Josh took a seat right next to me. I laid my feet onto his lap and laid my head on Emerson's chest. Emerson wrapped his arm underneath my head, supporting my neck like I was a child. Josh rubbed my legs.
"Thank you," I cuddled deeper into his chest. The smell of weed and mint filled my nostrils.

"It'll be okay," Emerson kissed my temple. Emerson began to hum Hospital Beds which didn't seem fitting for this. I breathed in his scent and focused on the touch that Josh was providing before falling asleep on Emerson.


"Visitors for Hannah Kropp and Remington Kropp," I shot up from my comfortable position and looked at the nurse.

"Which one of you put her as a Kropp," I whispered to Emerson. He shrugged his shoulders, but raised his hand along with the rest of us.

"I can only allow two at a time," she spoke.

"Emerson and Kat will see Rem, Daniel and I will visit Hannah," Sebastian offered. I nodded my head and smiled. I grabbed Emerson's hand trying to calm my heart beat, but nothing helped.

The nurse walked us to Remington's room before dropping the other boys off right next door. My heart sank as soon as I looked at Remington. My heart shattered. The heart monitor was barely making the beeping noise, and he was hooked up to so many machines. His skin was ghostly pale, it almost matched mine.

"I'm so sorry," I ran over to his bed side and picked up his hand, placing it to my lips.

Emerson looked as if he was going to break also, he was placed right next to me, rubbing my back gently.

"He'll be okay," Emerson kissed my head.

"I hope so," more tears trailed down my face. I analyzed his features as of it was the last time I'd see him. I noticed how his hair was no longer sticking straight up, but laying across his forehead. I noticed how his pink lips were the brightest thing about his skin right now. His lips looked kissable, but cracked and faded. They matched the dark tone of his skin, but still managed to be bright.

He was wearing a hospital gown which was white with blue dashes scattered around the fabric.

"Hannah is awake, how's he doing?" Daniel asked from the doorway.

"He's so pale. But I don't know. He hasn't woken up yet," I wiped my tears with his pink hoodie.

"Come here," Daniel opened his arms. I let go of my boyfriends hand and ran past Emerson, right into Curcio's grasp. Tears flooded down my face and onto his black leather jacket.

"He'll be okay. You know he will. He wouldn't want to leave you alone with us boys," Daniel joked trying to make the atmosphere brighter. I laughed through my tears, nodding my head in agreement.

"Dry your eyes, you don't want him to see you crying when he wakes up, do you?" He asked. I shook my head, and released myself from his grip, wiping my eyes in the process.

"Stay strong, I'm gonna head back to the waiting room," Daniel ruffled my hair before leaving.

"I'm gonna go check on Hannah, can you handle this by yourself?" Emerson asked heading over to the door where I was. I nodded my head, and walked back to Remington's bed.

"Hey. I think you're in a coma. And from what I remember, you can still hear. I just wanted to let you know that I love you, and I need you to stay with me. Okay? How am I gonna take care of the boys if you're not here. We need you around baby, I can't do it without-" I stopped mid-sentence as the sound of a flat line echoed around the hospital room.

I was carried out of the room by a nurse as I screamed and cried. He couldn't leave me.

"Clear!!" I heard the doctor shout. The door was closed behind them.

"Please don't leave me," I cried. The flat line was all I could hear as I was placed back into the waiting room. Nothing seemed real. He was dead.

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