The Ugly Part Of You

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As Shen Wei and Yunlan finished there dinner at the building. "Oh! Yes Da quing will be here in a minute to pick you up." Shen Wei looked puzzle, "Why aren't you going home with me?"

Yunlan kiss him on the forehead I have a client to see." As he lead Shen Wei to the elevator. And both went in silently. "Yunlan I'm your secretary? Why can't I go with you?" Shen Wei ask suddenly. As Yunlan look away, "Don't worry it will only take a minute or two." As he still didn't look at Shen Wei's eyes. Shen Wei suddenly cling to him, luckily the body guards are all turn back to them. "Don't leave!" Yunlan was a bit suprised in his words. He laugh, "It's not like a meeting a secret lover?" Shen Wei face suddenly change, "What?!!! Who is it?!" As he tightly hold Yunlan. "Ooops!Wrong words!" Yunlan said to himself. "Come on my cute angel, it's business! Nothing else! No one can outshine your beauty!" Said Yunlan. His body guards suddenly laugh a little. Yunlan cough, "Would you two stop listening!" He shout. As the two body guards apologize.

When the elevator open, revealing Da quing. "Let's go home now! Shen Wei!" Shen Wei suddenly look at Yunlan with pleading eyes. But Yunlan still remove Shen Wei's hold on him. "Da quing get my angel safely home will you!" As he about to kiss Shen Wei, he suddenly turn and sulk as he walk away. The body guards tried not to laugh because their boss is glaring at them.

As Da quing driving the way home. Shen Wei suddenly said, "Turn around I want to see whose Yunlan's client is!" Da quing suddenly look at him said, "But were half way now to the house?" Shen Wei shout, "Turn around!" Making Da quing almost jump from his seat. "I want to know if his handsome like that Zhang Yi!" As he almost nibble his nails. "Wow! I didn't see Shen Wei so jealous before?!" Da quing said to himself as he turned around the car quickly for Shen Wei is glaring at him now. As they went to the meeting place, Shen Wei suddenly went out of the car followed behind by Da quing whose gonna be in big trouble for he let Shen Wei gone to the meeting as well. Suddenly they heard a gun shot. They quickly run their. As they saw Yunlan shot a man not once but twice. The man pleaded for his life but the blank face Yunlan just shot him again. As the man fall. "Yunlan! Stop!" Shen Wei shout. As he almost lost his balance at the shocking thing he witness. Luckily Da quing is there. The dreaded face of Yunlan is the last thing Shen Wei see. As he quickly walk away from him. Shen Wei tried to reach for him, but Da quing hold him. "Don't! He never want you to see him in what he has become, his father!" As the dead body been taken away by the body guards of Yunlan. Da quing pulled Shen Wei back to the car and speed away. Shen Wei can't believe his sweet Yunlan can kill without second thoughts. They drive silently until they reach the house. Luckily the kids are all asleep as Shen Wei ask Da quing on what happened to Yunlan. "Why did he kill that guy?" Da quing is now in big trouble but answering Shen Wei question make it all bigger as he evade every question Shen Wei made. "Stop it Shen Wei! Aren't you happy you have him now? Why must question further more?!" Shen Wei suddenly shake him. "Tell me! What happened to my sweet Yunlan! Why did he turn into a killer?! Why he killed that person?!" He shout. Da quing have enough of it. "It's all your fault! Yunlan has been running from his family back then. He didn't want to be like his father. But then he met you again! You made all that promises that you will love him forever! But what did you do?! You married someone else you made him go back to his family! His father made him into a cold blooded killer if not he will be killed by them." Shen Wei can't understand what Da quing saying. His father is associated in illegal business and his on the top of it which means Yunlan as his son is as well! That Blind date, Yunlan is one of them. They're group of eldest sons of the family. If you want to get his power you have to challenge him in a shout out if not get rid of him if you want to be at the top. That is Yunlan's life now, that's why he can't marry you! If you do you'll be bonded by the rules as well. As Da quing almost pop his eyes off, for realizing his telling to much. Shen Wei suddenly slumped on the floor, the dream family his wishing with Yunlan is becoming deem.

An hours pass Yunlan still didn't come, he called him. But his line is dead. He call one of the body guards. "Yes sir his still in the building maybe his gonna sleep here?" As he cut the call and ran towards one of the cars and speed toward the new building. When he came to it, first the body guards won't let him in but as he beg, one of them pity him and let Shen Wei in. While he was in the elevator his heart beat fast, "What would I say to him? As I know everything?! But still I want to see him even this once!" He told himself. He was jolted from his thinking as he reach the top and the elevator ring. As the elevator open the door the beautiful garden is now dark as night, for Yunlan switch off the light. Only the beam of the moon is the only light in the room. Making everything blur like going in a dream. Everything was broken and scattered. The shocking thing Shen Wei saw is the statue of the beautiful Aphrodite in the center of the fountain was shattered. While he saw Yunlan slumped on the floor sleeping. His suite is nowhere to be found and his polo shirt is tuck out. While his hands is bleeding.

Shen Wei took his handkerchief quickly to tie his wounds. But as he touched Yunlan's hands, Yunlan automatic pull a gun on him. Yunlan was shock to see him, as well Shen Wei. He immediately drop the gun and embrace his angel. "I thought you never want to see me again!" As he cried on his shoulder. "You fool I was waiting for you to come home!'' as he hugged him back.

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