Chapter Twelve

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Remington decided to stay with me in my bed all day. And as much as I didn't want him to stay with me, it felt comfortable and safe.

"What did Tyler mean earlier when he blew up on Jessica?" Remington asked as he stared at the red lights being reflected and moving in a circular motion on my ceiling.

"She...well..she's bullied me. In high school and even now. If you look at her social media there she is under all my comments and you heard what she said last night and earlier today," I sighed. I closed my eyes before continuing,"she used to push my face against my locker and kick and punch me. Sometimes she would spit on me and call me emo scum. She has always hated me and I don't know why. At first it was because of Josh. Now it's probably because I know you."

"I'm so sorry..." Remington shook his head in disbelief.

"It's whatever. I just hate that I don't have the balls to kick her out of my own house," I ran a hand through my hair. I needed to smoke.

I removed myself from Remington's grasp and moved towards my bedroom window. I grabbed a cigarette and lighter before opening my window and sitting on the windowsill.

"Woah. You smoke? And in the house??" Remington's voice was laced with concern and surprise.

"Not usually. I smoke when I'm stressed," I explained. I lit my cigarette and took a long drag before releasing it through my nose.

I continued to smoke. I knew all the Palaye boys smoked, so I don't know why he was so shocked. I shrugged off my thoughts and continued to smoke. Remington began to sing softly to himself as he watched me.

I kicked my feet and wondered what it would be like to just jump out. Would I die? Probably not. I wish I would. I wish I could just end it all.

I took another long drag from my cigarette before releasing it through my mouth. Fuck me man, I just wanted to die.

I had reached the end of my cancer stick which caused me to put out the embers and throw the rest of it in the trash.

Remington looked at me, and sighed. I climbed back into the room and frowned. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

"I really don't want to be touched by you, but it's the only thing that makes me safe," I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry," he released me. But I pulled him back which made him gripped me tighter.

His phone began to buzz which caused him to look at his phone. It was Jessica. I sighed and removed myself from the hug before retreating to my bed.

"Hello," he answered.

"No I'm not coming over- what? No. I'm not cheating on you. What the fuck? I don't cheat- no, she's just a friend," Remington rambled into the phone. My heart panged. Fuck. Never thought the word friend would hurt so much.

"You know what!? Fuck you, we're over. All you do is cause problems anywhere we go. No its not her fault- MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A HOE WE WOULDN'T HAVE PROBLEMS," he hung up the phone and threw it across my room. I turned around to see him sitting on the floor, knees to his chest, crying.

I frowned and got off the bed and held him to my chest.
Emerson opened the door and gasped. Before he could run over, I stopped him with my finger.

"Get Nutella, soda, and my candy out of the cabinet. Come back and leave. I got him, I'll explain later," I signed to him. He gave me a look and nodded before running to go do what I said.

"Who was it?" Remington snuggled into my chest.

"Emerson. But he's coming back with goodies and we're gonna camp in here. We're gonna put on some good fucking movies, and cuddle the hell out of each other while we do."

"Okay..." he wiped his stray tears away and led himself to my bed. I smiled and climbed in beside him. Emerson came in with the stuff and handed them to me before giving Rem one last look and walking out the door.

"Alright. Here we go," I got out of bed, handed Remington everything and placed Deadpool 2 into my Xbox One and turning my tv on. I laid back down and let him have the food I had Emerson bring. He had brought us Nutella, Dr. Pepper, Trolli sour gummy worms, Gummy bears, suckers, and these mango Mexican candies. I smiled and reached for the gummy worms and bears.

Remington sluggishly grabbed his Nutella and looked around for a spoon.

"I don't have one but I do have a lead pencil, I used to eat it like that in middle school. The security guards knew me as Nutella," I laughed at the memory.

He laughed and accept. I handed him a lead pencil that was on my dresser and smiled. He opened the container and began to eat Nutella.
We shared our food, laughed, and talked until the movie was over. That happened all the way till it was very dark outside and the time read 2:30 AM.

"Fuck. We need sleep," I groaned as my stomach ached from all the junk food we ate. The movie we were watching was flashing the ending credits.

Remington agreed and helped me remove the stuff from the bed and place it all in a trashcan. I laid down in the bed and Remington climbed in behind me.

"You know. I never loved her. I thought I did. But I knew somewhere deep down that she wasn't the one for me. I don't know why I didn't break up with her as soon as I found out she was cheating on me," he sighed and snaked his arm around my waste. I shifted my body so my head was on his chest and my body was facing his.

"I should've known after three years of feeling no connection that our love was dead," He put his head down.

"It's not your fault. You just don't want to feel lonely. I know..." I kissed his cheek and rubbed it.

"I really do love you Kat," Remington muttered.

"And I really do love you too," I smiled and let my eyes drift and slowly falling into the deep pits of sleep.

"Goodnight Kat," I felt Remington kiss my forehead before I completely fell asleep.

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