"Oh shitt..." She paused her own actions and watched me smoothly skip the rock against the water.

"Professional rock skipper over here." She stood next to me with a laugh and I giggled as I watched her throw the rock.

It made a nice thunk and it sunk to the bottom while she silently cursed to herself. I couldn't stop myself from laughing and she softly pushed my shoulder.

"Shut up." She chuckled and I laughed deeply as she tried to skip it again.

"Okay, what the hell- I can do it." She started to back herself up and I nodded silently teasing her.

"Trust me, I can. I used to all the time with Don." She defended and when she tried once more I cracked up.

My laugh echoing throughout the area along with her playful yell; I then walked up to her and gently wrapped my arms around her from behind. She groaned out a laugh and my fingertips ran up her arm then I tried to help her. Lifting her arm up and putting her in a stance- I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted an excuse to touch her.

"This is the gayest thing I've done." She commented and I giggled softly against the shell of her ear.

"That says a lot." I whispered and I caught her smirk while I tapped her hand to silently tell her to throw it.

It skipped and her posture hardened up, "Oh nah, no, that only happened cause you were feeling me up. I can do this on my own." She scoffed and I smiled to myself as I watched her again and again.

After a few more tries I started to throw pebbles at her back as I watched how fast her attention turned away from me. I pouted at her back as she suddenly skipped it on her own. It bounced about four times and she jumped up, "Fuck yes! Told you!"

Her feet colliding with the gray rocks beneath her and the wind blew again. I watched a couple birds fly over and into the trees while a few people started to walk down the trail. Most likely from Don's shop and I tugged at the hem of her shirt. She pulled me into her causing me to giggle loudly; her arm around my neck and she kissed the top of my head.

"How far can you throw though?" She challenged me and I remembered back when Donovan said she could get competitive.

He wasn't kidding.

I picked up a rock and pushed her softly away from me, "Watch out pal, you're gonna get beat." I positioned myself again and she laughed loudly and sarcastically.

"Oh no, no, no, Karla's already messing up." She started to innocently tease me as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

"Shut up." I giggled as I felt her eyes peering down at me.

I threw it with all my strength and it plopped about eight feet in front of me, I sighed turning my head to Y/N. She had the most annoying face upon herself with a tight smile as she was holding back a laugh. Her cheeks suddenly blew out and she over dramatically blew out a loud laugh. Her lips vibrating before her real laughter echoed around causing me to softly slap her arm. She screamed and bursted again with fits of giggles knowing her dramatic ass was cracking herself up. She breathed in deep as I watched her with my arms crossed.

"Okay baby, this is how it's done." She insulted me and I couldn't help but snort at her cockiness.

She and her cocky self smirked and got into position ready to prove to me she could beat me. But as she was throwing the rock I jumped up and messed with her concentration. The rock stumbled down and into the water three feet away and she yelled. I laughed at her as her arms suddenly wrapped around me.

"Why in the hell-" She continued to yell and I could hear some of the adults laugh at our antics.

Then that's when I felt her fingers softly dig into my side-

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now