Chapter Twenty Four

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The whole bus woke up to a scream. It was Hannah. Poor girl. She woke up in a stranger's bed. It was around eight in the morning. Sebastian raced to his bunk which was where she was placed and calmed her down. He reassured that she wasn't kidnapped, but was saved.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry," She cried as her anxiety came off of it's peak.

"Hey, hey, shh, it's okay. We understand," he rubbed her back as she sobbed into his bare chest.
I was low key shipping them from my little bunk. Me and Remington shared a bunk last night which, I obviously didn't mind. I got up from bed and left to go make some food for hannah and the boys.

"Hey dick, go see if hannah was allergic to anything," I sent Curcio to go ask, He rolled his eyes, but nodded. He came back after a few seconds and shook his head. A smile found its way onto my lips. I'm gonna make us some breakfast.

"No, fuck you, I'm making breakfast for the pretty lady," Sebastian brought Hannah into the living room.

"Sebastian, no one wants your damn 'fried' potatoes," I pute air quotes around fried.

"You mean BURNT POTATOES," Remington laughed from the bunks. I laughed also, a pout appeared on Sebastian's lips as he went to sit next to Hannah.

"Aww it's okay, love," She smiled and ruffled his hair. A smile erupted on his face. Sebastian was crushing and it was very obvious.
Emerson took over cooking for me, which I was very thankful for. I walked to the couch and sat between Daniel and Sebastian.

Remington was still getting out of bed, and the rest of the boys were littered around the room. I smiled. Everyone was doing their own things which made me smile. I looked over and saw that Sebastian had his arm draped around Hannah's shoulder. Daniel was on his phone again. Josh and Tyler were working on their music again. And Brendon was in the kitchen with Emerson. The food smelt wonderful.

I smiled and pulled my phone out of my pocket, I decided to finally download twitter. I decided to make my account an actual account and not a fan based thing. I was asked to follow some celebrities, so I followed all the boys and some members who I hadn't met yet. I smiled as I heard all their phones go off.

"Well, isn't that a coincidence," I smirked.

"Is this you?" Daniel asked and showed me his phone. I nodded.
"I don't use twitter, but I'll follow you back," He smiled and followed me.

"Hannah, what's your Twatter?" I laughed at the name I gave it.

"Hannah the alien zero," she explained (hannahthealien0).

I followed her also. She smiled and followed me back. Sebastian followed her too. A smirk landed on my face. He was crushing hard on her. I was living for it. Hannah and Seabass.

"Can I put on music?" I asked the boys.

"Since when do you ask for permission?" Emerson laughed.

"Good point," I laughed and ran to the kitchen where the legendary ipod laid. I played Kick Me by Sleeping With Sirens. A smirk appeared on Hannah's face. She ran off the couch and appeared by me. She grabbed my hand and began to lead us into a dance. I was laughing. Soon Emerson, who had finished cooking by now, joined us and was laughing with us. I danced my heart away to this great song that is like a 'fuck you' to all of those who had ever judged or bullied me. I smiled as I screamed the lyrics which burned my throat. I laughed even more.

After the song, we were all winded and a little sweaty. I smiled and made me a plate of cooked potatoes and our regular breakfast. I was surprised with how well these boys cooked...well...aside from Seb and his burnt potatoes.

"Hannah, feel free to help yourself to anything. You're family now," I smiled to her. She blushed and thanked me as she made herself a plate full of food. The boys slowly joined us. We decided to eat on the couches today. I was sat next to Remington who finally made it out of the bunks, and Daniel.

I barely ate any of my food, but somehow felt full. My phone dinged as I placed my plate down. I looked questionable around the room, no one seemed to notice the ping that had just erupted into the room. I grabbed my phone and looked at the notification. Pete had texted me. I smiled.

How are you short stuff? -P

I'm alright and you? -K

Wonderful, you've been on our minds a lot. We miss you -P

I miss you too. I didn't think I mattered that much -K

The fuck? You're so important even if we barely know you. We would love to get to know more about you -P

A smile found its way onto my face as I laid my head back onto Remington's chest. He kissed the top of my head and handed his plate off to Sebastian who had already picked mine off the floor.
"Such a gentleman," I winked.

"Always," he laughed. I curled myself into Remington's side. A smile never leaving my lips. We had to head to our next tour spot in a couple hours.

"Are we bringing Hannah with us to tour?" I asked quietly looking up at Rem.

"Hannah, how do you feel about going on tour with us?" Emerson overheard our conversation.

"No, I think i'm good," She looked dead serious, I smirked knowing this trick. Sebastian looked sad. My heart grew warm.

"Just kidding, I'd love to go," She smiled. Cheers erupted from the boys. A smile grew on my face. Sebastian looked the happiest out of all of us.

I looked up at Rem, he was already looking at me, a small smile sketched his face. He was playing with my bangs. He made my heart warm.

"Hey! Let's watch a movie and get this damn van on the road. If we get there early, we have more time to hang out," Emerson smiled and looked at Jason.

I nodded my head in agreement and turned my body to face the tv that was hoisted on the wall. Daniel got up and decided on what we were going to watch.

The boys turned out the lights to make it seem dark, the only light was the sunlight behind the dark curtains and the tv flashing.

A few moments later, we had all figured out Daniel picked a horror movie...long story short, I hate horror movies.

I wrapped my arms tighter around Remington's waist and bit my lip. I was very nervous for what I was in for.

I wasn't ready for what was about to happen. So many screams of terror and murder. Some of it had assault scenes which made me tense up as memories flooded my head.

I began to hide myself in Remington's shirt, clenching tightly to the fabric that stood between me and his bare chest.
"Shh, shh, it's just a movie. It's okay," he whispered faintly in my ear. It was so quiet, I barely heard him. My heart beat picking up in panic.

"Calm down, shh, shh," he rubbed my back.

After a few moments, the memories had stopped. I was back home. I was alone...what the hell happened?

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