Shen Wei's Suprise

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Yunlan can't believe dating to mall is quiet adventurous. He almost sweat a lot while Shen Wei is smiling in satisfaction. As they seat at a bench. Yunlan just close his eyes for a moment. Until he was jolt from his relaxation when Shen Wei brought the icey slurpy unto his cheek.

"Here drink this!" Shen Wei said. Yunlan was suprise, "Thanks!" As he took a sip from his straw moment later Shen Wei took the cup in Yunlan's hand and drink. Yunlan looked puzzled to him aren't you cold why do you drink that?" Shen Wei blushed and looked the other way.

In the house of Yunlan, Da quing brought Weylan in the house since Shen Wei has a date with Yunlan he has no one there to relay on taking care of him . Yang yan was shocked, "What's the "Big Air" doing here? He ask Da quing. He explained there is no one there to take care of him since his father have a date with Yunlan. As Weylan wave at him with a smile. Yang yan try to smile but failing. "Oh! Come on little one you could do better than that, this is for your father remember that?" As Yang yan try to smile back.

Minute pass Yang yan and Weylan have each other throat. As Da quing tried very hard to separate the two of them. "My Papa is the best!" Shout Weylan. "No way! My Dad is better than him!" Scream Yang yan. As they try to reach each other. Da quing cellphone ring. "Stop you two it's your father. As the two of them freeze. "Da quing! Hello! How's the kids?" Yang yan suddenly shout. "Where having fun here Dad!" As Shen Wei ask, Weylan scream, "Where fine here Papa!" As the Da quing get the call again, "See everything's alright here just finished your date! Okey!" As Yunlan said, "Yes!" As he close his phone. Suddenly Weylan and Yang yan start the fight again.

As night came, they were outside the park of the mall. They sit at a wooden bench to wait for the fire works. "Theres a legend if you both waited for the fireworks you'll be soulmate forever." Said Shen Wei. "I didn't need it. For I have you now!" As Yunlan cup Shen Wei face and kiss him, suddenly the fireworks goes up and exploded in the sky with million of brilliant lights. Shen Wei nor Yunlan notice it for they are so immerse on each other. As Shen Wei almost climbed at Yunlan. Yunlan pulled Shen Wei's waist unto him. As Yunlan's hand suddenly slide at the back of Shen Wei's pants. Shen Wei jerk from him. As he saw him blushed. "Yunlan not here! People might come!" Suddenly Yunlan stand as he pulled Shen Wei to the mall again. As they went to a certain VIP room. Yunlan gave his card to the guard. As the guard open the elevator. Shen Wei was suprise he didn't know their a certain room like this. As they went inside the elevator. While it goes in the highest floor. Yunlan can't keep his hands on Shen Wei. As he press him at the wall and kissed him. Shen Wei is melting to his kiss as he hold Yunlan tightly. He only stop as the elevator went to their private room. As Yunlan clapped the lights went on while a music start. Shen Wei was amaze, as the structure of the room is quiet modern with beautiful furniture, a veranda with the view of the city. And the room's wall is all glass. As he scan the room. Yunlan suddenly hugged him from behind as he kiss Shen Wei's neck. "I'll make you scream my name again." Shen Wei turn toward him, "No! Way! It's my turn to do it!" But Yunlan gave him a sloppy kiss as Shen Wei hold his neck tightly. He didn't notice Yunlan lead him to their room. As he laid Shen Wei on the bed with out breaking the kiss. Shen Wei clutches him tightly. As Yunlan break the kiss, he suddenly took off his jacket and shirt. As Shen Wei marveled on Yunlan's bare body and touched it. Yunlan close his eyes and feel Shen Wei's hand. "Strip!" He suddenly said to Shen Wei. "What?!"Shen Wei was shocked that Yunlan command him. As he slowly took off his shirt and about to take off his trousers. Yunlan suddenly pounce at him without warning. His pants was thrown off as well as the last clothes of Yunlan. That night Yunlan devoured him completely.

Next day, as Shen Wei woke up his whole body ache as he was about to sit up which is quiet impossible. Something cling to his neck. A yellow pendant with a diamond in the center. Yunlan suddenly embrace him from behind. "That's for you! For making me happy again." As he kiss Shen Wei's cheek. Shen Wei blushed. As Yunlan open the pendant a music start to play and they have picture inside. "It's beautiful! Thank you!" As Shen Wei kiss him back. Yunlan put on a robe unto him. As he lift Shen Wei in a bridal style. "Yunlan! You don't need to do this!" Yunlan shake his head. " You know I'll do anything to make you happy!''

As he sit Shen Wei on the dinning table chair. "Bon appetit!" As he prepared some Western foods like chicken, apple pie,eggs with bacon, bread with different kind of cheese and butters. As they have orange juice, hot tea with different kind of flavors and coffee and milk. While Yunlan about to eat an egg he notice Shen Wei is just looking at him. "What? Don't you like your food? I'll order some more if you like?" Shen Wei shake his head, as he suddenly run toward the room and took something from his pocket. As he come back to Yunlan whose drinking a juice. Shen Wei suddenly kneeled down one of his knee as he said, "Marry me Yunlan!" As he open a small box with a ring inside. Yunlan almost choked. "Are you kidding me?! We have just began dating!" But Shen Wei ignored his words, "I know it's so sudden but I don't want to loose you again!" As he place the ring in Yunlan's finger. It fits perfectly. As Yunlan tried to take it off but it's stuck. As Shen Wei hold his hand, "It's just saying, you have no choice but to marry me!" As his doing his doe eyes on him. Yunlan want to laugh a little but failing.

 An Office Love Affairحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن