Chapter Thirty Two

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It has been a few months since all the craziness had happened. The boys had a couple more shows to play and we would officially be off tour. Rem and I  have been wonderful, we haven't fought once since the incidents. I haven't had any nightmares, and my depression along with some of my PTSD from getting...has been great. I've been happy for the past few months.

Tyler and Josh are on hiatus, and that caused the internet to break. Everyone is wondering where they are and why they decided to do this. I already knew, but I couldn't say anything. They weren't going to be on the internet for a while. They would be missed, but when we get back, they were gonna hide out in my place. I didn't mind. I loved my boys. I would give my life to keep them around.

As of right now, the boys were hosting their second to last concert. Tyler, Josh, Brendon, and I were all on the bus while everyone else was at the concert. I wasn't really feeling up to leaving right now. I was in the mood to deal with a lot of people. I loved the fans, but I needed a break from the rock and roll.

The fans have been nicer to me actually, they are more supportive. All of the boys had tweeted about respecting me, but

Some of the fans still hated me. Most of them are supportive and loved when I tweeted photos of the boys or videos. They also found out that I could sing...fucking Rem posted a video of me singing when I was cooking dinner for us. It was a video of me in a black cardigan that covered my ass and landed about my thighs. I was bouncing and singing an unreleased song by Fall Out Boy. No one knew. They thought I was just coming up with lyrics, so the Fall Out boys weren't upset about it. They found it funny, and they had liked and shared the video. No cryptic message or anything, just a shared the video.

I smiled at the memory. I loved the boys. I was told that when we made it home, all of the boys including Fall Out and Black Veil were going to come over and we were gonna eat some El Charro with them. I missed all the boys. I had kept in contact with all of them. I was happy when Andy had texted me and asked to hang out when I got back into town. He wanted to hang out with me and Rem, go on a double date. I agreed.

The boys had entered the tour bus, making a lot of noise. I groaned in annoyance but kept quiet. I wasn't in the mood for the loudness. I had a headache and the other boys had been quiet so far. They were just on their phones or were making music...Josh and Tyler to be exact.

It was something about Dema? I don't know. It confused me, but I was too busy focusing on my thoughts more than I was them. The boys took note of how quiet the bus was before they entered, and quieted down. I was pleased.

I was curled up on the couch with a book, that I obviously wasn't paying much attention to it. My glasses were sliding down my nose as I stared at the white paper with black ink typed into it. My long hair was pulled into a tight bun that rested on top of my head. I was wearing my long black cardigan with my black sweatpants and a white tank top hugged my sides. I was very comfortable, and I had no regrets with what I was wearing.

"Let's go to bed, love," Remington wrapped his arms around me. I shook my head no making him sigh. He sat down next to me and pulled me into his gip. I smiled. I snuggled into his grasp and breathed in. His scent was intoxicating. I smiled and moaned in delight. He did smell a little sweaty, but I didn't mind. At least it wasn't that bad, I loved him and would do anything for him. Even if he smelled bad.

I curled deeper into his side and pulled up the book. I had been stuck on page 138 for the past hour. I was so lost in thought that an hour had passed. My eyes glanced over the black ink, words filling my mind as I read.

A hand covered my eyes, pushing up my glasses, but stealing my book in the process. I glared as Daniel held my book in his hand, the blue cover blending in with his shirt.

"Give," I held my hand out in a commanding way, sass lacing my words.

"Calm down Gerard, you weren't listening to me. I needed your attention," He laughed.

"What?" I sighed. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him right now. I just wanted to be left alone to read in my boyfriend's hold.

"What do you want from Taco Bell? And do you want to watch a movie?" Daniel asked.

"Tell Tyler to get my regular, he'll know. And depends on what movie?" I asked.

"Mulan, per Austin's request," Daniel smiled.

"Alright, I guess," I sighed. I was able to stay on the couch with my man while people left to get food. I was left on the bus with Emerson, Remington, Austin, and Jason. The rest of the boys had left which was fine.

My phone buzzed on my side. I smiled. I pulled out my phone and saw that I was in a group chat with all of Fall Out and the Veil boys. I didn't mind. They wanted to talk about the party, which I was cool with.

Let's have a movie night!! -Purdy Boi

Yeah okay, good joke. I don't have a couch to fit all of us - Kat

We can sit on the floor. Oh my god!! Pillow fort -CC

I swear you guys -Kat

Please!! I want to build one too  -Eyeliner God

I guess, but you guys are cleaning it up -Kat

How will my gazelle legs fit? -Gazelle Dad

Just sit criss cross -Fedora Stump

Gotcha -Gazelle Dad

Alright, I'll text Y'all soon. TB is here -Kat

TB? Tuberculosis?- Purdy Boi

Taco Bell...Dumbass -JIxxed

Don't attack the baby -Jake The Flake

OML. I gotta go. Love you guys -Kat

Love you too babe -Joe boi

Love you doll -Hurley is Andy

I muted the rest of the group chat before looking up to see Brendon and Tyler digging out the Taco Bell from the bag. I smiled as they handed me my burrito. I was very hungry. Josh handed me a medium Dr. Pepper and smile at me as he ruffled my hair before leaving me and Rem to ourselves. We decided to eat on the couch and suffer later.

Austin turned on Mulan and dimmed the lights before letting all of us eat. The cartoon flashed upon the screen which caused me to smile. Mulan was my favorite princess after all. Hannah and Sebastian were curled up into each other. They were officially dating. He had asked her out at one of the concerts.

It was the one in Amsterdam. It was during the song Mrs. Infamous. Rem called her out onto the stage and handed Seb the mic. His cheeks were a pink tint, and for the first time, it wasn't from alcohol. He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. He asked her out in front of the whole crowd which caused cheers to erupt on the floor.

He had bought her a black band as a promise ring. It was really adorable and made me have flashbacks of Rem asking me out in my hospital bed.

A smile climbed upon my lips as the night came to an end, and my annoyance level dropped. I had finished my food and ended up falling asleep in my lover's arms. I knew that this was the life that I wanted forever. 

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