Chapter Twenty Five

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I walked around the empty halls. Memories of my old life were flashing through my mind. I saw my dad push me against the wall holding me there.

More flashed with my mother slapping me so hard I had fallen onto the floor. More abusive thoughts kept repeating through my mind. My dad choking me and throwing me up against the staircase railing.

My next memory to flash by was when the boys had snuck over and I had to hide them in my closet...they watched my dad beat me for hours. We were only fifteen at the time...they couldn't do anything and it killed them. Many more came running through my mind and all I could do was cry until they were over. My throat felt as if it were closing. A shrill scream escaped my lips, finally the memories were over.

A figure appeared from the shadows. My heart rate climbing out of my chest and onto my skin.

"STOP," I screamed. I held my hands in my head. Tears streamed down my face.

"Baby, baby, hey, hey." I heard a voice from above speak.
I began to shake. I felt something pinch me, I was slapped back into reality.

I snapped my eyes open. My breath rapid as I looked around, concerned faces surrounded me. A needle in Josh's hand. I had passed out due to my anxiety. Josh was usually the one to help me during this.

My anxiety had risen so much that I passed out. He has to inject me with chlordiazepoxide which is a medication to treat severe anxiety. No one noticed my anxieties when they peaked except Remington. But he didn't know about this, so once again....I've fucked up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I apologized over and over. Tears stung my eyes.

"Shh, shh. No one is mad. It's okay," Remington cooed in my ear. I was no longer paralyzed by my anxieties. I reached out for Tyler. He ran forward and embraced me. It brought me back to that day...

It was September first, me and the boys were so excited to watch our new season of friends that we had been binge watching together. We had raced to my house right after school.

We had this rule in my house. I wasn't allowed to have anyone over ever. But I was never caught before. I placed the boys in my room and ran to the kitchen to make us food. I heated up some beagle bites and raced back up the stairs.

We had finished the whole plate and by the fourth episode, my dad had come home from the bar. As the door slammed shut, my eyes widened. I pointed them to my closet and quickly closed them in there before shutting off my tv and grabbed a book off my shelf before pretending to read it.

A BOOM shook the house as my father swung open my door. Anger present in his eyes. I knew what was coming. He had a new bottle in his hand. It was green with a poisonous drink waiting for him to take a swing of.

"Where have you been you little slut?" The word slut came off like venom on his tongue and seemed to burn my heart with pain.

"I-l was at school," I stuttered out of fear.

"LIAR!!" He boomed. The house seemed to shake again.

"I'm telling the truth!" I screamed back.

"Don't raise your voice at me," he slapped me right across my cheek. I cried out in pain as I fell to the floor from the impact.

"I'll ask again, WHERE WERE YOU??" His voice laced with anger.

"I was at school," I cried again. He still didn't believe me. He began to kick my stomach and punched me until I was on the brink of consciousness. He had finally finished his "punishment" and left. As soon as he walked out of my room, closing the door, Tyler and Josh ran to me. Tyler pulled me into a hug as I weeped onto his blue shirt that he had been wearing that day. Josh locked my door, and wrapped his arms around me also.

That was the first time the boys had ever watched me get my ass best without them being able to help me.

The memory seemed to fade away as I hugged Tyler closer. He was rocking us back and forth. This had always soothed me and I could never find out why. My shaking shoulders seemed to die down. Brendon was placed beside me. It seemed as if Remington had gotten kicked off of this side of the couch and was replaced with the other boys. Josh was humming softly. The melody was northern downpour. Brendon had begun to sing the song that seemed to make him sad the most.

I had finally stopped crying and was now just relaxing into the situation.

"I'm sorry," I muttered into Tyler's shoulder. He shushed me and held me tighter.

I began to analyze everyone, from my view, Hannah and Baz..well, I seemed to have frightened Hannah. I wanted to run and tell her that I was sorry for scaring her the way I did. But I couldn't. Sebastian has her curled up into her body as she shook with sobs. I just wanted to apologize. It was my fault she was scared. Her beautiful red locks were laying over Sebastian's hand as he ran his fingers through them. I looked towards the others.

Daniel seemed to be panicked, but hurt and regret flashed in his eyes. I believe the regret came from putting on the movie, but I wasn't sure. Emerson was tugging his hair as stress laced his eyes.  My heart panged, I had stressed him out. I had stressed everyone out. Remington was sat quietly on the couch, but far away. He seemed to have pushed himself into the corner of the couch. Anger shinned him his eyes, his fist was clenched at his sides and would sometimes be brought to his head, he would pull at his hair.

Tyler had finally released me from his grip, I ran over to Hannah and embraced her. She did the same.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I cried until her red hair. She shook her head and told me not to apologize, a small smile placed in her tear stained face. After our hug session. I apologized to Sebastian who just ruffled my hair and told me that he was happy that I was okay.

Next was Emerson. I raced over to embrace him. Tears threatened to fall again. I went to apologize again, but he just pulled me in tighter. He kissed my forehead and said he was so terrified of losing me. I hugged him back tighter.

I hugged Daniel. He wiped my tears and told me that I wasn't allowed to cry anymore.  He said I would drown us all with them. The whole bus laughed. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"I'm sorry for putting on a scary movie. Should've told me you didn't like them, jerk," a smile tugged on my lips as Daniel called me by my nickname.

"I didn't want to ruin everyone's time, dick. But...that didn't go as planned," I rubbed the back of my head. Daniel glared at me as if daring me to say one more degrading thing about myself. I raised my hands in surrender.

Finally , moving on to Remington, I kissed his cheek. He stopped and looked at me before pulling me until a deep and passionate kiss.

"Get a room," Daniel joked.  Remington flipped him off. I smiled before pulling away.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. I can't lose you again," he muttered the last part before hugging me. I hugged back and ran my fingers up and down his back.

"We have two more hours till arrival," Jason called from the front of the bus. Emerson raced to me, and dragged me towards a wall. It was a drawing wall, Emerson had barely begun to draw on it. But it was another village. I was starting to see a pattern with his drawing style. But I didn't mind.

The next two hours were consisted of me watching Emerson draw and the boys playing really weird music.

We had finally arrived at the next stop and god did I hope that it went better.

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