Dark Side- Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

"Who do you think you are?!" A shrill voice screeched 

My eyes popped open and I cringed. She had one hell of a yelling voice. A girl stomped towards me, her blonde hair all ruffled and her blue eyes positively furious. I felt Wren grow tense underneath me- I was relaxed until now. I seriously can't get one second of relaxation around here. I jumped to my feet, I was ready for whatever this chick was gonna do. She finally reached us and stood in front of me with her arms folded across her chest. Her scent hit me and I felt me fangs sharpen- a werewolf.

"Answer me!" She snarled

"Who do you think I am?" I retorted.

"A lying slut! Were you with my mate?" She yelled

"Who's your mate?" I shrugged; I was never with any werewolves unless they kidnapped me. I looked back at Wren, mouthing 'go get my brothers, she's crazy.' He shook his head, no.

"You know him, I know you do. Don't lie to me." She threatened

This time I turned to Wren and used the full power of my eyes. I told him again, "Go get my brothers."

Wren nodded this time and was off. I looked back at the girl whose arms were now down by her sides. She was trembling.

"You know." She growled

I thought about it for a bit, I've only met one wolf, "Your mate's Ian?" I tried.

"You bitch!" She yelled, I was taking that as a yes.

Her hand flung forward and I caught it before she could slap me. Whoever she was she wasn't the best fighter. I looked at the hand I'd caught. I felt my eyes change into probably neon purple and my fangs grow. This chick seriously pissed me off. I was already having a crappy day and now she's here. Something lashed me across the face and I looked at her other hand. I completely forgot about that one. A snarl escaped my mouth as I caught sight of the smirk on her lips. She may have got me there but compared to me she was a baby.

"You should take what you said back and walk away." I snarled with a bit of a lisp because of my fangs. I was going to give her one more chance

She laughed as she tried to send her foot into my stomach, but again I caught it. This time, learning from my mistakes I swung my left leg out and kicked her leg that was still planted on the ground. She fell over and a growl escaped her as she leapt back on her feet. Her eyes glowed bright red, like someone her turned their tail lights on her mind, and I was surprised she could even stand she was trembling like mad. She tried to punch me in the face and I almost laughed and I ducked under her hand. You would think a pack would teach them how to fight. I dodged another fist as I elbowed her in the stomach which was followed closely by my foot, pushing her back into s tree. Firstly she should learn how to protect herself if she's fighting a vampire. Secondly, it was a very small tree and not my hardest kick. Apparently to her though it was enough to call in for reinforcement, thus I found myself nose to nose with a furious Alpha.

He let out an ear shredding snarl as he backed up then lunged for my side. I jumped over top of him and spun myself around so I was facing him, fangs bared. My brothers both ran outside the double doors and I saw their eyes pop. They wasted no time though, they both jumped into the sea of werewolves with their own fangs out. I turned my attention back to the Alpha as he sent a foot into my rib cage. A heard a crack as I flew back into the ground. My ribs started fixing themselves instantly but man that was gonna hurt tomorrow. I pulled myself off the ground and looked back to where the Alpha had been and my heart sank. I looked over at his new target, Wren.  My boyfriend stood frozen as a growling teenager with pitch black eyes ran at him. I let out a hiss as I sprang forward catching up with the Alpha grabbing his side and flipping him. I tried to keep my face away from Wren so he wouldn't see my elongated fangs and bright purple eyes. I snarled at the Alpha sending kick after kick into any unprotected part of his body, his chin, stomach, groin, thighs. I kept going until he caught my foot and flipped me onto my stomach.  I pushed myself up, flipping over his head as he tried to hold me down (which I kicked as I flipped) and landing behind him. Before he could react I took his feet out from under him and grabbed his arm by the elbow, twisting it back so I could break it if I wanted to.

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