You Lied To Me

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     Next day, Yunlan didn't go to work for he have a super head ache. His friend Da quing was mad on him for leaving him behind.

     "I'm leaving for work now! Said Da quing. As he about to leave Yunlan apologize to him  for what happened last night. But Da quing won't even look at him. As he walk out of the apartment we're they live.
Minute pass as Yunlan is sleeping.
Shen Wei came at the door. He talk to Da quing why Yunlan isn't there for work. As he lend Shen Wei the key to their small apartment so he can suprise Yunlan. As Shen Wei came with a grocery on his hand. And he laid it on the table, he tip toe to Yunlan's room.

     Yunlan sleeping on his back, wearing only his shorts, as Shen Wei came and saw the sleeping form there. He can't stop marveling on Yunlan lean form. "Wow! What a body!His really tired! He didn't even notice I came?"  As he can't help himself to jump on him. Yunlan almost scream and was about to fight the intruder. But he can't move because the intruder pressed himself to his back. " Whatta! Let go of me!" As he tried to struggle. "You'll be sorry if you don't!" As he was about to say something. Shen Wei laugh at him, "What are you gonna do about it?!" Yunlan relax his body, "Shen Wei is that you?'' Shen Wei suddenly bit his earlobs, making Yunlan blushed as he struggle to his hold. "I can't believe your easily  be captured like this?" As he nuzzle into him. "I can't believe my boyfriend is stronger than me?" He answered back and laugh. "Could you let go of me for a while your quiet heavy." But Shen Wei won't let him as he press himself to Yunlan. Yunlan  accidentally moan on it. Making Shen Wei hard, as he whispered to Yunlan, "Let's do it now!" As Yunlan nod in response.

     In the office Shen Wei's father came with a beautiful young woman. As his trying to find his son. Lin Jing his secretary told to his father he has some business to attend. His father think "If it's business why does he didn't brought his secretary?" He wonders, as an hour's pass. His father is getting impatient as he tried to call his son his phone is close. "What business could be my son doing?" As he apologized to the beautiful woman beside him. Everyone whispered on whose that pretty girl. As they trap Lin Jing to tell who she is. "Oh! His the future fiancee of our boss, Mr. Shen Wei." Everybody was shocked. As the gossip reach the warehouse. "What?!!" Da quing almost shout. His co workers worries on why his concern. As he ran outside to take a look on the woman. The woman is so beautiful it can mezmerize any man and on top of it she's the daughter of one of the richest person in their country. Guo suddenly whispered to Da quing, "She's well artist too I think, I watch some of her movies! Her name is Rung Shu!" Guo gleefully said. "This is bad!" Said Da quing. As he called Yunlan. But no response came. And he tried Shen Wei but his phone dead. "What are this two doing?!"

     As Da quing excuse himself to Mr. Chu for he need to take care of his sick friend. When he came home, he still see Shen Wei's shoes. As he knock on the door, no response came. So he peek on the room if they are in their. And to his suprise Yunlan is cuddle in Shen Wei's embrace. "Oh! My god!" He suddenly shout. Making Yunlan and Shen Wei wake up. "Da quing what are you doing here?!" As he tried to put on some clothes while Shen Wei hide at the blanket. Minute pass, "My eye! My eyes! I might get blind!" Said Da quing. Yunlan slapped him on the shoulder, "What are you doing here so early?!" As Da quing explained to Yunlan that Shen Wei's father came with a beautiful woman as Shen Wei fiancee. Yunlan went pale. As Shen Wei emerge from the room fully clothes on. Yunlan suddenly face him. "Your father came with your fiancee!" Shen Wei was suprise, "Fiancee? I have already discussed to my father I'm not ready yet to get married!" He suddenly embrace Yunlan, Don't worry! I'll talk to my father about this! Just wait for me here! Okey!" As Shen Wei about to leave Yunlan grip his hand. "Let's runaway from here! Just you and me! Don't leave!" He almost cried to Shen Wei. As Shen Wei caress his face, "Trust me! I'll come back for you!" Just wait for me!" As he kiss him and left. Yunlan can't help the feeling Shen Wei will never come back. As Da quing comfort his friend. "Don't worry Yunlan if anything goes wrong, you'll still have me. As Yunlan cried on his shoulder.

     An hours pass by still Yunlan look at his cellphone. Still Shen Wei didn't call. As he called his phone it was close. He tried to call Yezun to know if Shen Wei called him. But Yezun didn't know his father came as he gonna call back Yunlan on what happened to his brother. As Yunlan waited for the call again. Da quing is getting worried to his friend. "Hey! Yunlan do you want to go to the mall? Shen Wei can still call you to your phone if he come back!" But Yunlan shake his head, as he sit at the dinning table and laid his head. He still wait for Shen Wei call.

     Next morning as Yunlan and Da quing went to work. Suddenly the microphone announced that everyone should go to the hall. As all where align in the hall. He was shocked to see Shen Wei, Yezun, his father, the beautiful girl and her father where their on the stage, as some officers with them. Shen Wei's father happily announce the engagement of his son to Rung Shu. As  Shen Wei and Rung Shu move infront of them, everyone cheer and clapped their hands except for Yunlan and Da quing. Yunlan almost lost his balance, Da quing held his friend. "I need to sit for a while." He said to Da quing. As Da quing help him out of the hall. Shen Wei notice him as his face looked worried. Rung Shu saw that as she look were Shen Wei direct his gaze. It was one of the worker who gone out of the hall. She can help to feel jealous on Yunlan.

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