Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Shh, you'll wake her," I heard Remington shushing the people around us. I groaned and opened my eyes. My eyes burned from the bright lights coming from the hospital window.

"I'm awake now," I groaned again. I wasn't as annoyed as I could have been. I just sat up on the bed with Rem and then laid my head onto his shoulder. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. It smelt more of the hospital and chemicals.

"I'm sorry for how I acted last night, I was pissed cause I got broken up with and considering last night's events, I wasn't really in the best mood," Sebastian hung his head in shame.

"It's all good. You need to figure out how to control that anger of yours,. You are the older brother and you need to set an example for these boys," I lectured. I was still tired, but it is never too early to lecture this drunk.

"I guess I can actually date Hannah and not feel bad about my feelings," He scratched the back of his head.

"I fucking knew you liked her," I mumbled into Rem's neck.

"Speaking of, she's allowed to leave today. She only got shot in the arm, nothing too bad. And Rem you'll have to stay for a few more days to make sure you can breathe properly and such," Sebastian explained. I sighed at the thought of more days in this damned hospital, but I needed to stay. I couldn't leave him.

"Are you guys hungry? I could bring you guys back something," Daniel stood up, and stretched his back which made a very satisfying pop.

"I'm not that hungry right now, but that was a satisfying crack," I laughed.

"Hell yeah it was, felt amazing dude," he laughed along with me.

"Hey, Rem. I'm gonna go with him, I need to stretch my legs," Remington looked at me sadly, but nodded. As much as I wanted to stay, I also needed to pay a visit to Hannah. I had been selfish and only worried about Rem.

I stood up, and fixed the pink hoodie that fit loosely on my body, and stood at Curcio's side.

"Do you guys want anything?" I asked looking around the room.

"Yeah, I want a sandwich, preferably ham," Sebastian spoke. I nodded my head making a mental note.

"I want a chocolate chip muffin," Remington blushed.

"You got it," I winked back before looking at Emerson who shook his head. I nodded back and left the room.

"Let's stop by Hannah's room before we get food, she might be hungry. And I haven't seen her know," I trailed off and looked at the beige floor. I smiled but rubbed the back of my head in shame.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her either, let's go," Daniel put his hand on my lower back and led me through the door. It wasn't a romantic gesture more of,"hurry we need to see her and get food" kind of way. I rushed into her room. She was awake and on her phone.

I coughed to get her attention making her jump. Daniel and I laughed as we made our way closer to her bed.

I smiled as she closed her phone. Her arm was bandaged, but she seemed fine. She had a bright smile on her face.

"You seem happy, you hungry or anything? Me and dick here, are gonna go get some breakfast for the boys," I asked, my smile never leaving. I was glad she was alright, she didn't look as if anything was wrong. Her voice wasn't strained like Remington, she wasn't paler than normal. She looked fine aside from the gauze bandage that hugged her arm.

"No, I'm good, thank you. How's Rem?" She asked.

"He died for five minutes last night....but aside from that he's alright," I bit back the tears as the sound of a flat line echoed around my mind, those memories forever haunting my mind. Daniel rubbed my back snapping me out of the trance, the sound echoing away.

"I'm so sorry, how did you find out?" Her face laced with concern.

"I was in the room," I looked down at the floor and tugged at Daniel's pink sweater. I didn't want to talk about this right now. I hated it. My teal tips greeted my face as they cascaded to my view.

I shook off the uncomfortable feeling and placed a smile back onto my face before looking back up at her.

"Kat, oh my god...I'm sorry." She rushed out of bed and hugged me. I hugged her back, not shedding the tears I was holding back. I couldn't cry. Not again. I rub the back of my head as I released the hug and smiled awkwardly.

"I'll be back. I have to go bring the guys their food," I smiled. She nodded her head in understanding.

"See you later Han, feel better," Daniel pulled her into a hug before leading me back out with him.

And with that, we walked out together. I walked behind him but kept a grip on his leather jacket. He seemed to understand that I was terrified, but I was more than that. I was terrified, depressed, anxiety-filled, and just shocked. All my feelings from last night had resided. I couldn't imagine my life without the black-haired man who was laying in a hospital bed.

I just wanted to cry, my body felt like it was weighed down by a burden. I just needed a good cry and everything will be okay. Right?

I shook off the thoughts and clenched tighter one Daniel's jacket. He kept walking but picked up the pace. I was thankful for this. It meant I could head back to the room sooner.

What if he died again?

What if he doesn't wake up again?

I'm gonna lose him.

This is goodbye.

Oh my god.

I began to have a panic attack. Daniel stopped, my hand had shaken his jacket sleeve which drew his attention towards me. My throat began to close up, my heart beating at an inhuman rate. I was going to die.

I fell to the floor as my legs gave out. He dropped with me and saved me from hitting my head onto the beige floor. Tears pooled my eyes as my breathing picked up even more. My vision began to get foggy from tears and from the lack of oxygen. It seemed as if the room was spinning, but nobody was moving at all. All eyes were on me. I had lost grip of reality.

This was my final thought as my eyes glazed over, and my vision went black. The last thing I heard was Daniel yelling for a doctor, and my body being lifted onto a soft surface. I was back in the dark abyss. Alone with my inner demons.

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