My Lovely Everyday Life

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     As every day life of Yunlan, Shen Wei will pick him up in the morning and will go to a nearby park were no one will see their loving moment. After that Shen Wei will go in first in the office while Yunlan follow.

     No one suspect a thing only Da quing, while the employees are eating in the canteen. As Shen Wei and Yunlan will be left in the office. Shen Wei will pull Yunlan back to his room, to continue their lovely moment. As night came while everyone gone home. "Yunlan aren't you going with me?!" Say Da quing. Yunlan signal him his waiting for someone. As Da quing went with Guo and the others. Yunlan waited for Shen Wei. Shen Wei suddenly embrace him from behind. "I miss you!" As he nuzzle to Yunlan. Yunlan laugh, "How can you miss me, I'm always right beside you?"

     As Shen Wei date him to an expensive restaurant. While the violin played for them. Shen Wei gave something to Yunlan, an expensive watch. As Shen Wei pinpoint to Yunlan under it.            TO :YUNLAN,


                              LOVE, SHEN WEI

     Yunlan was speechless. As  Shen Wei place it upon his wrist. Yunlan was overjoyed as he kiss Shen Wei and thank him.  As Yunlan fiddle his hands,"But I don't have any gift to you?" Said Yunlan. "Why not you sleep in my place again?!" As Shen Wei kiss his hand. And looking seductively to him. Yunlan arch a brow and laugh a little. Suddenly Shen Wei phone ring. As he excuse himself to Yunlan and take the call. A minute or two he return." Can we leave now?" Yunlan was about to protest that they still haven't got to eat dinner. But looking to Shen Wei pleading eyes makes Yunlan nod.

     Minute pass as the car of Shen Wei screech and stop by his house. "Why do you speed so fast?! Are we in a marathon?" Ask Yunlan. As Shen Wei quickly get off his car and open the front door of his car where Yunlan sit. He quickly take off the seatbelt of Yunlan as he pull him up for a kiss. Yunlan was shocked to react on what to do. As Shen Wei break the kiss, he pulled Yunlan again to his house. As he open the door he pushed Yunlan into the house, as he locked it. Yunlan was puzzled on why Shen Wei suddenly in haze in getting to bed with him. He wanted to ask but Shen Wei suddenly pounce on him. As they were immerse in making love, the door suddenly open. Yunlan almost shriek as he saw Shen Wei brother looking at them. Yezun.

     In the past Yezun was known for being a flirt to anyone he wants unlike his brother who is very cold to Yunlan. Yezun have a crush on Yunlan even though he knows his the son of their father's enemy. At first Yunlan didn't understand why Shen Wei is cold to him then another day he is almost upon him.
As his heart can't bear it all why Shen Wei is so fickle in his mood. One of his friends told him the truth that its Yezun his twin brother, better watch out for him! As his a heart breaker!" After he chew you up he gonna spit you out like a gum and never want to see you again! You can tell them apart since Shen Wei is reserve and wear eyeglasses.
Yezun have a pony tail and always on style." So Yunlan hid his friends warning. As if he saw Yezun he will quickly evade him. Yezun notice this, "Playing hard to get eh?!" As he nag Yunlan to no end just to give him a kiss. Yunlan is becoming irritated and can't bear to see him, because his face is look like Shen Wei, the one that broke his heart.
As one day Yezun got an idea he made his twin brother change their clothes. Shen Wei looked puzzle on why he want that but he oblige to his brother request. As he was walking behind the school yard he bumped into Yunlan. "You again!" His angrily say, "If I kiss you now would you leave me alone forever!" Shen Wei was speechless and about to say his not Yezun. But Yunlan suddenly kiss him. "His lips is so soft and tasty....." He told himself. As Yunlan suddenly break the kiss. "Now we're even! So stay away from me!" As the red Yunlan dashed away leaving a blushing Shen Wei. Yunlan just realized that the one he kiss again is Shen Wei. When Yezun whining him for a kiss.
"But I already kiss you, yesterday at the back of the school yard!" Suddenly Shen Wei came as he face Yunlan both of them got bit red. As Shen Wei snob him, "I never want to see your face again!" Yunlan's world got crashed again.

     "Oh! My god! Gege! I knew you like Yunlan!" As  Shen Wei try to cover up his half naked boyfriend from his brother sight. Yunlan on the other hand tried to hid from Shen Wei's back.  "I thought you'll be arriving at midnight?" Said Shen Wei. An hour pass as the three of them sit on the sofa. "Maybe I should leave for now." Said Yunlan. But Shen Wei stop him. "Your not leaving! He is!" As he looked at his smirking brother. "Gege! How could you chose Yunlan over me?!" As he made a fake cry. "Did father know abou this? He was actually have a high hopes to you better than me?" As Shen Wei face him, "I know you won't tell to father because you love me dearly." As Yezun got up and sat beside his Gege and lay his head on his shoulder. "You know me really Gege!" As he smile to him. Yunlan is getting a wierd scene between the two brothers. As Yezun look at him and smirk. "You can bang Yunlan anywhere you want! I'm just gonna sleep in your visitors room." As he bid them farewell but before he gone to his room, he gave a flying kiss to Yunlan. Making his Gege jealous, as he pulled Yunlan to him. "Didi!" Yezun smirk, "I'm only joking Gege!" As he close the door.

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