Chapter Ten

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"I'm so so sorry," I apologized and winced as I tried to get up.

"No, no, it was my fault," He helped me to my feet. Oh my god, a King has just touched me.

"I-I'm Kat, Kat Walsh," I stretched my hand out.

"The Kat Walsh? The one my sons Tyler and Josh are always talking about?" Brendon asked.

"Sadly, it is me," I laughed.

"Damn isn't this awkward," he laughed with me. His voice was so angelic.

"I mean, I'm going to Hot Topic and sadly heading back home where the boys are. You can come along if you want? I know it sounds like I'm kidnapping you, but I can call Josh just to prove I'm not lying," I laughed.

"Nah, I believe you. You seem pretty chill and are exactly how they've described you. I've also seen yeah," He smiled at me. Damn those white teeth.

"Oh fuck, that means they've shown you the crazy ones too like me in my black cat onesie," I groaned.

"Oh yeah, you rocked that shit," Brendon laughed. I laughed with him and thanked him.

"We can skip Hot Topic and just go to my house if you want? It is getting pretty dark," I muttered checking my phone. It was five which means it was about to get dark.

"Yeah, that's fine. Did you drive here or..." He trailed off.

"I walked sadly," I sighed.

"We can take my car, if you want. I don't want a pretty lady like you walking alone in this terrible area," He gave a pleading look. I nodded my head and blushed as he smiled.

He began to walk away checking over his shoulder every few minutes to make sure I was following him.

We had made it outside and Brendon was leading us to his pretty black Audi Q7. My eyes widened. It was way better than the van that the boys owned.

He opened the door for me which made me nod my head a little and thank him before getting in and sitting in the leather seats. I buckled up and watched him do the same thing. I told him where I lived and he typed it into his gps. I smiled and sighed.

"What's up doll?' He glanced at me before pulling out of the parking lot.

"I have a girl who I don't like at my house. Palaye Royale is there and Remington's girlfriend, Jessica, is there. She's the girl I don't like. She bullied me all throughout high school and always makes me feel bad about myself," I explained,"Which if I break out into sign language it's her fault. I was a selective mute for a while."

"I hate her already," he smirked," And good thing I know sign language."

I laughed. He turned on the radio and let some of the fresh beats shake his car. Out of nowhere his phone played Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley.

"Your phone just Rick Rolled us," I laughed which earned a small chuckle from him. Which was fucking adorable.

After about three more songs we had arrived at my house. I sighed and braced myself for the massive chaos I was about to embrace. Brendon had helped me out of the car and grabbed my Earthbound bag. I thanked him and grabbed my keys from my messenger bag. My hands were shaking and my heart was racing. Before I unlocked the door, Brendon stopped me.

"Take a deep breath," he instructed. I did as he told me to and inhaled some air.

"Let it out slowly through your mouth," He ordered. I did as I was told. My heart rate slowing.

"You got this. I'm right here and if she says anything I won't hesitate to sass a bitch," He patted my head and I smiled.

"Thank you," I nodded my head again. I placed the key into the door and pushed it open.

"I'm home!!" I shouted from the door which caused Emerson, and Josh to jump off the couch and embrace me into a strong hug.

"We were so worried. You weren't answering your phone," Josh muttered into my ear,"and you're an ass for leaving us with that bitch."

Brendon coughed from behind me which drew everyone's attention towards him. I bit my lip to contain a smile.

"Did you miss me?" Brendon smirked quoting sherlock. I laughed.

"Dad!!" Josh joked and embraced him into a bro hug. Tyler got off the couch and did the same.

"Kat's back at it again. Reuniting families one year at a time," Josh joked. I laughed and nudged his shoulder. Brendon closed and locked the door behind him before holding up my bag with a  questioning look on his face.

"Follow me," I smiled and lead him to my room.

"Slut," a bitchy voice pretended to cough from the couch.

"Don't talk about yourself like that, even if it might be true," Brendon sassed and followed behind me. I giggled and opened my door. I could get used to him being around.

"Thanks for that," I smiled and let him place the bag in my floor. I placed my bag against my wall. I can't believe I've met Brendon Urie. Oh my fuck. I sat on the floor in front of the bag and began to set it up.

"You can go join them, it's probably more fun to be around them than a girl you've just met," I smiled.

"I might not know you, but I'd love to get to know you," He sat next to me.

"Tell me your story," He smiled and helped me remove the contents inside of the box. He took a look around my room. I had him on my wall too. Fuck me.

"Well, I had a deadbeat dad who used to abuse me up until high school where he was found out by Josh's dad. They saved me and didn't adopt me but took me away from him. My mother got killed in a car accident when I was five. I was molested and abused by my father. I was very grateful for Josh and his family. My dad went to prison. I stayed with them until I was nineteen and now I live here." I took a breath and continued," Jessica used to abuse me at school because I was friends with Josh. She would harass Tyler but he got a restraining order on her. She used to have her and her goth possy tell me that I was worthless and that I was ugly. They beat me to a pulp sometimes." I held back tears.

He pulled me into a hug and petted my hair. He was so kind. That made my heart warm. I smiled into his chest. My need for tears had subsided. This was a good day. I removed myself from the hug and smiled at him.

"Thank you," I smiled and continued to work on the fountain. He decided it would be better if I didn't continue my story. He understood the gist. He had noticed my scarred arm and automatically knew my story, well...not that I had been harassed. But he understood my fight with my inner demons. I smiled.

We had finished the fountain and set it up in my room. I began to feel very tired. Brendon had noticed and led me to my bed. The sound of the fountain was very relaxing and calming. I laid down and snuggled into my blankets.

"Goodnight dear, I'll leave you," he kissed my temple. I looked at the time to see it was only six. I sighed and muttered a goodnight.

"You can stay over if you want," I muttered. He smiled and told me a soft okay before shutting the door leaving me with my thoughts.

In all honesty I just want to be alone forever. Love isn't worth my time. But Remington is worth it. I think I was falling for him but...he has a girlfriend. They seem happy. I'm just the side chick who everyone hates.

I hated Jessica with a passion. But sure she had cheated on him, but I guess people change. Right? You never know...she could have stopped.

I'm too positive for this bullshit. And with that thought, I fell into the dark abyss called sleep.

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