Our Family

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     When Yunlan was sleeping at the infirmary room, someone came and sedative him, as he carrying Yunlan. The nurse in the infirmary room saw him, "Sir! You cannot take the patient! His husband will be taking him!" As the nurse tried to stop him. But the man shove the nurse. "Guard! Guard!" The nurse shout. Alerting the coming husband and friend of his. As the man suddenly shot the nurse with a silencer gun.

     Shen Wei and Da quing was shocked whose the kidnapper is, "Lenny?!" As Lenny tried to take the unconscious Yunlan on his side. "Katz!(Da quing), call some one for help hurry! I'm gonna follow them!" As Shen Wei follow them secretly.
Lenny throw Yunlan on the back car.
Shen Wei suddenly  jump to his back as he tried to knock down Lenny. "No one gonna take my Yunlan from me!" But Lenny was much bigger than him as he was easily toss aside and about to shout him with his silencer gun. "I'm sorry Lei we need your husband for money!" Suddenly someone shot him from behind it was Scott with Da quing on his side. As the man fall, Shen Wei run back to his sleeping husband. "Yunlan! Yunlan! Wake up!" As he shaking him. "He won't be waking up in a minute Mr. Shen!" Said Scott. Shen Wei was shocked, "How did you know my name? Who are you really?" As Shen Wei took Yunlan into his arms. "His been drug he'll be waking up in a minute or two! And don't worry I've been hired by his cousin Su Yee to look after him and I know there are other just like him." As he pointing to Lenny. They will not stop until he get him. "Mr. Zhao have already know that his son is alive and wants him back so I suggest we better leave now before they got here!" As they all went to the car and gone back home to get the kids. A little while Yunlan open his cute eyes still looking dizzy. "What happened? Why my head still spinning?" He was suprise they were now in the car of Scott. He tried to sit up but can't, as he was laid on Shen Wei's lap. "They found us, Lenny drugged and almost kidnapped you luckily Scott is there to help us. His working with your cousin Su Yee." As he caress his head. Still Yunlan is confuse on what's happening. As they came to their house, they were suprise as they open the door his father was now sitting on the chair surrounded by his men with the children and Yezun on his side. Scott was about to take his gun but there were guards at their back with a gun aiming at their back. As Xin CI saw his son, he run toward him and took him away from Shen Wei. Yunlan tried to struggle from his hold but still the drugs affecting him. "Who has done this to my son!" Xin ci shout. "Don't worry his already dead! The man that almost kidnapped him!" Shen Wei said. Xin ci, made Yunlan sit as he slapped Shen Wei. Yunlan tried to stand but his father's men hold him down. "Stop! Don't touch my wifey!" But Xin ci ignored him, "I gave you my son, but you made him a Shen on top it all you took him away from me!" As he was about to slap him again. Yang yan stop him,as he grip his grandfather arm. "Don't hurt my mother! Please!" He cried to him. Yunlan suddenly remembered his childhood back then. If he never listen to his father his mother will pay the punishment. As he slapped him back over and over until Yunlan would kneeled to him and promise he will do what he wants. Until his mother died, that's when he plan to run away from his father forever. As the flash back end. Yang yan was shoved as he shout to him, " Stop it! You brat!Your not even my grandson! Your just adopted to our family and not a real Zhao!" Everyone was shocked. "Don't you dare touch my son!" Yunlan shout. As Yunlan have enough of it, he flipped one of the guards as he took his gun and shot his father. But it only graze the cheek of Xin ci. As one of the guard took it back to him. Xin ci was shocked, "Are you trying to kill me! Your own flesh and blood! That kid is not even your real child!" As he took the gun pointed to Shen Wei. "Because of you! My son can't have children anymore!" Yunlan tried to struggle from the guards hold, "No! Don't kill him!"  As Xin ci about to shot Shen Wei. Suddenly  the men of Su Yee came, as they surrounded all the people of Xin ci including  him. As they took the gun away from him.

     "Uncle! How are you this days?" Xin ci was suprise, "What's the meaning of this?!" As Shen Wei run toward Yang yan and carried him toward Yunlan. Xin ci can't do anything. "We have rules, we cannot interfere to other people business only ours. Since Yunlan is not a Zhao anymore. You didn't need to know on what business his doing with Shen Wei? And since his in my care you cannot touch him again!" Xin ci was suprise, "You! Yunlan gave his power to you!" Su Yee just smirk, "It means I'm on the top and can do anything I want. So please uncle stop meddling with Yunlan and set him free or you will answer to me. Xin ci have no choice but to retreat. Xin ci looked to his son for the last time and leave. As everyone can breath again. "Oh! My poor cousin am I late again?" As he almost touch Yunlan face, Shen Wei grip his hand. "Don't worry I didn't sway like that and beside his not my type." As he call back his men and Scott. Shen Wei tried to apologise to him. "It's okey, he just remind me of my partner in the police force, he died because I wasn't there for him. As he embrace Yunlan and bid them farewell too. "Wait! He hugged you?!" Shen Wei about to protest, he remembered he was carrying a crying Yang yan in his arms. Yunlan suddenly  embrace both of them as well he took Weylan into his arms. "Don't cry anymore Yang yan even though your not a Zhao, your a Shen now! Your one of our family!"

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