Wanted To Be Near You

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     Next day as Yunlan was working he notice Scott is looking at him. "Katz!(Da quing) look infront of you, I want some information on him, I have observed he always looks in my way. Is he a stalker or what?!" Katz(Da quing) laugh a little, "Maybe one of your fans." He whispered to Yunlan.Yunlan almost slap at him. As Da quing ran back to his station.

     At lunchtime Yunlan was suprise Scott sat beside him and Da quing while eating."Can I sit here?"He ask. "Don't you have any friends to be with?'' Yunlan irritated said. While Da quing look at them. "Why? Aren't we friends already neighbor?" Scott said. Yunlan laugh a little and  almost stab his sweet and sour fish that Shen Wei made. Making Scott jolt a little. "I'm sorry but I didn't consider you as a friend. So, could you get out at our table!" Scott was shock as well as Da quing. As Scott  stand and walk away from them. "Daniel(Yunlan), his creeping me out!" Said Da quing.  "You should see his face change, we must be careful with him. I heard from the other his loner no family or friends.

     As the working hours is over, while Yunlan washing his face someone gave him a towel. He thought it was Da quing and thank him. As he look at him it was Scott.
Scott want to question Daniel (Yunlan) on why he don't want to be friends with him. Daniel(Yunlan) answer, "I don't get easily friendly to a stranger and one whose looking at my wifey differently. As he was about to leave, Scott told him, "I'm not interested in becoming your wifey's friend but you!" Yunlan was shocked for a bit and walk away. As he quickly went to the car where Da quing is waiting. " What took you so long?'' Ask Da quing. "Scott!" He say as he step on the gas and speed away. Shen Wei on the other hand found out something on their new neighbor Scott, from a neighbor woman. As he waited for Yunlan to came home. When the car came, as it stop and  Yunlan step out with a smile on his face. He called his wifey with glee. Shen Wei run fast toward his husband followed by the children. As he welcome him with a long kiss. Yezun his brother still in the house was so amused at the scene, where his brother almost jump at Yunlan. While Yunlan lift his angel like bride without breaking the kiss and walk toward their house. Da quing cough  to warn them they have a visitor. Shen Wei suddenly blushed as he broke the kiss and tried to get out of Yunlan's hold. But he won't let go. As Yezun giggle on what's happening.

     As night came, before Yunlan and Shen Wei gone to sleep on their bed, they discuss about their new neighbor Scott. "He is new in town like us, rumor said, "He was kick out being a police because of the death of his partner. They still investigating him, if he is the cause or not." Shen Wei said while caressing the hair of Yunlan. Until  Yunlan accidentally blurted what had happened this morning at work. "What?! Is he flirting to you?! Do you want me to come to you at work to guard you?!" Shen Wei look to him with worried face. Yunlan laugh.  "Don't be jealous wifey! Nah! I'm not a kid anymore, my sweet angel! I have deal with the likes of him back then. So, you don't need to be concern." As he kissed Shen Wei and gone to sleep. Shen Wei on the other hand is still not satisfied on Yunlan's answer. As he made a plan on how to guard his sweet Yunlan.

     Next day as everyone is busy at work their supervisor came. Yunlan and Da quing was suprised as Shen Wei was introduced as the new assistant of the supervisor. "Hey! Daniel(Yunlan) isn't that your wifey?" Said Lenny. "That fool! What's he doing here?!" He said to himself. As Shen Wei look at Yunlan's way. He can't help to smile to him and almost wave. Yunlan almost drop what's his doing and blushed. As his co worker nudge him for they knew his wifey. As he notice Scott irritating look at Shen Wei. At lunchtime, Yunlan and Da quing sit at a table at the canteen.  Scott was about to sit beside  Yunlan when Shen Wei beat him to it. As Shen Wei gave him a piercing glare. "Wow! Your wifey is sure scary when jealous!" Da quing whispered to Yunlan. Scott took another sit at the back of them. "When did you get a job? You didn't tell me?" Ask Yunlan to Shen Wei.
"I want to suprise you. Do you forgot, Yezun has many connection as well. It happens they have a vacant job and here I am!" As his opening the lunch boxes he made for Yunlan and Da quing. "Wait! What about the kids?" Shen Wei smile at him, "Yezun will take care of them for a while until we can find a suitable nanny for them." As he spoon feed the shock Yunlan, Da quing want to laugh on his friend luck.

     As office hour pass, "Katz!(Da quing) Here's the key to our car, you go right ahead! I'm gonna wait for my wifey!" As he excitedly said. When Da quing wave and went to the car. Scott suddenly went beside Yunlan. Yunlan almost jerk away from him. "Whose your waiting friend?" As he smile to him. "Boy! This guy can't take a hint!" Yunlan said to himself. As Yunlan make a made a space so Shen Wei might not get jealous. But Scott move beside him again. One of his co workers saw the two. "Hey! Scott don't get Yunlan in trouble! His wifey might get mad!" Said Lenny. Yunlan suddenly pull Lenny toward the middle. "Wait! I'm going home now!" Said the suprise guy. But Yunlan won't let him. "Please stay! Would you! His creeping me out! Until my wifey came,okey? " He whispered to Lenny. As Lenny nod. The unexpected thing happened Scott suddenly hold Yunlan's hand behind Lenny. Yunlan was shocked, "Whatta?!" As he tried to pull his hand away without Lenny knowing.
Shen Wei came, he was about to greet Lenny with a smile and go to his sweet Yunlan when he saw whats happening behind.  He suddenly bolt straight to the unexpected Scott and punched him on the nose. Everyone was shocked. "Don't you dare hold some one else property!" He shout. As he pulled Yunlan toward his car. Yunlan want to explain to him. But Shen Wei suddenly  turn Yunlan toward him and kiss him passionately. Making Lenny and the bruise Scott blushed on the sight. Yunlan was suprise as well. As Shen Wei break the kiss and place Yunlan in the car. He made a sign to Scott, "I'll be watching you!" As he got in the car and drove away.

     Yunlan was suprise they didn't get home, as Shen Wei stopped to the park of their town. He embrace Yunlan suddenly, "Are you okey?" As he caress the hand of Yunlan where Scott hold. Yunlan almost laugh at the scene but stop as he saw Shen Wei concerned eyes on him. "Yes, I can't believe your my knight in shining armor back then. And whatta hot kiss." As Shen Wei smile to him and kiss him again.

 An Office Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now