Chapter Two

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I had gotten dressed for the concert. I was wearing my Southside Serpents leather jacket, a Palaye Royale tank top, Twenty one pilots bracelets and a necklace with their logo, black ripped skinny jeans with my black combat boots, a black choker with a red heart that dangled, a Remington NTIO ring, and finally my Walking Dead messenger bag which was full of "supplies" that I needed.

I clutched my jacket closer to my skin and wrapped my hand into Josh's like I used to when I was scared. I have really bad anxiety to the point that it is hard to even go outside at some points. Today wasn't as bad but the thought of people and how many there would be outside the venue scared me. I gripped tighter on Josh's hand. He nudged me and gave me a small smile, I nodded my head and continued to walk to the car.

They had taken a black car with tinted windows, this made me smile...secrecy, privacy. No one can see me in the car, just my shadow. Josh held the backseat door open for me, and let me climb in. I smiled and stepped into the car. Josh climbed in after me and shut the door, then entered Tyler on the other side.

There was a man in the front seat who looked back at the boys and they nodded their heads. The guy put the car in reverse, and the in drive and began to drive to the venue. The car ride was kind of silent aside from the boys talking about the lineup. I smiled and leaned my head on Josh's shoulder. God, how many fangirls would kill to be in this position right now?

We had arrived at the venue. The mystery car man parked the car behind the venue and led us backstage. I was placed between Josh and Tyler, my hand found Josh's again. He smiled down at me once more. There was screaming of fangirls and fanboys all around the building. Some were crying, some were jumping, and others had their cameras out.

"Who is she!?"
"Are you dating her Josh!?"
"Oh my god, she's pretty!"
"You mean pretty ugly"

A little frown found it's way unto my lips. But I tried to ignore them.

The door was unlocked by the car man, he pushed through the crowd which created a pathway for us, and then we were ushered inside the building.

I felt safe as soon as the doors closed. The tension in my body came to an ease. I felt like a little limp noodle. I smiled at myself.

Josh led me to his dressing room and sat me down on the couch that was placed in the corner. It was red and made out of fake leather. I propped my feet up onto the couch and leaned my head back. A knock erupted from his door, and Josh yelled, "Come in."

I turned my head to look at who was knocking. Three very good looking men from Palaye Royale walked in and smiled at Josh. I began to hide my face with my phone, my eyes just above the screen. They didn't notice me, the dying queen in the corner. I was smiling.

Damn did Remington look better in person. He reminded me of Andy Biersack with his long ass gazelle legs. Josh then started a conversation, I didn't realize at first but Josh had already gotten changed and was waiting on his makeup artists to make his eyes red like Remi's and Frank Iero during the revenge era.

"God, I'm trash," I muttered to myself.

"No, remember Brendon said you have to be a treasure. You lil shit," Josh looked my way laughing at me.

I laughed at him and nodded my head and tossed my hands up in surrender.

"Who's this Josh?" Emerson asked. He shined a smile my way.

"I'm Katherine, please feel free to call me Kat," I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you Kat, according to your shirt, you know who we are?" Sebastian smiled.

"Yep, best band of 2015," I smiled. We were already in 2018.

"Hey!" Josh acted offended.

"Fight me, you lil drummer boi!!" I screamed and stood up. We all started laughing and I silently made my way to Josh's side. "Checking Remi out, I see you ya lil bitch," I whispered in his ear.

"Ahh, fight me!" Josh smiled," I'm not gay."

"You are for Tyler," Emerson laughed. We all died. Josh just shook his head and mumbled to himself. I smiled. I liked these boys more than I did before. They get it.

"Josh lets get burgers after the concert," I smiled," You guys can come too if you want?"

"I'm down," Josh and Remi answered at the same time.

I pulled out my phone and shot a text to Josh saying "Look it's fate." His phone dinged and he looked at me before fishing his phone out of his pocket and groaned," Oh for fuck's sake."

I began to laugh. The boys looked at us both confused but brushed it off as a lady came in dressed head to toe in black. She had a cart full of makeup supplies.

"We're stealing Kat. As soon as you get your makeup done, you know where to find us," Emerson winked at Josh and grabbed my wrist that was full of bracelets before leading me to the Palaye Royale dressing room. Remmy had opened the door first and reached for his container of Nutella. Lucky hoe, I want some. I went and sat on the counter which held a mirror and had a chair so the boys could get their makeup done.

They had already done that though. They looked ready for the concert. I was excited. I had never been to a Palaye concert before, my anxiety always gets the best of me and makes it to the point of me not going. So I don't waste my money on a thing I can't attend.

"So what do you do for fun Kat?" Remington looked at me and asked before shoveling a spoonful of Nutella into his mouth.

"I usually read, sing to my emo playlist, write, or bake," I smiled.

"That's interesting you'll have to bake for us sometime," Emerson smiled.

"Sure, I'm down for that," I smiled back.

"So how do you know Josh?" Sebastian asked.

"He's my childhood best friend he would protect me from a literal hell almost every day. I didn't know he would grow up to be a famous drummer though. It's kind of cool. In all honesty, he's my only friend aside from Tyler."

"Well, you just made some new ones," Remington smiled at me. I smiled back feeling my cheeks become flushed.

We continued to talk about anything and everything before Tyler knocked on the door and let everyone know that they had five minutes till showtime. I smiled and prepared for the show.

Today is going to be a good day..or so I thought...

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