Chapter Twenty Six

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I walked off the bus, Hannah right behind me. The boys had to do soundcheck, and get ready for their show tonight, so we decided to hang out together and get to know each other. We haven't really changed our clothes other than the fact that we made sure to not look like bums who had just cried for three hours straight.

The boys had agreed to let us go as long as we had Josh, Brendon, and Tyler alongside us our whole adventure. I didn't mind nor did Hannah. We intertwined our hand and began to walk down the street of the new city. I smiled and watched as the town folks were buzzing around trying to get to their destinations, some were walking to local Starbucks, others were walking into small restaurants or to what could be their jobs.

We decided to go to the nearest coffee shop that wasn't starbucks and ended up at this place called Auntie Marie's Coffee and Pastries. I decided just to get a caramel latte and Hannah decided to get a vanilla iced coffee. I could get behind those. The rest of the boys decided to just buy nothing, but get an energy drink before we head back to the venue. I agreed and took a look around.

There were black leather sofas scattered around the place, a place for slam poetry, wooden tables and chairs. I noticed people playing chess and checkers during our time there. Sebastian and Emerson would love it here. Sebastian would probably love to play chess with gin. I laughed at my thoughts. I made a mental note to take them here before we left.

We left the coffee shop, drinks in hand, and headed to a mall. It was kind of like the other one except it had two stores. We arrived to the black painted shopping center. Josh and Brendon decided to go to the food court while me, Hannah, and Tyler decided to go to the gothic store. It went by the name of Witch's Cabin. It was full of goth accessories.

I smiled and ran towards the back. There were so many chokers and bat related clothes. My heart was full of glee. I decided to purchase some of the bat winged items. I got more shoes, a bracelet, and a Bat couple necklace. It was really cute and had that gothic black vibe art design to it. I was really happy with my purchases.

Hannah had purchased a few things too. She got a shirt with a white outlined heart, a few chokers, and a In This Moment bracelet She seemed to be more excited to wear them then she did to spend money on them.

We ended up meeting the boys back at the food court unto which they all ate, and I decided not to. After they ate, we decided to head back considering it was around three. And the concert starts at six.
We began to walk back and stopped at the local liquor store picking up candy, sodas and some alcoholic beverages for the road.
We had made it back to the venue, and the boys were pretty quiet. I was concerned but didn't want to ask, so I just left it. The boys and Hannah went onto the tour bus, but I went into the venue. My bag was taken in by Hannah.

I just had this bad feeling in my stomach and I wanted it gone. But I didn't know what to do about it. I decide to grab a tambourine off stage and play some songs in the backstage dressing rooms. And that's what I did the whole night.

Not once did I hear the ambulance or police sirens. Not once did I hear the piercing sound of a gun shooting through the air until Emerson came in crying telling me that Remington and Hannah had been shot.

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