Chapter Twenty Eight

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My heart felt numb. The news that he had officially died for five minutes straight scared me. He was awake now...but I wasn't allowed in yet.

I was waiting in the room with Curcio. He had me laying down on his shoulder while his arm was laid around my waist pulling me into a tight hug. My tears were silent, but hadn't stopped.

Brendon and the rest of the boys, minus Phil who left to go talk to Jason, were visiting with Hannah. Em and Seb were in Rem's room. They were filling out paperwork and were talking to him about what was going on.

I let twitter know that everyone was awake and well, leaving out the part of Rem dying. They didn't need to be worried like that. But it's not like I had such a huge fan base anyways. Only a few fans and the boys. But I just hoped the news would spread that everyone was okay.

"He scared me Curcio," I sighed.

"He scared all of us, love. I'm sorry you were in the room when it happened. You were such a mess when they handed you to me," Daniel sighed. He ran his cold fingers through my long black hair. Once he reached the teal tips, he would start again from the top of my head down to where my hair ended.

"He's gonna be alright," He offered me a kind smile.

"Thank you Daniel," I smiled and hugged his waist.

"Remember when we hated each other and I was a complete dick? Now look at who's here by your side. You're one of the best chicks I've come to know. And you're perfect for Rem. I've never seen him this happy. You guys will go far," Daniel spoke from the heart which brought more tears to my eyes.

"Thanks dick," I smiled, my numb heart began to become warm.

"Anytime jerk," Daniel winked making me laugh. We sat in comfortable silence, letting the hospital's white walls consume us and our thoughts.

"You can go see him now, but I don't think you'll want to..." Emerson sighed, rubbing his hands together in a circular motion, pulling on his thumbs like something was wrong.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, my palms began to sweat from nervousness.

"..." Sebastian join Emerson's side.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Go find out yourself..." Sebastian's voice ran cold as he pushed past me, nudging my shoulder in the process. I winced in pain as my shoulder got bumped by the tall man.

"Not much of a gentleman are we?" I sassed, but bit back the venom that begged to drip off my tongue.

"I'm going to the bar," he muttered before walking out of the door.

"I'll go with him, Daniel, please take care of Katherine," Emerson spoke quickly before running after his upset brother.

"I'll be right here, go see him buttercup," Daniel offered me a kind smile.

"I'll text you when I'm done," I replied.

"Take your time," he smiled.

I nodded my head before leaving down the dark hallway of the hospital. I entered his room, the only noise was coming from the drip he was hooked on giving him medication. I clenched my fists out of nervousness inside of the sleeves of Daniel's pink hoodie.

"Who are you?" Remington asked as I exposed myself.

"I-I'm Kat...your girlfriend," I bit my lip, tears welled in my eyes.

"Who?" He titled his head in confusion.

"You really don't know me?" I asked, tears trailing down my face.

"No? I'm sorry, am I supposed to?" He questioned.

"No, I mean...Oh my god," I covered my mouth and turned from him, my shoulders shaking from the sobs that were muffled by my hand.

"Hey, hey. Doll, I was joking. Don't cry. Oh my god. I'm sorry," He sat up to grab me, but winced in pain.

"Lay back down," I cried. He did as I said. Anger boiled inside me, but I pushed it away. This wouldn't help anything.

"You're really stupid, you know that?" I wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry," he bit his lip.

I crawled into bed with him.

"I'm mad at you. But I've missed you, and your injured. As much as I want to yell at you and hit you...well, I don't think that would be the best option," I snuggled into the hospital gown he was wearing.

"I'm sorry," He kissed my temple, apologizing again.

"Shush. If you apologize one more time, I'm gonna yell at you," I threatened. I meant it half heartedly. I didn't know if I could actually yell at him. I wanted to...

I pulled out my phone and shot Curcio a text saying that he could join us in the room if he wanted to, and he responded with an okay. Within a few short seconds, Daniel had arrived and had shut the door.

"Thank god someone closed the god damn door," I muttered causing Remington to laugh. He had caught onto my joke.

It was around one in the morning when we found out he had died. It's now three in the morning. I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel tired. I would also be lying if I said that Curcio didn't look like hell. His eyes were puffy, and swollen. And his eyes had black bags underneath them from stress and the lack of sleep.

I offered him a side on the small bed which he kindly declined, and made himself a 'comfy' looking bed out of chairs, and one small leathered couch. I handed him a pillow which he gladly took. I smiled and told him a soft goodnight before turning off the bright lights.

I never thought I would actually be thankful for love. Nor did I believe I would have to be thankful for my lover being alive either. I never thought I'd have a lover. My heart had never felt this happy, nor had I felt this loved by anyone.

I was happy to have such an overprotective man. I just wish we could be overprotective in the right moments. Not when we get jealous over the stupid things. The room was still filled with silence, the only noises now were the soft snores coming from Curcio, and the small breaths coming from Remington. I smiled and listened to his steady heartbeat.

I looked towards the open blinds and smiled. It was still snowing outside, and I couldn't have asked for anything better. I was in the arms of my boyfriend surrounded by love.

Now...if only I could find out what was wrong with Seabass, everything would be great.  I wonder why he acted like such a dick. Did something happen to Hannah? No...he would tell me right? God, what happened?

And with that stressful thought, I fell asleep.

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