The Exciting Honeymoon

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Since no one knows their married yet, Yunlan tour his wifey to Las Vegas. "The kids where are they? Ask Shen Wei. As Yunlan face his pretty bride. "Da quing is taking care of them. I want my pretty bride to have fun on our honeymoon." As he smiled to Shen Wei and put his arm on him.

Shen Wei blushed on it, "Stop calling me bride! I'm your groom here." But Yunlan pinched his cheeks, "No moon can surpass your beauty that's why your the bride!" As Shen Wei looked at him with that doe's eyes. "I surpass the beauty of the moon?! Me?" Yunlan put sweet words on Shen Wei's ears just to make him accept his the bride and not Yunlan. As they tour the city that never sleeps and full of lights.

Shen Wei never seen such many lights, casino and facilities. As they touring it Yunlan notice someone watching them. "It is not his father's men nor him. As Yunlan spotted that the man is aiming a gun to him. While Shen Wei turn his back on Yunlan. Yunlan use his silent revolver to shot the man. As the man had been shot and sit on the pavement. No one notice him as the people kept walking. Yunlan hide again his gun as Shen Wei face him again. "Hey, Yunlan let's look over there?!" As he pull him again. Yunlan wyn, "Why won't you call me husband or any endearing words when people are around us? This is America no one will care if you shout honey or my one and only to me?!" As he pout. Shen Wei was a little bit shy for their so many people. As he whispered to Yunlan, " Husband...." Yunlan tease him, "I can't hear you? What?! How about put some sweet to it?" Shen Wei want to pop his eyes off. As he tried again, "My sweet husband!" As he shout. Everyone was a little bit shocked and laugh a little. But it's America as people just walk away and didn't even care what their doing. But to Shen Wei he blushed, as he tried to hide his face to Yunlan shoulder. "For now on you'll be calling me that while I'll be calling you, "My sexy wifey! How's that?!" Shen Wei was mortified. "Don't you dare call me that?!" As he walk away from Yunlan whose tailing him and calling him that. Shen Wei have enough as he shut Yunlan's mouth by his hands. Yunlan suddenly took off Shen Wei's hand and replace it with his lips. Shen Wei was shocked as Yunlan kissed him in the busy street of Las Vegas.

Minute pass, as they were eating a big burgers to a cowboy restaurant. Yunlan's arms is cling to Shen Wei's shoulder while eating his burger. Shen Wei can't concentrate in eating his burger. "Would you mind my sweet husband, I can't eat my burger because your so near." Yunlan just wave his hand to him, "Don't mind me just eat." Shen Wei getting irritated, as Yunlan pointed to another table of guys whose looking at them. "I think one of them like you my sexy goddess! That's why I'm showing him your mine!" As he kiss Shen Wei's cheek. Shen Wei blushed on it as he bit his burger and smile.

Minute pass, as they went to a wax museum of artist, while they're taking pictures. The unexpected thing happened Shen Wei kiss him while his making selfie picture with his phone. Yunlan was a little bit shocked. "Wow?!" Shen Wei blushed on it, "The group of girls are looking at you. That's why I kiss you. So that they might know your mine? He shyly said. Yunlan laugh a little, "My shy wifey is becoming bold every minute!" Shen Wei slapped him in the shoulder as he hugged him back, as noticing another one came.
He tip one of the wax figure as it stumble like a domino effect as one of it fallen to the man and made him unconscious. Everyone looked at the accident. As Shen Wei want to see it, Yunlan suddenly pull him away, "What's happening?!" Yunlan just shrug, "Nothing! Just some accident as they went to a play in which Shen Wei want to watch "The cats".

Shen Wei was so excited in watching, as he explained it to Zhao on what's happening. Zhao can't believe his wifey is so chitty chatty when it comes to art and play. While feeling sleepy in the play. But for the sake of his beautiful angel he will endure this drama. And it's nice once in a while his the silent mode and Shen Wei is the chatter box." Oh! How Shen Wei explained everything with that perfect soft pink lips of him." Making Yunlan shudder because the air condition is getting colder or is he? As Shen Wei focused on the play Yunlan was concentrating in something else, he suddenly remembered the rope, the whip, cuff and the police uniform in which quiet revealing. As Shen Wei is the cop while Yunlan is the prisoner with cuff tied to the bed. "You'd been a very bad boy!" Shen shout. "Wow! Your quiet sexy on that outfit wifey! He wink at Shen Wei. But Shen Wei whip him hard. "Yaah! That hurt! That's not funny at all and sexy! But Shen Wei whip him again. As he suddenly sit on his lap and kiss him hungrily. "I'm gonna make you scream! He shout! As he tear Yunlan clothes apart. Yunlan almost yelp but Shen Wei close his mouth by giving him a sloppy kiss. As Yunlan's other hand is tightening his hold to Shen Wei and moaning. "Shen Wei honey! We still didn't finish what we start?!" Shen Wei ex wife stood at the back of Shen Wei wearing a cop uniform as well. As he take Shen Wei away from a struggling Yunlan who is hand cuffs at the board of the bed. "Wifey! Nooo!!!!" His dream suddenly break. As he stood at his seat with the audience and Shen Wei looking at him. He suddenly shout, "Bravo, bravo! What a dramatic play!" As he clapped and sit again. Shen Wei was mortified while Yunlan laugh a little with embarrassment. Minute pass as they finished the play and went outside. "Don't call me sweet wifey! What's wrong with you?! What are you thinking back then?!" Shen Wei was red with furious. Yunlan apologize to his sweet angel, "You know you look hot when your angry!" He wink. But Shen Wei didn't change his angry face. As Yunlan rubbed his head, "Well I'm kinda sleepy and dream of......" His the one now whose blushing. "Dream of what?!" Shen Wei ask. As Yunlan looked at him in embarrassment, "In our room you handcuff me as your the cop and whip me. As you make love to me only to be ruined by your ex wife with the cop suit as well. As she take you away from me! You know your quiet sexy at that suit?" As Yunlan is caressing his face. Shen Wei is now getting hot even though it's cold in the city. As he pulled Yunlan back to the hotel. "Eh? We still didn't finish our tour?" As Shen Wei shyly smile at him. "Why don't you want your dreams come true?" Ask the blushing Shen Wei. Yunlan is now the flustered one. As the elevator open with no one around. He suddenly pull Shen Wei to it as he gave him a long lasting kiss. He pushed their floor number many times, so no one will disturb them in the elevator. As the elevator close you will hear Shen Wei moan and gasp.

 An Office Love AffairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora