The Second Date

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     As Yunlan put his robe on, and  scold everyone. "Who let Shen Wei in?" His son suddenly run from the room, "Yang yan!" Yunlan angrily call. Shen Wei block Yunlan, as he apologized to his behalf. "We're even now! You saw me naked back then!" Yunlan shut him up with his hands. As Da quing and his body guards was all shocked. "Leave!" He told them" Before the body guards leave they fix the door of Yunlan.

     "Can you forgive the kid  just for me." As he twirl Yunlan's collar robe and pull his waist unto him.  While doing his doe looking eyes. "Is my son your accomplice now?" Yunlan ask. "Forgive the kid, he didn't mean to do it?! I'll do anything you ask!" Yunlan arch his brow. "Anything?" As he wall a sweating Shen Wei, as he nod. "Sleep with me!" Yunlan said. Shen Wei almost got off balance and blushed.  "What?! I can't believe your  so forward!" Minute pass, Yunlan gave his pajama to Shen Wei to change. "It's already midnight! Sleep here with me!" As Yunlan sleep at the end of the bed with his robe. While Shen Wei change into Yunlan's pajama. He sleep at the other side. He was suprise Yunlan pulled him and envelope him to his embrace. Shen Wei never felt so happy having his Yunlan back to him. As he snuggle and hugged him. Yunlan's heart is sinking deeper and deeper to Shen Wei. One day his world will only revolve to Shen Wei again and that frightens him. As he laid his head to Shen Wei and sleep. Unknown to him, his son take a peek on them and take a picture with his cellphone as he send it to Waylen.

     Waylen smile on it as he text to Yang yan to take care of his father and congratulate him on a job well done. Next day as Shen Wei wake he thought that he was dreaming. Yunlan's face is so near to him. As he touched his nose. Yunlan crease  his face. Shen Wei can't help to stare at Yunlan lovingly. As Shen Wei about to kiss him. Yunlan cute eyes suddenly pop open. As his the one that kiss Shen Wei. Shen Wei was suprise as Yunlan flipped him up and  continue to kiss him. "Good morning! Have you had a good dream?" Ask Yunlan. Shen Wei can't believe his cold prince is suddenly melting and becoming warmer to him. As he blushed and said, "Yes! Because I have you at my side." Yunlan smile and bit his own lips as he said, "We need to take a shower first and eat breakfast before we go on a date." Shen Wei was shocked, "Shower? We?" As Yunlan arch a brow, "Why don't you want to?" As he almost took off his robe and went to the bathroom. Shen Wei almost stumbling up as he also went to the bathroom. As you hear the shower open and rustle of few clothes,  someone moan and yelp at the same time.

     A minute pass, as they were eating  breakfast. Yang yan notice his father is smiling from ear to ear while his uncle can't seem to sit properly. As his uncle look at his father, "Your so unfair!" Yunlan chuckled, "Why? I gave you what you want. I really like you when you scream my name over and over. Da quing drop his chopsticks in shocked and put both of his hands to Yang yan ears, "Please not infront of the child!'' As Yunlan forgot his son is watching them. He cough a little, "Where just playing a board game, little one!" As he rubbed his son's hair. "Board game? There's no screaming in board game?" As his son wonder. Shen Wei want to laugh and Da quing as well. "It's a different board game! Eat you breakfast you need to go to school!" As he suddenly get mad and excuse himself. While Shen Wei called his secretary. He has business to attend he say, so he couldn't come at the office right now. "Where did I heard that reason before?" Da quing think.

     As the second date of Shen Wei and Yunlan continue, they went to a mall to watch a movie. Yunlan let Shen Wei pick the movie he want, as he chose a horror movie for he know Yunlan would be scared and he will be the knight in shining armor to comfort him, that's what he think.

     As they're watching the movie Yunlan bought two popcorns and two colas. The film is about a big fish that eats everyone who swim at his lake. As the climax is about to begin. Shen Wei waited for Yunlan to scream. But Yunlan only get bored at the movie and eat the popcorn he have while Shen Wei is the one that got scared and almost jump and spilling his pop corn in  process. As every person that the fish eat Shen Wei scream, making the other watchers irritated to him. As Shen Wei was about to shout again, Yunlan suddenly kiss him. Shen Wei was suprise as he spilled his pop corn and responds back to Yunlan. Making him forget the movie as he almost climbed unto him. Luckily their in the top row where people don't go. As the movie ended. Shen Wei is very red as they walk to the exit Yunlan arm cling to his shoulder. And whispered, "I like the movie, let's do this again." As he rubbed his hand to the red bit Shen Wei.

     While their eating lunch. Yunlan can't help to smirk as he saw his date is very red in embarrassment on what happened in the movie. As he was trying to eat his sweet and sour pork. "Can I have a sweet and sour pork too?" Ask Yunlan. Shen Wei was about to give him some, when Yunlan suddenly stand and cup his chin. And kiss him again, as his tongue taste his lips. "Mmmm....the sweet and sour pork is tasty don't you think?!" The girls at their back giggled. Making Shen Wei flustered. "What gotten into you this day?! I should be the one whose making you blushed not the other way around?" Said Shen Wei. "Well I want a little revenge on making my son your accomplice and you fall for it." As he smirked.


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