"Guys, there's so much shit here."

"Now she'll know that you take shits. You can't hide anymore." Sandra gasped sarcastically still stuck on mine and Y/N's trip and I laughed deeply.

"Shut up, oh my God." I giggled as I started walking towards the escalator.

"Someone stop me, please." I whispered as I saw an Apple store across the way.

"Buy it. Treat yourself. Do it." Marielle whispered goofily and I groaned lightly.

"I can't, I'm just gonna go and bring Y/N back." I walked back downstairs and they groaned.

"Tell daddy what to get you." Marielle joked and I couldn't help but laugh again as I felt even more embarrassed than before.

"Mila! Call us tonight before you leave! I wanna see what you guys did." Sandra yelled and I knew she was gonna hang up, her battery was probably draining like mine.

I quickly walked out of the mall so I could keep myself from overspending and I sighed.

"Yeah, of course, I love you guys." I sang lowly and they screamed out as they walked outside.

"Don't get eaten by a bear please!"

"We love you!"

Then they hung up and I was left alone with thirteen percent and socks in a bag. I just wanted to be with my friends and my girlfriend today. My mom and dad had wired me some money as a present since they didn't really know how to send what they wanted to. I knew I could've bought one thing in one of the good stores. I just didn't like spending money, I could just save it for the trip. Y/N would know what I wanted.

I walked by the Multnomah courthouse which was about fourteen minutes away from my building. My feet were already starting to hurt, I walked a lot today. I breathed in deep as the sun shined through the buildings and trees. The highest it was gonna get was now which was only sixty one degrees. 16 Celsius. I was gonna die in those woods if she didn't bring enough blankets.

I walked the rest of the way back to The Ondine dorm and when I walked into my room the door was immediately pushed back.

"Ow! Hello?!" I instantly got upset when the door pinched my arm and the door swung open.

But it was too quick Y/N appeared and before I could even look inside my own dorm she kissed my lips. The door shut behind her and she backed me into the wall behind me. I immediately let my anger fade and I kissed her back as she started to walk us down the hall.

"Hi princess." She smiled at me as her hand interlocked with mine.

"Hi." I breathed out happily and she pressed the elevator button three times.

"Wanna go to the mall?" She asked me and I giggled knowing I just came from there.

"I got socks." I quipped and pulled them out of the bag for her to see.

"Pizza socks." I added as she looked at them then at me.

"You still wanna go?" She smiled when she saw the bag and I nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't really look around. I didn't wanna spend your-"

"It's not mine, it's yours now. I wouldn't give it to you if it wasn't." She rubbed my shoulder and I leaned into her.

"I know what you're doing in there." I mumbled as we stepped back into the elevator.

"You might know what's happening but you don't know what's going to happen." She cutely pressed the first floor button.

Coffee Shop (Camila/You)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang