Worse day

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I hated my job to be honest, I don't know why I'm still there. I should be looking for a new one. All I wanna do is go home and cuddle my boyfriend Daniel.

It finally hits 3:30 and I'm officially allowed to leave. I quickly run to my car and start the engine and race home.

When I arrive at the wdw house there was only one car and thankfully it was the car I wanted to see. It was Daniels.

When I walked into the house. My face feel when I didn't see Daniel, sitting watching a TV show like I normally do. I walk into the kitchen and place my handbag and phone on the table. " Daniel" I shout. No reply. I start to panic a little. I run upstairs to our room. Only to see ....

Daniel lying peacefully asleep. I take off my work clothes so now I'm not just in my underwear and bra and slip on of Daniels jumpers. Ugh it smells just like him. I slowly crawl into the bed and straddle him. I slowly kiss down his jaw line. I heard small moans escape his mouth. At least I knew I was doing it right. I worked up to his forehead and his it, then his nose, then his cheek then officially his lips. He woke up with a jump. But once he realised what I was doing he kissed back. I had my arms either said of Daniel to support me and Daniels hand were resting on my bum.

I slowly slid of Daniel and layed next to him. With my head on his shoulders. " I love you baby girl" Daniel said kissing my head.
" I love you 2" I said with a yawn. I remember feeling Daniel bring the covers over my shoulder while I slowly feel into a deep sleep smiling because I have the best boyfriend ever.

Sorry this wasn't very good, pls vote if you want not forcing you to xx

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