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It had been three years since me and my husband got married...Three years since I said 'I do' in front of our families...well...kinda.

Here, let me tell you one last story.

It was September 22, 2019.

Twenty One PIlots had come back the year before which made everyone scream and cry. Everyone's "acne was clear" and such. I was very proud of the boys. Brendon had released a new album and had been touring. Fall Out Boy released a new album also and everyone was freaking out. Best years for the Emos.

Remington and Emerson filmed a video with this youtuber called CrankThatFrank. I prefer to call him Fronk. He and his beautiful fiance were very lovely and we all instantly clicked. It was wonderful to see someone with the same passion as us.

I was nervously pacing back and forth in the dressing room. Remington's mom Stephanie, who loves me by the way, was helping me calm down. Hannah was checking on the boys to see if everything was ready, and Eva, yes Fronk's girlfriend, was making sure I didn't mess up my makeup or hair.

Eva had done it all for me, and god did I feel special. She used the boy's makeup palette to add to the special feeling. It was great. I was in a gothic type of dress. The top was black and sleeveless. It ended about mid-thigh and turned into a white dress with what looked like black rose leaves falling. I had a white and grey smokey eye with black eyeliner applied to my eyes. I was wearing a white ribbon around my wrist and a black choker around my neck. My hair was once again curled and ended just above my breast.

The wedding was supposed to happen at two-thirty, and it was currently two-twenty. I was a nervous wreck, but I knew that I could do it. I was very excited to finally be his. Forever and always.

He also decided to do the vows from Corpse Bride which made my heart bang out of my chest. I loved the movie as much as Remington loved Nutella. And he had always loved Tim Burton, so he automatically knew what to say and how to do it. Same with me which is wonderful.

"Alright, bridesmaids let's go, and Kat follow behind us, yes?" Eva looked back at me. I nodded my head and did as I was told. The bridesmaids lined up behind Eva. She was one, my best woman was Hannah Kropp, Juliet Simms, Jenna Joseph, Debby Dun, Ashley Costello, and Maria Brink.

A long story..but I met them all a few months ago. Thanks, Viel boys...and my other boys of course.

I was going to be walked down the aisle by Mrs. Kropp. And I honestly couldn't wait for my husband to see me.

And instead of here comes the bride, we had Can't Help Falling In Love played by none other by my best friend Tyler. I was going to cry. I knew I was. Good thing my makeup was waterproof.

My bridesmaids walked down the aisle and then left me... Tyler was already singing as I walked in.

Shall I stay

Mrs. Kropp hooked her arm with mine. A smile on my face. Gasps erupted across the room. Remington's face was full of shock, and love. I smiled gently at him. He smiled back.

Would it be a sin?

She kissed my cheek as she handed me off to Rem. He was dressed in a tux type of clothes, but his combat boys tied around his legs. His pale skin made his dark clothes look better on his slim body. He took my hands in his. The pastor let Tyler finish the song, and take his place back into the group of men lines up. I smiled. The pastor began to speak.

"You may now say your vows," He blessed us.

"With this cup, I will lift your sorrows," Remington grabbed the cup of wine that laid amongst the table by the pastor,"Your cup may never empty, for I will be your wine."

He drank from the wine, as did I. "With this candle, I will light your way into darkness," I  lit the candle placing it onto the table gently.

"And with this ring" He pulled out a ring with a cat on it with the words Ma Chérie engraved on the sides,"I ask you to be mine."

I did the same and placed his ring onto his finger. His ring was also gold but it had a cat to match mine along with the words Prince engraved onto his. It was a nickname I had been using when he would call me his princess.

We then said our "I do's" and kissed. The kiss was sweet but passionate. It didn't last very long, but it seemed like the whole room melted away. I cried a lot as did most of the people there including Jenna and Debby. Who both got married before me. Jenna and Tyler had married a few months after we got off tour, and Josh had just recently got married to Debby. They were a match made in heaven. Hannah had also gotten married to Sebastian sometime in August. They were already expecting a child. Hannah was only five weeks pregnant, but they seemed so happy with the news.

The after party was amazing, I was actually in a formal party dress and was able to have converse on. Me and Rem had our dances together, we did two. He picked a song and I picked a sing. He chose Ma Chérie. And I chose Heaven's Gate, Rebel Love Song, Church, then back to Heaven's Gate. It was a mashup to where it would play certain parts of the song but ended back onto the slow parts. It was great because all the boys were there to experience it.

His mom chose some old country song, and I had Tyler dance with me to Oh Mrs. Believer which made me cry. After that, the floor was open to people to dance on. Of course, almost everyone wanted to dance. The Dj played almost everything from early emo 2000s to Now.

We even had Gerard Way come to the event. He was a friend of Brendon's and he decided it would be great to come. He was bored...or something like that, so Brendon invited him to the wedding. I didn't mind. If anything, I fangirled...a lot. We are now close friends and to this day, we still keep in touch. Sometimes I babysit Bandit when he needs me to.

Me and Rem cut the cake which was a Harry Potter themed cake. It had the movie that we both love on it. Half of the cake was Slytherin and the other half was a Hufflepuff. Our names were at the top in fondant, and the words "Every Slytherin needs a Hufflepuff and every Hufflepuff needs a Slytherin" I had taken a thumb worthy amount of green frosting off of my cake and slid it across his cheek and he did the same to my cheek only it was yellow frosting. Luis got good photos of this which made us all laugh.

Emerson and Shy are still together, engaged. They were at the party and were the stars of the show, but not as much as me and Rem.

It has been three years since then. We had a cat named Snow, she was fully black and I found it ironic to name a black cat after something that should be white and fluffy. The cat was a short hair and had green eyes, he really loved me.

We also had a baby boy named Jackson. We called him Jack for short. We wanted him to be named Jack, because of Jack Skellington, but we decided to name him Jackson and call him Jack for short. He was four months old and was born on October 31st, 2020.

I was so proud of how far we had come. The only thing I regret was not meeting him sooner. I wish I would've fallen for Rem before he had met Jessica and before everything that had happened between us went down. But then I remember how grateful I am. He may have hurt me, but in the end, I was victorious. I am the one who is his wife now. I have the love of my life. I wake up to a beautiful man and an adorable baby boy, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Her Story (Remington Leith) (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang