Chapter Seventeen

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"What the fuck Emerson," screaming erupted from the bus. I awoke dazed and confused.

"I-I'm sorry-" Emerson was cut off. His voice laced with fear.

"No, She's my girlfriend. How fucking dare you!!" I heard Remington scream. Suddenly my mind filled with memories of what had happened earlier. I sprung up from my bed, bunny still in hand, and raced to the living room. An angry Remington was screaming at a very scared and cowering Emerson. Sebastian and Daniel were holding him back to try and stop Rem from killing his little brother.

"Hey!!" I screamed stepping in front of Remington, protecting Emerson with my body. Remington stopped yelling, but his eyes held anger.

"How dare you sleep with him!!" He yelled at my face, spit landing on my cheek.

"Don't fucking yell at me or him. He was helping me. Sure we slept in the same bed. We're like fucking family. I see him as a brother and a best friend. He has a girlfriend you dumb ass. Stop acting like a dick. I get it, you're mad cause he slept in the same bed as me. But are you going to be that way if Josh sleeps in the same bed with me? Or Tyler? Or Brendon? No. So stop harassing him. He is having a fucking panic attack on the floor because of this bullshit." I wiped the spit from my cheek, in anger I had clutched my bunny's hand. I pulled Emerson off of the floor and lead him back to the bunks. I handed him my bunny.  He was still shaking, his breath uneven. I knew that he hated arguing. I made him look at me. Tears were flooding down his cheeks, but no damage had been done.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make him yell at you," I sighed.

"I-I-I" Emerson choked.

"It's okay," I signed to him.

"It's not your fault. I'm sorry that it woke you up," He signed back.

"Don't worry about it, are you okay?"

"I'm scared."

"That's understandable. When we stop do you want to grab a burger or something?"

He nodded his head and smiled at me. His tears were slowly subsiding and the shaking had stopped. He was now left with red puffy eyes and small trails of dried tears were left on his face.

"Go take a shower, I'll make us something to drink while you do," I smiled and walked towards the living room again. The living room was connected to the kitchen, so I would have to see the boys.

"Just a few hours on the bus and you've already brought drama here," Daniel sighed.

"Fuck off Daniel. I'm not in the mood," I glared. 

"Well, deal with it. You caused a fight earlier. I do not want to see you right now," He glared.

"Deal with it," I flipped him off and turned on the stove. Remington couldn't make eye contact with me and Sebastian was nudging Daniel as an attempt to shut him up.

I looked at the ipod that laid on the counter beside me and smirked. I grabbed it. I opened it with ease, there was no password. I went to Youtube and began to play Roots by In This Moment. It began to play through the speaker. I smirked and began to make me and Emerson a smoothie. I got out the blender and added some fruit and some juice with some ice before placing the lid on top, locking it in place and let it work its magic.

The two pissed off dickheads rolled their eyes while Sebastian smirked and came into the kitchen to join me.

"I bite down a little harder, my blades a little sharper, My roots, my roots run deep into the hallow. Strike back a little harder, I scream a little louder. My roots, my roots run deep into the hallow. I'm stronger than I ever knew, I'm strong because of you," I sang singing the last line while pointing at Remington before continuing to sing,"I hit back a little louder, I fuck you a little harder."

Sebastian started singing and dancing with me while I waited for the smoothie to blend. I smiled and kept dancing. I threw my head back and laughed. Me and Sebastian began to have a jam session. Emerson came out of the shower, his hair a mess. He was just in jeans with no shirt.

I smirked as Whore began to play on the speakers. I grabbed three cups from the cabinet and began to fill them with smoothies. I smiled as the strawberry banana liquid began to pour into the white cups. I passed them to my dance crew and began to dance with the smoothie in my hands.

"I am the dirt you created, I am your sinner and your whore. But let me tell you something baby," I made eye contact with Remington again,"You love me for everything you hate me for." I raised my hands in the air and then flipped off Daniel and Remington as I continued to dance around the kitchen like a fool. Needless to say, my pettiness can get so much worse than this. The bus finally came to a stop. I smiled and went back to my bed. Emerson followed me and went to his. I smiled and sat on my bed. I placed my black spiked boots onto my feet. And Emerson placed on a simple buttoned white and black shirt with his regular necklaces and his rusted black hat with a red scarf thing tied around it with some feathers to match it. I smiled and analyzed my attire. I had on black ripped jeans that suited my AC/DC muscle tee and my leather jacket.

I nodded my head before grabbing my phone and messenger bag, and headed out the door, Emerson following behind me. I smiled and looped our arms together before walking towards the city.

"I love New York," He smiled. I nodded my head in agreement as I walked down the busy street with my best friend.

"It only took us Nine hours to get here from Ohio," I smiled. I had looked it up the night before how long it would be from my home. The map said eight, but including all the traffic, it was an extra hour.

"You know who else is on tour in New York right now?" Emerson asked.


"Fall Out Boy," he smiled.

"Holy shit!! I forgot about that!" I screamed causing a few New Yorkers to look my way.

"Oh my god!!" I heard a girl squeal. I turned around and looked at her to notice that she was running up to Emerson. He smiled.

"Why hello, darling," He kissed her hand and smirked.

"Oh. My. God. You're Emerson...Oh My God," she looked shook. I laughed and beat Emerson to the question.

"And you are?" I asked while Emerson smiled.

"Cateline!!" Her hands began to fidget out of nervousness.

"Would you like me to take a picture of you guys?" I asked.

She nodded her head ferociously and handed me her phone. I smiled an snapped a few photos of them each in a different pose. She looked so happy. I wish I could be that happy. She smiled, thanked me, gave Emerson one last hug before walking away.

There were many more encounters like that. People began to wonder who the mystery girl was. They wondered why I was following them. Some of the fans were rude to me about it, but I was okay. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

After a whole day spent in the great NY, Emerson had decided to surprise me by taking me to a musical. I was so happy. He took me to go see Jekyll And Hyde which bloody hell it amazing. I was smiling the whole time I was there, until the end of course where Jekyll had killed himself in order to save his wife from being hurt by Hyde. It was truly a sad but wonderful tale. I stood and applauded when it ended. I was very happy that night...that was until I got home.

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